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Archdiocese Of Siena

The Archdiocese of Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino (Latin: Archidioecesis Senensis-Collensis-Ilcinensis) is a Latin Church archdiocese of the Catholic Church in Tuscany. The seat of the archbishop is the Cathedral of the Assumption in Siena. Until 1459, the diocese was immediately subject to the Holy See (Papacy), and its bishops attended the Roman synods. In 1459, Pope Pius II made Siena a metropolitan archbishopric.


From September 1407 to January 1408, Siena played host to the papal Court of Pope Gregory XII of the Roman Obedience.

In 1423, Siena was host to what was announced as a general council of the Church. Such meetings had been mandated by the Council of Constance, and, though Pope Martin V was most reluctant to have another council like Pisa or Constance, he authorized the assembly to meet in Pavia in the Spring of 1423. On 22 June, however, alleging the presence of the pestilence in Pavia, the Pope transferred the council to Siena. On 21 July 1423 the Council reopened in Siena, though there was only one general session, on 8 November. Work continued until the papal legates dissolved the council on 26 February 1424, though the papal bull of dissolution was not published until 12 March.

When Enea Silvio Bartolomeo Piccolomini, who was born near the town and served as bishop of Siena since 1450, got elected as Pope Pius II in 1458, he soon issued the bull "Triumphans Pastor" (22 April 1459), in which he raised the diocese of Siena to metropolitan status, and assigned to it as suffragans the dioceses of Soano, Chiusi, Massa, and Grosseto.


The Second Vatican Council, in order to ensure that all Catholics received proper spiritual attention, decreed the reorganization of the diocesan structure of Italy and the consolidation of small and struggling dioceses.

In 1980, the diocese of Montalcino claimed a Catholic population of 24,500 persons. Colle di Val d'Elsa had slightly over 60,000.

On 18 February 1984, the Vatican and the Italian State signed a new and revised concordat. Based on the revisions, a set of Normae was issued on 15 November 1984, which was accompanied in the next year, on 3 June 1985, by enabling legislation. According to the agreement, the practice of having one bishop govern two separate dioceses at the same time, aeque personaliter, was abolished. This made the combining of Montalcino and Colle di Val d'Elsa under one bishop infeasible. Instead, the Vatican continued consultations which had begun under Pope John XXIII for the merging of small dioceses, especially those with personnel and financial problems, into one combined diocese. On 30 September 1986, Pope John Paul II ordered that the dioceses of Montalcino and Colle be merged with the diocese of Siena, into one diocese with one bishop, with the Latin title Archidioecesis Senensis-Collensis-Ilcinensis. The seat of the diocese was to be in Siena, and the cathedral of Siena was to serve as the cathedral of the merged dioceses. The cathedrals in Montalcino and Colle were to become co-cathedrals, and the cathedral Chapters were to be a Capitulum Concathedralis. There was to be only one diocesan Tribunal, in Siena, and likewise one seminary, one College of Consultors, and one Priests' Council. The territory of the new diocese was to include the territory of the former dioceses of Montalcino and of Colle.


A provincial synod was an irregularly summoned meeting of the Metropolitan Archbishop of an ecclesiastical province with his suffragan bishops and other prelates, for the purpose of legislating for and reforming the collection of dioceses which belonged to the synod. A diocesan synod was an irregularly held, but important, meeting of the bishop of a diocese and his clergy. Its purpose was (1) to proclaim generally the various decrees already issued by the bishop; (2) to discuss and ratify measures on which the bishop chose to consult with his clergy; (3) to publish statutes and decrees of the diocesan synod, of the provincial synod, and of the Holy See.

Cardinal Francesco Maria Tarugi (1597–1607), Archbishop of Siena, presided over a provincial synod in Siena in 1599, and published the decrees of the assembly.

Archbishop Giuseppe Mancini (1824–1855) held a provincial synod in Siena from 30 June to 7 July 1850. The sessions were attended by four suffragan bishops (Massa e Populonia, Sovana e Pitigliano, Grosseto, and Chiusi e Pienza) as well as two bishops directly dependent upon the Holy See (Arezzo, Montepulciano). The decrees of the synod were published.

