  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Battle Of Two Sisters

3 Commando Brigade

United Kingdom Royal Navy 4th Infantry Regiment
6th Infantry RegimentStrength 600 Royal Marines
6 light guns
1 destroyer (HMS Glamorgan) 350
1 shore missile batteryCasualties and losses 8 killed on land. 14 killed on HMS Glamorgan
17 wounded on land. unknown on HMS Glamorgan.
1 destroyer damaged 20 killed
50 wounded
54 captured

The Battle of Two Sisters was an engagement of the Falklands War during the British advance towards the capital, Port Stanley. It took place from 11 to 12 June 1982 and was one of three battles in a Brigade-size operation all on the same night, the other two being the Battle of Mount Longdon and the Battle of Mount Harriet. It was fought mainly between an assaulting British force consisting of Royal Marines of 45 Commando and an Argentine Company drawn from 4th Infantry Regiment (Regimiento de Infantería 4 or RI 4).

One of a number of night battles that took place during the British advance towards Stanley, the battle led to British troops capturing all the heights above the town, allowing its capture and the surrender of the Argentine forces on the islands.


Composition of forces

The British force, commanded by Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Whitehead, consisted of the Royal Marines of 45 Commando, the anti-tank troop from 40 Commando with support from six 105-mm guns of 29 Commando Regiment. The 2nd Battalion, Parachute Regiment (2 Para), was held in reserve. Naval gunfire support was provided by HMS Glamorgan's twin 4.5-inch (114 mm) guns.

45 Commando was instructed to seize Two Sisters Mountain under the cover of darkness and proceed onto Tumbledown Mountain if time allowed, but Argentine resistance was stiff enough to cancel the second phase of the attack.

The Argentinian force originally occupying Mount Challenger, commanded by Major Ricardo Cordón, consisted of the 4th Infantry Regiment (Regimiento de Infantería 4 or RI 4), with the bulk of the defenders drawn from C Company with the 1st Platoon (Sub-Lieutenant Miguel Mosquera-Gutierrez) and 2nd Platoon (Sub-Lieutenant Jorge Pérez-Grandi) on the northern peak of Two Sisters and the 3rd Platoon (Sub-Lieutenant Marcelo Llambias-Pravaz) on the southern peak and the 1st Platoon A Company (Sub-Lieutenant Juan Nazer) and Support Platoon (Second Lieutenant Luis Carlos Martella) on the saddle between the two. Major Óscar Ramón Jaimet's B Company of the 6th Mechanized Infantry Regiment (Regimiento de Infantería Mecanizado 6 RI Mec 6), acting as the local reserve, occupied the saddle between Two Sisters and Mount Longdon. In early June, Jaimet's company would be reinforced with the Support Platoon under Second Lieutenant Marcelo Óscar Dorigón from the 12th Regiment's B Company who had been left behind on Mount Kent, after RI 12's B Company had been helicoptered forward as reinforcements during the Battle of Goose Green.


Night of 11 to 12 June, west of Stanley

From 1 June, the 4th Infantry Regiment, on Two Sisters and Mount Harriet, was given permission by Lieutenant-Colonel Diego Soria, to use their cold-weather ration packs, which lifted spirits and helped keep hunger under control among the conscripts.

On 2 June, the 4th Regiment's Operation Officer, Captain Carlos Alfredo López-Patterson, arrived to help in the defence of Two Sisters. He would visit the rifle platoons in order to maintain the defenders informed and raise morale:

In those visits, one thing that always moved me was that, while I saluted Second Lieutenant Llambias Pravaz, the soldiers in that platoon would clap and they cheered. It must have been because they noticed that I was recognizing the valour they were acquiring in that place. Because they were very isolated, waiting for the enemy, just them and their souls. Or, perhaps, because seeing their commander who is going to share a few words - a brotherly gesture of a young man towards other young people - they felt their desire revived to fight. One day, a lad approached me and said "Since we have got to dance in this one, we are going to do it well. We are going to support the Second Lieutenant who has fallen sick and still remains with us. We have got to help the one whose feet get cold or the one who freaks out. Because from here we all leave together or no one leaves at all". What could I say?

On 4 June, the three rifle companies of 45 CDO advanced on Bluff Cove Peak, on the lower slopes of Mount Kent, and were able to occupy the feature without opposition and were met by patrols from the Special Air Service (SAS). On the night of 29 May, a fierce firefight had developed over capturing the two important hills, as they were intended to form part of an Argentine Special Forces line.

Captain Andrés Ferrero's patrol (3rd Assault Section, 602 Commando Company) reached the base of Mount Kent but were then promptly pinned down by machinegun and mortar fire. First-Sergeant Raimundo Máximo Viltes was badly wounded when a bullet shattered his heel. Air Troop had two SAS men wounded by rifle fire. Probing attacks around the D Squadron, SAS positions continued throughout the night and at 11:00 am local time on 30 May, about 12 Argentine Commandos (Captain Tomás Fernández's 2nd Assault Section, 602 Commando Company) tried to get up the summit of Bluff Cove Peak, but were driven off by D Squadron who killed two of the attackers, First Lieutenant Rubén Eduardo Márquez and Sergeant Óscar Humberto Blas.

First Lieutenant Márquez and Sergeant Blas had shown great personal courage and leadership in the contact and were posthumously awarded the Argentine Medal of Valour in Combat. During this contact, the SAS suffered another two casualties from grenade and rock fragments after the Argentine Commandos had stumbled on a camp occupied by 15 SAS troopers.

