Atti, Jalandhar
Atti is a village in Phillaur tehsil of Jalandhar District of Punjab State, India. It is located 2 km away from national highway 1 and 3.5 km away from postal head office Bara Pind. The village is 7 km away from Goraya, 12 km from Phillaur, 40 km from Jalandhar, and 121 km from state capital Chandigarh. The village is administrated by Sarpanch who is elected representative of village.
The village has population of 1579 and most of the villagers are from schedule caste (SC), constituting 38.19% of the total population. The village doesn't have any Schedule Tribe (ST) population.
Atti has a Co-educational Primary with Upper Primary and Secondary school (Shri Dashmesh Convent S. Atti School) which was founded in 1999.
The nearest train station is situated in Goraya and Ludhiana Jn Railway Station is 25 km away from the village.
The nearest domestic airport is 43 km away in Ludhiana and the nearest international airport is 135 km away in Amritsar other nearest international airport is located in Chandigarh.
- ^ "Atti village Population Census 2011".
- ^ "Shri Dashmesh Convent S. Atti School Jalandhar, Punjab". ICBSE. Retrieved 10 May 2016.