Bishops and archbishops of Siena

to 1000

  • [Lucifer of Siena (c. 306)]
  • [Florianus (313–335)]
  • [Dodo (440)]
  • Eusebius (attested 465)
  • [Magnus (520)]
  • [Maurus (565)]
  • [Aymo (597)]
  • [Robertus (612)]
  • [Piriteus (628)]
  • [Antifredus (642)]
  • Maurus (attested 649)
  • [Andreas (658)]
  • [Gualteranus (670)]
  • [Gerardus (674)]
  • Vitellianus (attested 679)
  • [Lupus (689–?)]
  • [Causivius (722)]
  • Adeodatus (attested 715, 730)
  • Grossus (attested 743)
  • Jordanus (attested 761)
  • Peredeus (776)
  • [Joannes (792)]
  • [Gherardus (?)]
  • Andrea (attested 795, 801)
  • [Piriteus (800)]
  • Perteus (Petrus) (826)
  • [Tommaso (830)]
  • Anastasius (attested 833)
  • [Gerardus (841)]
  • Concio (Cantius) (844–853)
  • [Gherardo (855)]
  • [Ambrosius (864)]
  • [Ansifredo (uncertain)]
  • [Ubertino (900)]
  • [Egidio (906)]
  • Theoderigus (attested 913 or 915)
  • Gerardus (attested 946)
  • [Vitalianus]
  • [Pisanus (963)]
  • [Lucidus]
  • Ildebrandus (attested 1000, 1018)

1000 to 1458

Archbishops of Siena

Archbishops of Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino

On 30 September 1986 the archdiocese was united with the Diocese of Colle di Val d'Elsa and the Diocese of Montalcino, and named in Latin Senensis-Collensis-Ilcinensis.