Throughout 30 May, Royal Air Force Harriers were active over Mount Kent. One of them, responding to a call for help from D Squadron SAS, was badly damaged by ground fire while attacking Mount Kent's eastern lower slopes. Sub-Lieutenant Llambías-Pravaz's platoon was later credited with the destruction of Harrier XZ963 flown by Squadron Leader Jerry Pook while others claim the British fighter-bomber ran into fire from a battery of 35 mm Oerlikons under the command of 2nd Lieutenant Roberto Enrique Ferre of the 601st Anti-Aircraft Artillery Group. The Harrier crashed into the sea 30 miles from the carrier HMS Hermes, Squadron Leader Pook ejected and was rescued.

On 5 June, two Royal Air Force Harriers operating from 'Sids Strip', the San Carlos Forward Operating Base, attacked the Argentine defenders on Two Sisters with rockets around midday.

A heavy mist hung over the Murrell River area, which assisted the 45 Commando Recce Troop to reach and sometimes penetrate the Argentine 3rd Platoon position under Sub-Lieutenant Marcelo Llambías-Pravaz. Marine Andrew Tubb of Recce Troop was on these patrols:

We were actually inside the Argentine position, so we ended up shelling ourselves. We did a lot of patrols up to Two Sisters ... that time [6 June] we pepper-potted [fire and maneouver] for about 400 metres to get out [the 3rd Platoon Sergeant, Juan Domingo Valdez, had launched a counter-ambush.], through the Argy lines firing 66 [mm] rockets to fight through and regroup. We got artillery again to smoke us out. It took us well over an hour to get away and it seemed like a few minutes. We killed seventeen of them [two Army privates, Jose Romero and Andres Rodriguez, and three Sappers of a Marine mine-laying party were actually killed.], and all we had was one bloke with a flesh wound.

— Robin Neillands, By Sea & Land: The Story of the Royal Marine Commandos, p. 402, Cassell Military Paperbacks, 2000

For his patrol action, Lieutenant Chris Fox received the Military Cross, while Subteniente Llambías-Pravaz was able to pilfer and sport a Commando Beret that the Royal Marines had left behind during the Argentine counter ambush led by platoon sergeant Valdez. In general terms, the Argentines were thoroughly entrenched, about 6,000 metres or less across no-man's-land. The Argentine positions were mined and heavily patrolled.

The 4th Regiment also carried out patrolling, and on the night of 6–7 June, Corporal Oscar Nicolás Albornoz-Guevara along with eight conscripts (including Private Orlando Héctor Stella, his pathfinder) from Subteniente Miguel Mosquera-Gutierrez's 1st Platoon crossed Murrell River and reached the area of Estancia Mountain where they detected a number of British vehicles, but the patrol soon came under mortar fire from 3 PARA and had to withdraw.

On 8 June, Corporal Hugo Gabino MacDougall from the 6th Regiment's B Company claimed to have shot down a Harrier, with a shoulder-launched Blowpipe missile. The British admit the loss of a GR-3 Harrier (XZ-989) on this day when it made an emergency landing at San Carlos due to battle damage. The pilot (Wing Commander Peter Squire) was able to safely eject, but the Harrier was damaged beyond repair.

The 12th Regiment Support Platoon under Subteniente Dorigón attached to Major Jaimet's B Company would reportedly live off the land. Private Ángel Ramírez:

We ate raw sheep, we would butcher sheep and place it on flames. You know that the soil in the Malvinas Islands is like coal, it is black turf, you dig a hole, light a fire, and it is all like petrol, everything burns. We ate barbecued sheep, we ate it half raw and cooked.

At about 2.10 am local time on 10 June a strong 45 Commando fighting patrol probed the 3rd Platoon position. In the ensuing fight that took place near Murrell River, Special Forces Sergeants Mario Antonio Cisneros and Ramón Gumercindo Acosta were killed; two more Argentine Special Forces lying in ambush positions near Cola del Dragón (Dragon's Tail) for the Royal Marines were wounded. The British military historian Bruce Quarrie later wrote:

A constant series of patrols were undertaken at night to scout out and harass the enemy. Typical was the patrol sent out in the early hours of the morning of 10 June. Lieutenant David Stewart of X-Ray Company, 45 Commando, had briefed his men during the previous afternoon, and by midnight they were ready. Heavily armed, with two machine-guns per section, plus 66 mm rocket launchers and 2-inch mortars, the Troop moved off stealthily into the moonlit night towards a ridge some four km away from where Argentine movement had been observed. Keeping well spaced out because of the good visibility, they moved across the rocky ground using the numerous shell holes for cover, and by 04.00 [1 am local time], were set to cross the final stretch of open ground in front of the enemy positions. Using a shallow stream for cover, they moved up the slope and deployed into position among the rocks in front of the Argentine trenches. With the help of a light-intensifying night scope, they could see sentries moving about. Suddenly, an Argentine machine-gun opened fire and the Marines launched a couple of flares from their mortar, firing back with their own machine-guns and rifles. Within seconds three Argentine soldiers and two [Royal] Marines were dead. Other figures could be seen running on the hill to the left, and four more Argentine soldiers fell to the accuracy of the Marines' fire. By this time, the Argentine troops further up the slope were wide awake, and a hail of fire forced the [British] Marines to crouch in the shelter of the rocks. The situation was becoming decidedly unhealthy and Lieutenant Stewart decided to retire, with the objective of killing and harassing the enemy well and truly accomplished. However, a machine-gun to the Marines' right was pouring fire over their getaway route, and Stewart sent his veteran Sergeant, Jolly, with a couple of other men to take it out [They knew they were cut off with what looked a poor chance of escape. In these circumstances any panic or break in morale and the game was up]. After a difficult approach with little cover, there was a short burst of fire and the Argentine machine-gun fell silent. Leapfrogging by sections, the Troop retreated to the stream, by which time the Argentine fire was falling short and there were no further casualties.

