  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia


Bartyki is a neighbourhood in Warsaw, Poland, located within the district of Wilanów, in the City InformationSystem area of Zawady.

The neighbourhood is dominated by farmland and grass fields, with sparse presence of low-rise residencial building. It was founded prior to 19th century, and in 1951, it was incorporated into the nearby city of Warsaw.


The village of Bartyki was settled prior to 19th century, being located between Zawady to the north, and Kępa Zawadowska to the south.

On 15 March 1951, Bartyki, together with surrounding area, was incorporated into the nearby city of Warsaw.

In 2006, the district of Wilanów was subdivided into the City Information System areas, with Bartyki becoming part of the area of Zawady.


  1. ^ Agnieszka Bartoszewicz, Henryk Bartoszewicz: Plany szczegółowe Warszawy 1800-1914 w zbiorach Archiwum Głównego Akt Dawnych. Pułtusk: A. Gieysztor Higher School of Humanities, 2002, p. 164. ISBN 9788388067525. (in Polish)
  2. ^ "Dzielnica Wilanów". zdm.waw.pl (in Polish).
  3. ^ Studium uwarunkowań i kierunków zagospodarowania przestrzennego miasta stołecznego Warszawy ze zmianami. Warsaw: Warsaw City Council, 1 March 2018, pp. 10–14. (in Polish)
  4. ^ "Bartyki", In: Geographical Dictionary of the Kingdom of Poland, vol. 15, part 1: Abablewo – Januszowo. Warsaw, 1900, p. 89. (in Polish)
  5. ^ "Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów z dnia 5 maja 1951 r. w sprawie zmiany granic miasta stołecznego Warszawy". isap.sejm.gov.pl (in Polish).