See also


  1. ^ "Archdiocese of Siena-Colle di Val d'Elsa-Montalcino" Catholic-Hierarchy.org. David M. Cheney. Retrieved February 29, 2016
  2. ^ "Metropolitan Archdiocese of Siena–Colle di Val d’Elsa–Montalcino" GCatholic.org. Gabriel Chow. Retrieved February 29, 2016
  3. ^ Kehr Italia pontificia III, p. 198.
  4. ^ Diana Norman (1999). Siena and the Virgin: Art and Politics in a Late Medieval City State. New Haven CT USA: Yale University Press. p. 197. ISBN 978-0-300-08006-3.
  5. ^ Walter Brandmüller (1968). Das Konzil von Pavia-Siena 1423-1424: Quellen. Vorreformationsgeschichtliche Forschungen, Bd. 16/2. (in German and Latin). Vol. Band II. Munster: Aschendorff. pp. 19–20. ISBN 9783402038123.
  6. ^ Carl Joseph Hefele, Histoire des conciles Vol. VII, part 1 (Paris: Letouzey 1916), pp. 610-645, at p. 619, 622.
  7. ^ Bullarum diplomatum et privilegiorum sanctorum romanorum pontificum (in Latin). Vol. Tomus V. Turin: Seb. Franco, H. Fori et H. Dalmazzo. 1860. pp. 150–152 §3.: "Necnon filias nostras praedictas Suanensem, Clusinensem et Grossetanensem et Massanensem Ecclesias, cum suis civitatibus et dioecesibus, iuribus el pertinentiis universis, Ecclesiae Seuensi et arcbiepiscopis praefatis, tamquam illorum metropolitanis et de eorum provincia...."
  8. ^ In its decree Christus Dominus, section 22, it stated: "Concerning diocesan boundaries, therefore, this sacred synod decrees that, to the extent required by the good of souls, a fitting revision of diocesan boundaries be undertaken prudently and as soon as possible. This can be done by dividing dismembering or uniting them, or by changing their boundaries, or by determining a better place for the episcopal see or, finally, especially in the case of dioceses having larger cities, by providing them with a new internal organization.... At the same time the natural population units of people, together with the civil jurisdictions and social institutions that compose their organic structure, should be preserved as far as possible as units. For this reason, obviously, the territory of each diocese should be continuous."
  9. ^ Acta Apostolicae Sedis 79 (Città del Vaticano 1987), pp. 783-786.
  10. ^ Benedictus XIV (1842). "Lib. I. caput secundum. De Synodi Dioecesanae utilitate". Benedicti XIV ... De Synodo dioecesana libri tredecim (in Latin). Vol. Tomus primus. Mechlin: Hanicq. pp. 42–49. John Paul II, Constitutio Apostolica de Synodis Dioecesanis Agendis (March 19, 1997): Acta Apostolicae Sedis 89 (1997), pp. 706-727.
  11. ^ Francesco Maria Tarugi (1601). Constitutiones et decreta condita in prouinciali Synodo Senensi prima quam Franciscus Maria Taurusius tit. s. Bartholomaei in insula presbyter cardinalis, illiusq. ecclesiae Archiepiscopus habuit anno 1599 (in Latin). Roma: ex typographia Aloysii Zannetti.
  12. ^ Acta et decreta SS. conciliorum recentiorum. Collectio Lacensis (in Latin). Vol. Tomus sextus (6). Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder. 1882. pp. 244–269.
  13. ^ The name Lucifer (or Luciferius) is first found in a list of bishops compiled in the 15th or 16th century. There is no other testimony to his existence. Ughelli III, p. 527. Pecci, Introduzione §7; p. 1. Cappelletti XVII, p. 372. Lanzoni, p. 565.
  14. ^ Optatus of Milevis, Contra Parmenianam Donatistam, mentions a "Florianus a Sinna" who was present at the Roman synod of 306. Learned scholars have assigned him to Senigaglia, Senia in Dalmatia, Segni in Latium, Siscia in Illyricum, Aesinus (Jesi), Caesena, and Siena in Tuscany. Vittorio Lusini "I confini storici del vescovado di Siena, in Bulletino senese di storia patria 1898, p. 337. Lanzoni, pp. 566-567.
  15. ^ Pecci, pp. 2-3, believes that Dodo is a barbarian name, and consequently not that of a bishop of Siena in the 5th century. Pecci: "Io però mi avanzerei più facilmente acredere, col parere del dottissimo Signor Dott. Giovanni Lami, che la voce Dodone possa derivare dalle Nazioni barbare, e per conseguenza un Vescovo di tal nome in quel secolo non abbia occupata la Sede di Siena." Lanzoni, p. 567, italicizes the name, as doubtful.
  16. ^ Bishop Eusebius was present at the Roman synod of Pope Hilarius which met in S. Maria Maggiore on 17 November 465. J.-D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus VII (Florence: A. Zatta 1762), p. 959. Ughelli, p. 528, is wrong in naming the council as the Council of Chalcedon.
