Balliawal (Ludhiana East)
Balliawal is a village located in the Ludhiana East tehsil, of Ludhiana district, Punjab.
It is administered by a Sarpanch, and elected representative for the village under the constitution of India and Panchayati raj. There are 379 houses in the village, supporting a population of 2,000.
Children aged less than 6 comprise around 15% of the total population. 71.22% of the population are members of Scheduled Castes. According to census data there are no members of Scheduled Tribes in Balliawal.
Villages in Ludhiana East Tehsil
External links
- ^ "Balliawal (Ludhiana East)". Retrieved 31 July 2016.
- ^ "Child Sex Ratio details". Retrieved 2 August 2016.