— Bruce Quarrie, The Worlds Elite Forces, pp.53-54, Octopus Books Limited, 1985

Major Aldo Rico, commander of the 602 Commando Company, had a lucky escape in this engagement, when an enemy 66mm projectile exploded uncomfortably close to him and First Lieutenant Horacio Fernando Lauría. Captain Hugo Ranieri, who took part in this intense engagement as a specialist sniper, claims that First Lieutenant Jorge Vizoso-Posse, although wounded, shot three of the retreating Royal Marines in the back. First Lieutenant Horacio Fernando Lauría and Sergeant Orlando Aguirre claim to have destroyed a British machine-gun with rifle-grenades fired at point-blank range in this engagement.Two National Gendarmerie Commandos, Gendarmes Angel Andrés Huenchul (machine-gunner) and Víctor Jorge Ferreira (assistant gunner) for a time threatened to cut-off the British getaway route until the British platoon sergeant and a few hand-picked men crawled forward and silenced the weapon with accurate small-arms fire that unnerved both Huenchul and Ferreira.

On that same night (9–10 June), a friendly fire incident occurred when a mortar section returning from a reconnaissance patrol were mistaken for an Argentine raiding force in the dark and a British rifle platoon opened fire on them. In the confusion, four Royal Marines (Sergeant Robert Leeming, Corporals Andrew Uren, Peter Fitton and Marine Keith Phillips) were killed and three were wounded. Corporal Fitton was killed by a high explosive fragmentation round early in the action. The next day, Sub-Lieutenant Llambías-Pravaz's men recovered the rucksacks and weapons the Royal Marines had left behind, and these were presented as war trophies to Argentine war correspondents in Port Stanley who filmed and photographed the British equipment.

The Mountain and Arctic Warfare Cadre also carried out patrolling against Two Sisters; Sergeant Joseph Wassell and Lieutenant Fraser Haddow played an important part in the capture of the mountain when they discovered with their binoculars from their observation post on Goat Ridge, the command-detonated barrels of mines the Argentinian Marine engineers (under the direction of Major Jaimet) had dug in and planned to use on the saddle and eastern half of the mountain.

On 11 June, several GR-3 Harriers took off from San Carlos airbase to drop cluster bombs on Mounts Longdon, Harriet and Two Sisters Mountain.

Night battle

Captain Ian Gardiner's X-Ray Company spearheaded the attack on Two Sisters, accompanied by the unit's Commando-trained chaplain, the Revd Wynne Jones RN. Lieutenant James Kelly's 1 Troop took the western third of the spineback on the southern peak of Two Sisters ('Long Toenail'), with no fighting taking place. However at 11:00 pm local time, Lieutenant David Stewart's 3 Troop ran up against a very determined defence on the spineback and were unable to get forward. Beaten from their attempt to dislodge the Argentine 3rd Platoon, Lieutenant Chris Caroe's 2 Troop threw themselves at the platoon, but the attack was dispersed with the help of artillery fire. For four or five hours X Ray Company were pinned down on the slopes of the mountainwith Captain Gardiner recalling:

Over the next 4 hours or so my marines fought their way rather like fighting in a built-up area. The rocks were so big ... The noise, the chaos, you don't know which bang is friendly which is enemy. Any night-vision you might have started with is instantly wrecked by the illumination shells, theirs or ours. Communicating was very difficult. Men get deafened by noise, their (radio) aerials get shot off, get broken. Men get wooded (knocked-out) taking cover ... And some 4 or 5 hours later, my marines cleared the top of the hill in a snow-storm, in the mist, of the Queen's enemies at the point of a bayonet..

Naval gunfire rippled back and forth across the mountain, but the Argentine 3rd Platoon of Llambías-Pravaz, shouting their Guarani Indian war cry, held the Royal Marines off and were not dislodged until about 2:30 am local time. Colonel Andrew Whitehead realized that a single company could not hope to secure Two Sisters without massive casualties, and brought up the unit's two other companies. Yankee and Zulu Companies initially took cover in their forming up positions near Murrell Bridge, that turned out to be a frozen minefield which explains why there were no casualties in both companies while they witnessed the initial assault carried out by X-Ray Company on the southern peak.

At about 12:30 am local time Yankee and Zulu Companies attacked the northern peak ('Summer Days') and after a very hard two-hour fightagainst two rifle platoons (under Subtenientes Mosquera-Gutierrez and Pérez-Grandi) and despite heavy machine-gun and mortar fire, succeeded in capturing 'Summer Days'. The Argentine mortar platoon commander, Lieutenant Martella, after having consumed all of his ammunition in an earlier attempt to stop the advance of 42 CDO on Mount Harriet was killed in this action. The British Marines also lost two platoon commanders wounded in the Argentine mortar bombardments with Marine Chris Cooke later recalling, "The three officers in my company pledged to have a drink together at the other end of the island, but only one made it, the other two left with shrapnel wounds." The Z Company platoon commander, Lieutenant Clive Dytor, won the Military Cross by rallying his 8 Troop and leading it forward at bayonet point to take 'Summer Days'. He later recalled "I began listening to our rate of fire and I realised we were going to run out of ammunition. Then I remembered a line in a book about the Black Watch in the Second World War. They were pinned down and the adjutant stood up and shouted, 'Is this the Black Watch? Charge!’ What I didn't remember, until I read it again later, was that he was actually cut in half at that point by a German machine gun. The next thing I knew I was up and running on my own, shouting, 'Zulu, Zulu, Zulu’, which was our company battle cry and also the battle cry of my father's old regiment, [the] South Wales Borderers."