  17. ^ Ughelli, p. 528, places Magnus in 520, on the authority of Tizio. Pecci, pp. 3-4, places the authentic Magnus in the 8th century. Lanzoni, p. 567, italicizes the name, as doubtful.
  18. ^ Ughelli, p. 528, believes that this Maurus is not the bishop of Volterra, despite the fact that he consecrated two churches in that diocese. Pecci, pp. 4-5. Lanzoni, p. 567, believes that this Maurus is the same as the genuine Maurus, attested in 649. Lanzoni, p. 567, italicizes the name, as doubtful.
  19. ^ Lanzoni, p. 567, rejects the name and the person: "Eegistrato dall' Ughelli (III, 528) nell'anno 597, per altro il suo nome è altamente sospetto; o è spurio o dev'essere abbassato dopo il 604."
  20. ^ Robertus' date is unattested, and there are no documents. Pecci, p. 6.
  21. ^ Piriteus' date is unattested, and there are no documents. Pecci, p. 6.
  22. ^ Antifredus' date is unattested, and there are no documents. Pecci, p. 6.
  23. ^ Bishop Maurus was present at the Lateran council of Pope Martin I; he was one of three bishops named Maurus at the meeting. J.-D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus X (Florence: A. Zatta 1764), p. 867. Ughelli, p. 528.
  24. ^ Andreas has no existence outside the episcopal lists. His date is unattested, and there are no documents. Pecci, p. 8.
  25. ^ Gualterianus (Gualtierano) has no existence outside the episcopal lists. His date is unattested, and there are no documents. Pecci, p. 9.
  26. ^ The name Gerardus is found only in the episcopal lists. The date is unattested. There are two other suspicious Gerardus in the list. Pecci, p. 9.
  27. ^ Bishop Vitalianus (Vitellianus) was present at the Roman synod of Pope Agatho in 679. J.-D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XI (Florence: A. Zatta 1765), p. 310.
  28. ^ Lupus' date is unattested. There are no documents beyond the 15th century episcopal list, which is riddled with duplicate names and other errors. Pecci, p. 10-11.
  29. ^ Pecci, p. 12, notes that there are no sources for Causivius, and that his alleged date conflicts with the known tenure of Bishop Adeodatus.
  30. ^ Pecci, pp. 12-48.
  31. ^ Bishop Grossus was present at the first Roman synod of Pope Zacharias in 743. J.-D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XII (Florence: A. Zatta 1766), p. 384d. Pecci, p. 48.
  32. ^ Bishop Jordanus subscribed to a constitution of Pope Paul I on 2 June 761. Mansi, Tomus XII, p. 649.
  33. ^ Peredeus: Pecci, pp. 51-52.
  34. ^ The episcopacy of a Joannes (Giovanni) rests on the report of a document, whose existence has been questioned. Pecci, p. 53. Cappelletti, p. 402, does not mention him. He is excluded from Gams' list, p. 752 column 1.
  35. ^ Cappelletti, p. 402, does not mention him. He is excluded from Gams' list, p. 752 column 1.
  36. ^ Andrea: Ughelli, pp. 53-57. Kehr III, p. 200, no. 7.
  37. ^ Piriteus' alleged date conflicts with documented date of Bishop Andrea. Ughelli, p. 530, can only say "creditur". Cappelletti, p. 402, agrees.
  38. ^ Perteus may be the correct reading of the name of the bishop who attended the Roman synod of Pope Eugenius II. J.-D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIV (Venice: A. Zatta 1769), p. 999. Pecci, pp. 62-63. Cappelletti, pp. 402-403.
  39. ^ Pecci, pp. 63-73. Cappelletti, p. 403. Gams, p. 752 column 1.
  40. ^ Pecci, p. 75. Cappelletti, p. 412.
  41. ^ On 15 June 844, Bishop Concio attended the coronation of Louis II of Italy, the son of the Emperor Lothair I. In 850, Bishop Concio (or Cancio) was present at a Roman synod presided over by Pope Leo IV and the Emperor Lothair, in which his case with the bishop of Arezzo was heard. He was present at the Roman synod of Pope Leo IV on 8 December 853, in which Anastasius, Cardinal priest of S. Marcello, was excommunicated and deposed. J.-D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIV (Venice: A. Zatta 1769), p. 1020. Kehr III, p. 200, no. 9. Cappelletti, pp. 403-412.
  42. ^ this Gerardus is known only by a single document, which does not survive, and whose authenticity has been questioned. Pecci, p. 85. Cappelletti, p. 412.
  43. ^ The name is dubious, unattested. Pecci, p. 86: "si accordano tutti i Cronologisti a riferire, che presedesse al governo del Clero Sanefe nell' 864, ma non adducono testimonianza di alcuna sorta di scritture."
  44. ^ The authority for Ansifredus is a book published in 1506 by Bartolomeo Benevolentius, in which Ansifredus is said to have sought certain relics from Pope Stephen VIII c. 940. When his book was translated into Italian by Fabius Benevolentius, Fabius pointed out that Stephen VIII lived c. 1046. Ughelli, p. 531-532. Ansifredus is passed over in silence by Pecci and by Gams.
  45. ^ Ubertino is known only from the statement of Ughelli, p. 532, who gives only the name and a date; others repeat his statement. Pecci, p. 93, is wary of the lack of any detail: "si riporta coll' autorità dell' Ughelli, del Padre Isidoro Ugurgieri, e di altri Cronologisti all' anno 900; ma non descrivono del medesimo particolarità, nè citano autorità alcuna."
  46. ^ Egidius is rejected by Pecci, p. 93: "Egidio è dato per Pastore al Gregge della Chieaa di Siena nel 906; ma neppure di esso citano gli Scrittori autorità di documenti. He is included in Gams' list, at p. 752 column 1.
  47. ^ A document referring to Bishop Theodericus and subscribed by him is dated either 913 or 915, depending on the computation of the 26th year of the reign of King Berengar, who issued the document. Pecci, pp. 93–96, quotes the document in full.
  48. ^ Bishop Gerardus (or Gherardus) is known only from a document dated July 946. Schwartz, p. 223. The document is quoted and discussed by Pecci, pp. 96–98.
  49. ^ Schwartz, p. 223, italicizes his name: "Beide [Vitellianus and Lucidus] von Ughelli und Pecci (Storia del vescovado di Siena [Lucca 1748] 98) ohne Belege genannt.
  50. ^ A bishop of Siena appears to have been present at the conciliabulum of 963, which sought to depose Pope John XII. His name, however, was not Pisanus; that has been explained as a copyist's error, who mistook the name of a diocese (Pisa) for the name of a person as he was transcribing the work of Liutprand of Cremona. Such is the explanation put forth in Ughelli III, p. 532, in the note criticizing Ughelli. Other manuscripts give the name Stephanus: J.-D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XVIII (Venice: A. Zatta 1773), p. 465. Pecci, p. 100.
  51. ^ Ughelli, p. 532, remarks: "Sed Lucido huic, nullum reperi scriptorem, qui aliquam lucem temporis, quo floruerit, adferret, sed reponitur post Pisanum ante Adeodatum II." Pecci, p. 101, is equally without resources. Gams, p. 752, omits his name entirely from his list of Bishops of Siena.
  52. ^ Ildebrandus: Pecci, pp. 101-105. Cappelletti, pp. 418–420. Schwartz, pp. 221–222.
  53. ^ Schwartz, p. 221, note 1, reports grave suspicion as to the authenticity of his single signature: "Giselbertus nur 1. Dezember 1012 in den sehr verdächtigen Unterschriften einer Bulle Benedikts VIII. für Urgel (J[affe].-L[owenfeld]. 3993) genannt...."
  54. ^ Bishop Leo was present at the Roman synod of Pope John XIX on 6 April 1027. J.-D. Mansi, Sacrorum Conciliorum nova et amplissima collectio, editio novissima, Tomus XIX (Venice: A. Zatta 1774), p. 479. Cappelletti, p. 420. Schwartz, p. 222.
  55. ^ Bishop Adalbertus was present at the Roman synod of Pope Benedict IX on 2 November 1036, but, according to Schwartz and others there cited (p. 222, note 1), he was bishop of Sena Gallia (Sinigaglia). Mansi, Tomus XIX, p. 582. Ughelli III, p. 535. Pecci, pp. 110-111.
  56. ^ Joannes (Giovanni): Pecci, pp. 111-123. V. Lusini, "I confini storici del Vescovado di Siena", Bulletino senese di storia patria 8 (1901), p. 255 (5 May 1037). Schwartz, p. 222.
  57. ^ Bishop Roffredus was present at the Roman synod of Pope Nicholas II. Mansi, Tomus XIX, p. 911 (The manuscripts also give his name as Nofredus, and Roffredus as bishop of Ateste; at p. 919 one finds "Joannes Senensis"). Pecci, p. 124.
  58. ^ Adalbertus: Schwartz, p. 222.
  59. ^ Rodulfus: Schwartz, p. 222-223.
  60. ^ Gualfredus (Gaufridus) is first found on 6 February 1108 at the transfer of the remains of S. Ansanus. He died on 24 July 1127. Ughelli, p. 540-543. Pecci, p. 141–149. Schwartz, p. 223. Ughelli says that he was present at the council of 22 October 1106 of Pope Paschal II at Guastalla. This is not confirmed by the evidence; see: Uta-Renate Blumenthal (1978). The Early Councils of Pope Paschal II, 1100–1110. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies. p. 42. ISBN 978-0-88844-043-3. In March 1123, he was present at the Lateran synod of Pope Calixtus II: Kehr III, p. 202, no. 21. On 30 March 1124, the pope assigned the eighteen controversial parishes to Bishop Gualfredus: Kehr, p. 202, no. 25. On 8 March 1125, the new pope, Honorius II, heard the appeal between Gualfredus and the bishop of Arezzo: Kehr, p. 203, no. 29. Bishop Gualfredus died on 24 July 1127: "Annales Senenses" in Mononumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores, Vol. XIX, p. 225.