On the remaining Argentine positions on Two Sisters, the fighting proved to be equally tough, requiring four more hours of hard fighting.At around 4:30 am the Two Sisters feature was finally reported to be in British hands.Second Lieutenant Aldo Eugenio Franco and his RI 6 platoon, after having scrapped a planned counterattack in conjunction with Major David Carullo's Panhard armoured car squadron, because the Two Sisters defenders no longer held the peaks, covered the Argentine withdrawal and prevented Yankee Company from attacking C Company as it withdrew from Two Sisters. Augusto Esteban La Madrid, a second lieutenant in the local reserve tasked with assisting Major Cordon, told British historian Martin Middlebrook that, during the final clashes, "Subteniente Franco's platoon was left as a rearguard, but he made it back to Tumbledown OK". Private Oscar Ismael Poltronieri who held up Yankee Company with accurate shooting with his rifle and a machine-gun, was awarded the Argentine Nation to the Heroic Valour in Combat Cross (CHVC), the highest Argentine decoration for bravery. Sub-Lieutenant Nazer had been wounded covering the withdrawal and the remnants of his platoon having been placed under the command of Corporal Virgilio Rafael Barrientos, took up positions on Sapper Hill. Sub-Lieutenants Mosquera-Gutierrez and Pérez-Grandi had been wounded in the British bombardment, and the remnants of their platoons were put under the command of Captain Carlos López-Patterson, the Operations Officer of the 4th Regiment, who took up blocking positions in the ground between Mount Tumbledown and Wireless Ridge alongside the dismounted 10th Armoured Cavalry Reconnaissance Squadron under Captain Rodrigo Alejandro Soloaga, engaging at times with heavy machine gun and mortar fire Number 3 Platoon (under Lieutenant David Wright) from A Company 3 PARA on the eastern summit of Mount Longdon and forcing them to relinquish their forward positions and seek cover on the western summit.

After capturing Two Sisters, 45 COMMANDO came under retaliatory fire from the surrounding Argentine positions. Captain Gardiner's X-Ray Company reported another wounded Marine (Corporal Frank Melia) in the daylight hours of 12 June after attracting mortar rounds from Tumbledown Mountain. A number of marines in Gardiner's company, sheltering in the abandoned bunkers on Two Sisters from the Argentine field artillery, were also incapacitated in the daylight hours of 12 and 13 June after losing their hearing in the near-misses from exploding 105 mm and 155 mm shells.

On 13 June, Argentine A-4 Skyhawk fighter-bombers got through the British Combat Air Patrols and attacked vehicles and helicopters stationed around 3 Commando Brigade Headquarters on the lower western slopes of Two Sisters (near Murrell River), resulting in a helicopter crewman injured and considerable structural damage to three Gazelle helicopters.

On the morning of 14 June, as 45 Commando on the forward slopes of Two Sisters prepared to reinforce A and C Companies of 40 Commando and a company of Welsh Guards consolidating on Sapper Hill, a Snowcat tracked vehicle from 407 Transportation Troop that arrived in support ran into a minefield and its driver got out to warn others behind of the danger ahead, only to step on an anti-personnel mine requiring urgent medical evacuation in a helicopter.

Naval gunfire support was provided by HMS Glamorgan's twin 4.5-inch (114 mm) guns. The naval gunfire officer (Major Jerry Akehurst) accompanying the Royal Marines had been wounded early in the battle for Two Sisters, but Bombardier Edward Holt from 29 Commando Regiment Royal Artillery, took over and continued to give swift and accurate directions to the destroyer and was subsequently awarded the Military Medal.

On the night of the battle Glamorgan was asked to remain in action longer than planned, to help Yankee Company clear Subteniente Aldo Franco's rifle platoon on the eastern half of Two Sisters covering the Argentine withdrawal. As the destroyer took a short cut closer to the shoreline a RASIT radar of the Argentinian Army tracked her movements.

Two MM38 Exocet missiles had been removed from the destroyer ARA Seguí and secured on launcher, dubbed 'ITB' (Instalación de Tiro Berreta) "trashy firing platform". The missiles, launcher, transporter, and associated electronics trailer were flown by transport aircraft to the Falkland Islands on 31 May.

At 0336 local time, the British skipper, Commander Ian Inskip, looking at the radar screen, realized that Glamorgan was under attack by an anti-ship missile, and ordered a highspeed turn just before the Exocet struck the port side adjacent to the hangar. The missile skidded on the deck and detonated, making a 10 by 15 feet (3.0 m × 4.6 m) hole in the hangar deck and a 5 by 4 feet (1.5 m × 1.2 m) hole in the galley area below, where a fire started.

The blast travelled forwards and down, and the missile, penetrated the hangar door, causing the ship's Wessex helicopter (HAS.3 XM837) to explode and start a severe fire in the hangar. Fourteen crew members were killed and 17-30wounded.


The next morning Colonel Andrew Whitehead looked in wonderment at the strength of the positions the enemy had abandoned. "With fifty Royals," he said, "I could have died of old age holding this place." (Max Hastings, Going To The Wars, p. 363, Macmillan 2000) According to British war correspondents Patrick Bishop and John Witherow that accompanied the Royal Marines in the fighting, "The feature was too long for the Argentinians to defend seriously without committing a couple of battalions".Although the British battalion commander claimed at the time to have had an easy victory, those actually engaged with the enemy platoons would have been unlikely to agree. Thirty years later, Marine Keith Brown recalled the fighting for the northern peak and concluded

My impression of a night attack was that it was nothing like I expected it to be – in terms of a fairly ordered affair with people running and taking out machine-gun nests. It was just hugely confusing. It was fairly arbitrary as to who seemed to be injured – lots of bangs and flashes and very loud noises. You had naval artillery and mortars and heavy and light small arms fire as well. It was terrifying, to be honest. I don't know how my colleagues felt. We were pretty much pinned down and we came under direct fire from the Argentinians. Up to that point, it was all to do with artillery and mortar rounds, but this was direct fire and they were using what seemed to us to be tracers, which was pretty daft. So, you could see where their fields of fire were and we were down low on the ground.