  61. ^ Bishop-elect Rainerius arrived in Siena on 3 December 1129: "Annales Senenses" in Mononumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores, Vol. XIX, p. 226.; V. Lusini, "I confini storici del Vescovado di Siena", Bulletino senese di storia patria 8 (1901), p. 254 (grant to bishop Rainerius and cathedral, October 1155). Bishop Rainerius died on 27 May 1170, according to the "Annales Senenses", in Mononumenta Germaniae Historica, Scriptores, Vol. XIX, p. 226.
  62. ^ On 25 October 1174 and on 22 June 1176, Gunteramus was still bishop-elect: Kehr III, p. 205, nos. 39–41. On 28 January 1188, Pope Clement III confirmed the privileges of the diocese and bishop of Siena for Bishop Gunteramus: Kehr, p. 206, no. 44. He died on 13 December 1188. Ughelli III, pp. 547–551. Pecci, pp. 169–184.
  63. ^ Master Bonus had been a Canon of the cathedral of Siena. On 20 April 1189, Pope Clement III confirmed the privileges of the Church of Siena for Bishop Bonus. On 5 November 1189, Bishop Bonus participated in the consecration of the church of S. Spirito in the abbey of Torri. Bonus (Bono) died on 25 October 1215. Pecci, pp. 184–196. Kehr, p. 206, no. 45. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica I, p. 446.
  64. ^ Bonfilius was consecrated a bishop in Rome by Pope Innocent III on Easter Sunday, 2 April 1216. He died on 15 December 1252. Pecci, pp. 196–214. Cappelletti, pp. 459–469. Eubel I, p. 446.
  65. ^ Tommaso was a Roman, who had studied at the Dominican convent of Santa Sabina on the Aventine. He had been bishop-elect of Cephalonia, according to Eubel. He was appointed bishop of Siena on 13 December 1253 by Pope Innocent IV. Tommaso died in 1273 (not as Gams, p. 752, has it, dying in 1254 and being succeeded by Tommaso Balzetti; they are the same person); his successor was appointed on 12 June 1273. Pecci, pp. 216–228. Cappelletti, p. 469. Eubel I, p. 446.
  66. ^ In 1265, Bernardus was a papal chaplain. Bernardus was confirmed as Bishop of Siena by Pope Gregory X on 2 June 1273. Bernardus died in 1281, after 29 August. Pecci, pp. 228–238. Eubel I, pl. 446.
  67. ^ Raynaldus, a Canon of the cathedral of Siena, was elected by the cathedral Chapter on 12 September 1281 (Pecci, p. 230), and confirmed by Pope Martin IV on 16 November 1282. He died on 8 June 1307. Pecci, pp. 239–250. Eubel I, p. 446.
  68. ^ A native of the village of Casule, Rogerius was appointed Bishop of Siena on 14 May 1307 by Pope Clement V. He was serving as papal Vicar of Rome when he died on 7 June 1316 (not 1317, as Ughelli, p. 562, has it). Pecci, pp. 251–265. Eubel I, p. 446.
  69. ^ Bishop Donusdei's correct name is given in contemporary documents quoted by Pecci, pp. 265–274. He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure. A Canon of the cathedral of Siena, he was elected by the cathedral Chapter in a contest with Canon Bindo, but was provided (appointed) by Pope John XXII on 23 May 1317, when the matter was submitted to the papal court. He made his last Will and Testament on 5 December 1350. Ughelli, pp. 562–563. Eubel I, p. 446.
  70. ^ Azzolino was a Canon of the cathedral of Siena. He was elected, but also provided by Pope Clement VI on 22 October 1351. He died on 1 January 1371. Eubel I, p. 446.
  71. ^ Jacobus held the degree of Doctor of Canon Law, and was Auditor Causarum (judge) in the papal court. Pecci, pp. 274–282. Eubel I, p. 446.
  72. ^ A Gascon, Guglielmo had previously been Bishop of Comachio. He was elected Bishop of Siena on 16 December 1371, and confirmed by Pope Gregory XI. He was employed by the pope, however, on a mission in Lombardy, and did not enter Siena until July 1373. The authorities report that he died in Siena in January 1377. Pecci, however, says that he became Bishop of Larino. Pecci, pp. 285–288.
  73. ^ A native of Gubbio, Luca was the son of Ghino Bertini and brother of Ghino Bertini, who practiced medicine in Gubbio. He was Bishop of Narni from 1373 to 1377. According to Gams, p. 752, he was transferred to Siena from Narni on 2 October 1377, by Pope Gregory XI. He took possession of the diocese on 8 June by proxy, and made his solemn entry on 21 September 1378. He died on 1 October 1384. Pecci, pp. 288–294. Cappelletti, pp. 490–491. Eubel I, p. 446.