British-American historian Hugh Bicheno has been critical of the 6th Infantry Regiment's 'B' Company who, he claims, withdrew in a disorderly manner from front-line positions at the opening of the battle, although this seems to have little foundation. Brigadier-General Oscar Luis Jofre had certainly been planning to counterattack on Two Sisters but with the defenders no longer in possession of the twin peaks, he ordered the abandonment of the feature and later wrote All of a sudden, we suffer the first emotional impact. It was 04.45 when we received reports from Major Jaimet saying that the defenders on Two Sisters could no longer resist the enemy attack and would begin their withdrawal. Major Oscar Ramón Jaimet has gone on record, saying in the Argentinean newspaper La Gaceta that he had designated Sub-Lieutenant Franco to cover the Argentinean withdrawal and that Argentinean artillery fire was brought down in error amongst the company. Indeed, the company withdrew in good order, according to the Spanish-speaking warrant officer attached to 3 Commando Brigade Headquarters in the fighting. The Argentine Army Official Report on the war recommended Major Oscar Ramon Jaimet and CSM Jorge Edgardo Pitrella of the 6th Regiment's B Company for an MVC (Argentine Nation to the Valour in Combat Medal) for the conduct of their fighting withdrawal and subsequent behaviour on Tumbledown (this was later granted to Major Jaimet, Pitrella was awarded the Argentine Army to the Effort and Abnegation Medal).

Sergeant-Major George Meachin of Yankee Company later praised the fighting abilities and spirit of the Argentine defenders of the northern peak in the form of the men of Pérez-Grandi and Mosquera-Gutierrez:

We came under lots of effective fire from 0.50 calibre machine guns ...At the same time, mortars were coming down all over us, but the main threat was from those machine-gunners who could see us in the open because of the moonlight. There were three machine-guns and we brought down constant and effective salvos of our own artillery fire on to them directly, 15 rounds at a time. There would be a pause, and they'd come back at us again. So we had to do it a second time, all over their positions. There'd be a pause, then 'boom, boom, boom,' they'd come back at us again. Conscripts don't do this, babies don't do this, men who are badly led and of low morale don't do this. They were good steadfast troops. I rate them.

— Bruce Quarrie, op. cit., p. 80, Octopus Books Limited, 1985

Hugh Bicheno described the moonscape of devastation:

Although Wireless Ridge and the saddle between Tumbledown and William are still heavily scarred, even after more than twenty years the beaten zone between the Two Sisters bear the most eloquent witness to the awesome power of the British artillery, which fired 1,500 shells at the Two Sisters that night. The still-churned area occupied by Nazer's platoon in particular leaves one in no doubt why they decamped immediately, while the saddle itself is dimpled with craters, testimony to the tenacity of Martella's Heavy machine guns and mortars.

— Hugh Bicheno, Razor's Edge: The Unofficial History of the Falklands War, p. 242, Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 2006

With the telephone lines to the command post in shreds, Llambías-Pravaz led his men to join M Company, 5th Marine Infantry Battalion on Mount William and then Sapper Hill. He had nearly been killed in the fighting when a rock impacted his helmet after a Milan missile exploded close behind him.

The X-Ray Company Marines were in awe of the Argentines in the depleted 3rd Platoon who had put up such determined resistance, and their company commander, Captain Gardiner in the book Above All, Courage (Above All, Courage: The Falklands Front Line: First-Hand Accounts, Max Arthur, pp. 389–390, Sidwick & Jackson, 1985) later said:

A hard cadre of some twenty men had stayed behind and fought, and they were brave men. Those who stayed and fought had something. I for one would not wish to face my Marines in battle.

A lone conscript rifleman on 'Long Toenail' held out long after resistance had ended on the mountain. There was a humorous moment when the Revd. Wynne Jones was challenged by the Marines and called out that he was 45 Commando's padre and had forgotten the password.

Some 30 years later, Marine Nick Taylor of X-Ray Company got in contact with Sub-Lieutenant Marcelo Llambías-Pravaz, and in a televised reunion on the southern peak of the mountain, he returned the pictures he had found of the army officer and his platoon of conscripts the morning after the Royal Marines had stormed the position.


Seven Royal Marine Commandos and a sapper from 59 Independent Commando Squadron, Royal Engineers were killed taking Two Sisters. Another 17 British marines in 45 Commando, including platoon commanders (Lieutenants Fox, Dunning and Davies) were wounded. 20 Argentines were killed in the first eleven days of June and the night of the battle, another 50 were wounded and 54 taken prisoner.

HMS Glamorgan, which was providing Naval gunfire support (NGS) stayed in her position to support the Royal Marine Commandos from Yankee Company who were pinned down battling Subteniente Aldo Franco's platoon from the 6th Regiment's B Company. Glamorgan stayed past the time she was meant to leave and was hit by a land-based Exocet missile, fourteen crew were killed and many more wounded as a result of this attack.

Awards received

For bravery shown in the attack on Two Sisters, men from 45 Commando were awarded one DSO, three Military Crosses, one Distinguished Conduct Medal and four Military Medals. A commando from 29 Commando received a Military Medal as did a man from the M&AW Cadre.