  74. ^ Following the death of Bishop Luca on 1 October 1384, and taking the opportunity to assert their traditional right, the cathedral Chapter elected Fra Michele on 10 October, but he could not obtain confirmation. Pecci, pp. 290-294. Eubel I, p. 446.
  75. ^ Minutoli, a Neapolitan like the Pope, was provided (appointed) by Urban VI of the Roman Obedience in the Western Schism, after he had rejected the Sienese election of Michele Pelagalli. The Regents of Siena, however, were not willing to accept a foreigner after the rejection of their own candidate, and refused Minutoli possession of his diocese. In mid-1385, Minutoli resigned. Pecci, pp. 294–295. Eubel I, p. 446.
  76. ^ Condulmer was the nephew and Treasurer of Pope Gregory XII (Correr). He was secular Prior of the collegiate church of S. Augustine outside the walls of Venice, and a Canon of the cathedral of Verona. He was only c. 24 years old when he was nominated bishop of Siena, on 30 December 1407, and required a dispensation. He was appointed a cardinal on 9 May 1408, while he was still bishop-elect of Siena. He was consecrated a bishop in Siena by his uncle in 1408, and he resigned the diocese in 1408. His uncle Pope Gregory was deposed and anathematized by the Council of Pisa on 5 June 1409. Condulmer had already been excommunicated by the Avignon pope, Benedict XIII. He was elected Pope Eugenius IV on 3 March 1431. Ughelli III, p. 569–570. Pecci, pp. 302–304. Cappelletti, p. 491. Eubel I, p. 31, no. 2; 446.
  77. ^ Casini was appointed bishop of Siena by Pope Gregory XII on 20 July 1409. Eubel I, p. 446.
  78. ^ Cristoforo di San Marcello was a native of Vicenza in the Veneto. He was a Doctor of Canon Law, and a papal Referendary. He had previously been Bishop Cervia (1431–1435), and Bishop of Rimini (1435–1444). Bishop Bartoli of Siena died on 12 or 13 September 1444; Cristoforo was transferred from Rimini to Siena on 18 September by Pope Eugenius IV. He died in Rome in November 1444, and his successor was appointed on 27 November 1444. Pecci, pp. 319–320. Eubel, Hierarchia catholica II, pp. 95; 126 with note 2; 235.
  79. ^ Piccolomini was elected Pope Pius II
  80. ^ Piccolomini was elected pope, taking the name Pius III. Pecci, pp. 332–346. Ludwig Freiherr von Pastor (1902). The History of the Popes. Vol. VI (second ed.). K. Paul, Trench, Trübner & Company, Limited. pp. 198–201.
  81. ^ C. Ugurgieri della Berardenga, Pio II Piccolomini con notizie su P. III e altri membri della famiglia (Florence 1973), pp. 504–523. (in Italian)
  82. ^ W. E. Wilkie, The Beginnings of Cardinal Protectorship of England: Francesco Todeschini Piccolomini, 1492–1503, Fribourg 1996.
  83. ^ Piccolomini's episcopal duties at Siena were carried out by an auxiliary bishop, Antonio Fatati: Novaes, Elementi VI, p. 127.
  84. ^ Pecci, pp. 346–350.
  85. ^ Archbishop Piccolomini was a supporter of Siena's independence from the duchy of Florence, which brought him the hostility and suspicion of Duke Cosimo I. The duke was a micro-manager, and insisted on being consulted before any trip or project, which brought frequent confrontation with the archbishop of Siena. Cosimo nonetheless saw to it that the Archbishop's nephew, Germanico Bandini Piccolomini, was made Francesco's coadjutor from 1560 to 1569. Pecci, pp. 351–354. Kathleen Comerford (2016). Jesuit Foundations and Medici Power, 1532-1621. Leiden-Boston: Brill. p. 37. ISBN 978-90-04-30057-6.
  86. ^ Tarugi was a native of Montepulciano, and a grand-nephew of Cardinal Antonio Tarugi. Through his mother, Giulia Pucci, he was a cousin of Pope Julius III. He became an Oratorian priest, and founded the Oratory in Naples. He was papal chamberlain of Pope Pius V. He was appointed Archbishop of Avignon by Pope Clement VIII, and was named a cardinal on 5 June 1596. He was then transferred to the diocese of Siena on 15 September 1597. He resigned the diocese (in 1606, according to Pecci) in favor of Bishop Camillo Borghese of Montalcino (a cousin or nephew of Pope Paul V), who was transferred to Siena on 24 January 1607. Tarugi died in Rome on 11 June 1608. Pecci, pp. 356–358. Gauchat, Hierarchia catholica IV, pp. 4, no. 7; 105 with note 2; 312 with note 2.