  1. ^ The Falkland Islands - Palace Barracks Memorial Garden
  2. ^ "All three companies then fought brisk battles on their objectives, suffering eight killed and seventeen wounded in the process." Jigsaw Puzzles: Tactical Intelligence in the Falklands Campaign, Giles Orpen-Smellie, p. ?, Amberley Publishing Limited, 2022
  3. ^ 12 June: Troops advance on land, but Glamorgan struck by Exocet
  4. ^ "The Falkland Islands". Palace Barracks Memorial Garden. Retrieved 4 April 2015.
  5. ^ "All three companies then fought brisk battles on their objectives, suffering eight killed and seventeen wounded in the process." Jigsaw Puzzles: Tactical Intelligence in the Falklands Campaign, Giles Orpen-Smellie, p. ?, Amberley Publishing Limited, 2022
  6. ^ "Royal Marines Historical Timeline". Archived from the original on 17 February 2019. Retrieved 17 February 2019.
  7. ^ HMS Glamorgan: memorial for Falklands War ship
  8. ^ 5th Infantry Brigade in the Falklands 1982. Nicholas Van der Bijl, David Aldea. p. 177. Leo Cooper, 2003.
  9. ^ "45 Commando was instead tasked with the capture of Two Sisters, an essential mission if the capital, Stanley, was to be taken. Somewhat optimistically, the Commando was then to be prepared to take Mount Tumbledown as well: another 'mission impossible' had it been conducted in daylight." The Yompers: With 45 Commando in the Falklands War
  10. ^ According to Martin Middlebrook,"The Fight for the 'Malvinas' the Argentine Forces in the Falklands War", page 233.
  11. ^ "From 1 June, 4th Infantry Regiment, on Two Sisters and Mount Harriet, was given permission by their commanding officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Diego Soria, to use their US C ration packs, which helped to raise morale and keep the soldiers fit." 9 Battles to Stanley, Nick Van Der Bijl, p. 155, Pen & Sword, 2014.
  13. ^ Héctor Rubén Simeoni, Malvinas: Contrahistoria, pp. 100/101, Editorial Inédita, 1984.
  14. ^ "Two SAS men had been flown in with gunshot wounds that were quite obviously more than 24 hours old. We knew better than to ask them about the circumstances of their injuries, and instead simply operated on them. The anaesthetist, Malcolm Jowitt, used Ketalar, in injectable and steroid-based general anaesthetic that had some occasional and highly interesting side effects. One of the SAS men, a big ex-Sapper, came from round his op and started singing bawdy rugby songs, quite tunefully, at the top of his voice!" The Red and Green Life Machine: A Diary of the Falklands Field Hospital, Rick Jolly, pp. 87-88, Century Publishing, 1983.
  15. ^ 5th Infantry Brigade in the Falklands 1982. Nicholas Van der Bijl, David Aldea. pp. 63–64. Leo Cooper, 2003.
  16. ^ Twilight Warriors: Inside the World's Special Forces. Martin C. Arostegui. p. 205. St. Martin's Press, 15/01/1997.
  17. ^ "Suddenly there was a burst of firing, and the distinct crack of at least one grenade going off ... One of the blokes took splinter wounds from the grenade in his back and was brought up to our position to be looked after ... The other casualty's shrapnel wounds were unpleasant but not serious." SAS: Sea King Down, Mark Aston & Stuart Tootal, Penguin Books, 2021.
  18. ^ Capitán Jorge Farinella: Con el Tte 1ro D' Aloia nos encontrábamos con un misil SAM 7 cada uno que la noche anterior, yo había traído y a la luz de una vela habíamos aprendido teóricamente a usar debajo de una lona. Nuevamente entraban en picada dos aviones disparando sus ametralladoras y lanzando sus bombas; desde nuestras improvisadas posiciones abrimos fuego con todo lo que teníamos. Los misiles que son un arma tremendamente eficaz, y normalmente por cada uno que se dispara se derriba un avión, siempre que el apuntador tenga un mínimo de experiencia para usarlos. Y eso nos faltaba. Hay que disparar de pie y desde un costado de la dirección de ataque del enemigo. Ambos estábamos parados en la dirección del fuego, y entre el esfuerzo por mantenernos en el lugar -que era descubierto- la falta de experiencia y la mala ubicación, nuestra acción fue ineficaz, no así la de las 12,7 y los fusileros que dieron en uno de los aviones que incendiado comenzó a perder altura mientras trataba de sobrevolar por la costa y se retiraron. Volveremos!, Jorge R. Farinella, p. 96, Editorial Rosario, 1984.
  19. ^ La Guerra de las Malvinas, p. 352, Editorial Oriente, 1987.
  20. ^ Rodríguez Mottino, p. 158.
  21. ^ "During another action, an enemy aircraft fell victim to the 601 Air Defence's 35mm batteries. The plane came down in the water and the pilot, Squadron Leader Pook was rescued shortly after." Moro, p. 272, English edition
  22. ^ "The two GR3s remained until 11.30 am when they took off to rocket Argentine troops positions on Two Sisters." The Royal Navy and Falklands War, David Brown, p. 284, Pen & Sword, 1987
  23. ^ 5th Infantry Brigade in the Falklands 1982. Nicholas Van der Bijl, David Aldea. p. 169. Leo Cooper, 2003.
  24. ^ ""Cola de Dragón", la Compañía de Comandos 602 en acción". Archived from the original on 7 August 2018. Retrieved 7 August 2018.
  25. ^ Abasto rinde homenaje a un héroe de Malvinas
  26. ^ Volveremos!, Jorge R. Farinella, p. 125, Editorial Rosario, 1984.
  27. ^ Emocionante historia de vida de Hugo Mac Dougall - cabo primero en la Guerra De Malvinas -
  28. ^ In total, we carried out 130 attack sorties and lost three aircraft, all to ground fire. A fourth Harrier crashed during vertical landing at the 850 ft metal runway at San Carlos. This mishap stemmed from damage by small arms fire. "Harrier: Ski-Jump to Victory", John Godden, pg.29. Brassey's, 1983.
  29. ^ The final GR.3 to be lost was XZ989 flown by Peter Squire, which suffered a power loss on returning to the matted landing site; his aircraft hit the ground rather hard, irretrievably damaging it. BAE/McDonnell Douglas Harrier, Andy Evans, p. 75, Crowood Press, 1988.