  87. ^ Borghese was a native of Siena, and the nephew of Cardinal Camillo Borghese, who became Pope Paul V in 1605. He had been bishop of Castro in Apulia (1592–1600), and Montalcino (1600–1607). He was transferred to Siena by Pope Paul V on 24 January 1607, and took possession of the diocese on 29 March. He died on 8 October 1612. It was said that the pope had been petitioned to name him a cardinal, but that never took place. Pecci, pp. 358–359. Cappelletti, p. 510. Gauchat, pp. 139, 208, 312 with note 3.
  88. ^ Bichi: Pecci, pp. 359–361. Gauchat, p. 312 with note 4.
  89. ^ Petrucci: Pecci, pp. 362–364. Gauchat, p. 312 with note 5.
  90. ^ Ascanio Piccolomini: Pecci, pp. 364–366. Gauchat, p. 312 with note 6.
  91. ^ Coelius Piccolomini: Pecci, pp. 366–369. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, p. 353 with note 2.
  92. ^ Marsili: Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, p. 353 with note 3.
  93. ^ Zondadari: Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica V, p. 353 with note 4.
  94. ^ Born in Montepulciano in 1695, Cervini was the son of Marcello Cervini, Count of Vivo, and Giulia di Azzolino Ugurgieri. He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure from the University of Siena (1718). He had been Canon and then Archpriest in the cathedral Chapter of Siena. He served as Vicar General of Archbishop Zondadari, and then Vicar Capitular of Siena. He was appointed Archbishop of Siena on 29 May 1747 by Pope Benedict XIV, and consecrated a bishop in Rome by Cardinal Joaquin Portocarrero on 11 June 1747. He died on 13 November 1771. Pecci, pp. 370–373. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VI, p. 325, with note 2.
  95. ^ Borghesi had previously been Bishop of Sovana (1762–1772), where he held a diocesan synod in 1768, noted for its efforts to reform the clergy. He was appointed Archbishop of Siena by Pope Clement XIV on 1 June 1772. He died in Siena on 10 March 1792. Gazzetta universale: 1792 (in Italian). 1792. p. 166. Ritzler-Sefrin VI, p. 325 with note 3. G. Pignatelli, "Borghesi, Tiberio", Dizionario biografico degli italiani 12 (Rome 1960), pp. 652–655 (in Italian).
  96. ^ Born in Siena in 1740, Marsili held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure from the University of Siena (1792), and became a lecturer in Canon Law at that university. He had been a Jesuit, until the Society of Jesus was dissolved by papal bull in 1773. On the recommendation of the Grand Duke of Tuscany, he was appointed Archbishop of Siena by Pope Pius VI on 3 December 1792, and consecrated a bishop in Rome on 9 December 1792 by Cardinal Andrea Corsini. He died in Siena on 27 December 1794. Cappelletti, p. 514. Ritzler-Sefrin VI, p. 325 with note 4.
  97. ^ Born in Siena in 1740, Zondadari was the son of Giuseppe marquis of S. Quirico, and great-grand nephew of Cardinal Antonio Felice Zondadari. He held the degree of Doctor in utroque iure from the Sapienza, Rome (1768), and became a Referendary of the Tribunal of the Two Signatures. He was governor of the cities of Rieti and Benevento, and then Inquisitor of Malta. On 19 December 1785, he was appointed titular bishop of Adana, qualifying him for the post of papal nuncio to Flanders (1786–1787). He was secretary of the Sacred Congregation de propaganda fide from 1791–1795. He was appointed Archbishop of Siena by Pope Pius VI on 1 June 1795, and named a cardinal by Pope Pius VII on 23 February 1801, and assigned the title of Santa Balbina on 23 December. He died in Siena on 13 April 1823. Ritzler-Sefrin VI, pp. 64, 325 with note 5; VII, pp. 8, 40.
  98. ^ Born in 1777, Mancini was a native Florentine, who studied first at the Florentine seminary, and then at the University of Siena. In 1811, he was arrested by the French and deported to Fenestrelle (Piedmont), where he became acquainted with Cardinal Bartolomeo Pacca. From 1818 to 1824, he was Bishop of Massa Maritima. He was transferred to the diocese of Siena by Pope Leo XII on 12 July 1824. He died on 15 February 1855. Ritzler-Sefrin, Hierarchia catholica VII, pp. 256, 342. F. Piselli Petrioli, in: Sangalli (2003), p. 120. F. D. Nardi, Giuseppe dei conti Mancini arcivescovo di Siena (1824–1855), Siena 2002, pp. 1–55.
  99. ^ Born in Prato in 1789, Baldanzi had been a Canon of the cathedral of Prato, and then Bishop of Volterra (1851–1855). He was appointed Archbishop of Siena by Pope Pius IX on 28 September 1855. He died on 7 March 1866. Ritzler-Sefrin VIII, p. 595.



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