  30. ^ "Proyecto". Archived from the original on 9 February 2019.
  31. ^ Malvinas: El Ocaso de un Sueño, Enrique Stel, p. 152, Ediciones Lilium, 2022
  32. ^ Comandos en acción: El Ejército en Malvinas, Isidoro Ruiz Moreno, p. 355, Emecé Editores, 01/01/1986.
  33. ^ Así lucharon, Carlos M. Túrolo, p. 316, Editorial Sudamericana, 1982.
  34. ^ La Compañía 602 de Comandos
  35. ^ EL indio duro que peleó con el Escuadrón Alacrán
  36. ^ "A patrol from Y Company was tasked to go round the eastern end of Two Sisters and find out what was there. A section of mortars was detached from the troop to move forward to where they would support the patrol. The rifle troop commander took the necessary precautions to avoid meeting his own mortar section. But the mortar sergeant got badly lost and the two groups met in a place where the mortars just should not have been. The troop saw the mortars first. From the way they were going, it seemed likely that this was [an enemy] fighting patrol on its way to attack our position. However, the sergeant checked by radio that there were no other patrols out. He even checked that the neighbouring unit, 3 Para, had nothing about. He finally spoke to his mortar section and asked them what sort of ground they were. They replied that they were on high ground and close to their objective. The sergeant looking down at them 180 metres away and this lot were nowhere near mortar's objective. By now they were less than 90 metres away. The sergeant engaged them with his troop. After about a minute, he shouted an order and one of the mortars must have heard him because a shout in English came across: 'We are callsign 52.' The troop stopped firing. Eventually, proper identification was made. Four men had died, including the sergeant in command. I listened to the latter part of this fiasco on the radio and to the evacuation of the casualties." John Parker, Commandos, Headline, 2000.
  37. ^ "It was during the night of 9/10 June that a returning British fighting patrol from 45 Commando Royal Marines was mistaken for the enemy and Sergeant Bob Leeming, Corporal Andy Uren, Corporal Pete Fitton, and Marine Keith Phillips were killed in the subsequent firefight which occurred just before the main assault on Two Sisters" COMMANDO Veterans Association
  38. ^ Sunday Times of London Insight Team (November 1982). War in the Falklands: The Full Story. HarperCollins. p. 264. ISBN 0-0601-5082-3.
  39. ^ Marines shot comrades in Falklands conflict
  40. ^ "Three men, including Sgt Leeming on reconnaissance patrol, killed by friendly fire just before the main assault on Two Sisters, another Royal Marine was killed by mortar fire early in the attack..." Royal Navy casualties, killed and died, 1980-89 - Naval-History.Net
  41. ^ "Corporal Peter Fitton was killed by a mis-directed friendly mortar bomb." The Falklands War: Then and Now, Gordon Ramsey, p. 590, After the Battle, 2009.
  42. ^ Malvinas: Relatos de Soldados, Martín Balza, p. 120, Círculo Militar, 1985.
  43. ^ La Guerra de las Malvinas, p. 420, Editorial Oriente, 1987.
  44. ^ Royal Marine Commando 1950–82: From Korea to the Falklands, William Fowler, p. 57, Osprey Publishing, 21/04/2009.
  45. ^ "The GR3s, on the other hand, had a busy day. Four two-plane missions took from the airstrip, three to drop bombs on the Argentine positions on Two Sisters, Mount Harriet and Mount Longdon - the objective for the land assault due that night - and the other to bomb the Moody Brook barracks and Mount Tumbledown." The Royal Navy and Falklands War, David Brown, p. 313, Pen & Sword, 1987
  46. ^ "Ten minutes later the 150 men of X Company were as good as new and began their assault at 11 pm." No Picnic: 3 Commando Brigade in the South Atlantic 1982, Julian Thompson, p. 131, Leo Cooper in association with Secker & Warburg, 1985.
  47. ^ No Picnic: 3 Commando Brigade in the South Atlantic 1982, Julian Thompson, p. 131, Leo Cooper in association with Secker & Warburg, 1985.
  48. ^ "2 Troop battered their way to the top, to be temporarily forced off by the enemy artillery firing defensive fire tasks on to the objective." No Picnic: 3 Commando Brigade in the South Atlantic, Julian Thompson, p. 132, Casemate Publishers, 1992.
  49. ^ Chain of Command. By IAN GARDINER. Published Date: 12 June 2007 NEWS.scotsman.com.
  50. ^ Falklands veteran describes the fierce Battle of Two Sisters in 1982
  51. ^ With fixed bayonets and supported by Mario Pacheco's 10th Engineer Company section on Summer Days, they taunted the Royal Marines with Guarani war-cries and beat off efforts to close with them. Nine Battles to Stanley, Nick Van Der Bijl, p. 178, Pen & Sword Books, 2014.
  52. ^ "Second- Lieutenant Llambias-Pravaz's 3rd Platoon, on Long Toenail, the south-western feature, opened fire on X Company at 11.30 pm and was not dislodged until about 2.30 am." Nicholas Van der Bijl, David Aldea, 5th Infantry Brigade in the Falklands 1982, p. 177, Leo Cooper, 2003.
  53. ^ "Whitehead decided to change the whole battle plan and brought the other two companies up the northern peak to avoid X Company having to storm the twin peaks and sustain massive casualties." 'Zulu!' The Battle for Two Sisters
  54. ^ The Untold Story Of 45 Commando In The Falklands | Major Andy Shaw | Royal Marines | Kings Badgeman
  55. ^ No Picnic: 3 Commando Brigade in the South Atlantic 1982, Julian Thompson, p. 132, Leo Cooper in association with Secker & Warburg, 1985.
  56. ^ "For the next two hours the men were pinned down, unable to move due to the sheer weight of enemy fire coming down the mountain towards them. In one mortar blast their troop commander was also badly wounded in the neck by shrapnel, a Royal Engineer attached to the troop to clear enemy booby traps was killed and a troop signaller received a scalp injury." The 72-hour battle that won the Falklands War
  57. ^ "Los hijos de la guerra - 11.06.2000 - lanacion.com". Lanacion.com.ar. 11 June 2000. Archived from the original on 26 February 2014. Retrieved 4 April 2015.
  58. ^ Falklands return, Julie Armstrong, News & Star, 21 August 2008 Archived 25 February 2014 at the Wayback Machine
  59. ^ Falklands War hero explains why he entered the church after being awarded the Military Cross, The Telegraph, By Sean Rayment, Defence Correspondent
  60. ^ "45 Commando faced another four hours of vicious fighting before Two Sisters was finally taken, overcoming many bunkers and foxholes at the point of bayonet." Commando: The Inside Story of Britain's Royal Marines, Monty Halls, Random House, 2022
  61. ^ "By 4.40am the craggy peaks of Two Sisters were secure ..." The Royal Navy and Falklands War, David Brown, p. 318, Pen & Sword, 1987
  62. ^ Aldo Franco, el veterano de Malvinas que se reinventó y hoy tiene un proyecto solidario
  63. ^ Cuando aclaró, a eso de las nueve de la mañana del sábado, vi que también se estaban replegando los vehículos cazatanques Panhard: habían sido enviados para apoyar a los dos regimientosy volvieron bajo una lluvia de fuego. Malvinas A Sangre y Fuego, Nicolás Kasanzew, p. 182, Editorial Abril, 1982.
  64. ^ Malvinas: Testimonio de su Gobernador, Mario Benjamín Menéndez, Carlos M. Túrolo, p. 273, Editorial Sudamericana, 1983.
  65. ^ The fight for the "Malvinas": The Argentine forces in the Falklands War, Martin Middlebrook, p. 239, Penguin, 1990.
  66. ^ 5th Infantry Brigade in the Falklands 1982. Nicholas Van der Bijl, David Aldea. p. 178. Leo Cooper, 2003.
  67. ^ Martin Middlebrook, p. 239, "The Fight for the 'Malvinas' : The Argentine Forces in the Falklands War", Penguin, 1990.
  68. ^ "The enemy artillery did not take long in coming, although initially the fire was sporadic, due to the mist. 3 Pl in its forward position came under accurate sniper fire from the TUMBLEDOWN MOUNTAIN feature to the South and some positions on this forward slope had to be removed." A Coy Account – Major David Collett, OC A Coy
  69. ^ Corporal Frank Melia heard a mortar coming in which must've had his name on it because as it came in, he dived, and the only place to go was in this hole on top of the bodies! The mortar went off really close and a bit of shrapnel carved a neat nick right out of the top of his head. He survived, and never was nonchalant about mortar fire again. Above All, Courage: The Falklands Front Line: First-Hand Accounts, Max Arthur, p. 278, Sidwick & Jackson, 1985.
  70. ^ The Argentine artillery fire was pretty accurate, so the bunkers vacated by our enemies were now put to use again and protected many men from the worst of the onslaught ... Shells were landing within a few metres of our positions and the shock waves rattled one to the core. Men were deaf for hours and some the damage to their hearing was permanent and irreparable. The Yompers: With 45 Commando in the Falklands War, Ian Gardiner, Pen & Sword, 2012.
  71. ^ Two Grupo 5 Skyhawks, launched against a concentration of British troops and an HQ unit near Two Sisters, succeeded in reaching the target without interference from British Harriers. One of the A-4s dropped its bombs while the other strafed with its 20mm cannon. Several vehicles and helicopters were destroyed, but only light damage was done to the overall facilities. McDonnell Douglas A-4 Skyhawk, Brad Elward, p. 759, Crowood, 2001.
  72. ^ We had one of our aircraft and two others sitting outside Brigade HQ; in fact just outside my tent. We'd been a bit slack, I suppose, because we normally kept helicopters about three or four hundred metres away, but these were sitting quite close and got badly damaged as a result of four Skyhawks coming in. Above All, Courage, Max Arthur, p. 85, Cassell & Co., 2002.
  73. ^ At the same time, the Argentines conducted air raids on 13 June to assist their harried forces on the ground, striking 3 Commando Brigade's HQ near Mount Kent with Skyhawks, as well as 2 Para's positions near Mt Longdon. There were no British losses, apart from damage to three helicopters and delays cause to 2 Para's efforts to prepare for the following evening's attack. The Falklands 1982: Ground operations in the South Atlantic, Gregory Fremont-Barnes, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2012.
  74. ^ Although five of the bombs exploded, leaving two unexploded bombs to be dealt with, the only casualty was a man with a mild concussion, whose trench had been a few metres away from one of the bombs. No Picnic, Julian Thompson, p. 147, Casemate Publishers, 1992.
  75. ^ A flash and shower of peat sod — and the only injury was a superficial blast wound to an airman and perforated eardrums. The curse of the marathon marches across East Falkland, the peat bog, had been our friend. I Counted Them All Out and I Counted Them All Back: The Battle for the Falklands, Brian Hanrahan, Robert Fox, p. 147, Chivers Press, 1982.
  76. ^ I got onto Two Sisters Flats and met some marines who said it was all mined. I followed the tracks and caught up with a Snowcat, which stopped and a guy got out - I guess to tell me we were in a minefield. I'll never forget this ... he stepped on a mine. His foot was blown off. They put a flare up, whipped an injection into him, put his foot in a poly bag, a helicopter was flying around and landed in the Snowcat tracks, and two minutes after he'd stepped on the mine, he was on his way to hospital. Forgotten Voices of the Falklands, Hugh McManners, p. 432, Random House, 2008.
  77. ^ "The naval gunfire support spotting officer was wounded during the early stages of the attack, but his assistant, Bombardier E. M. Holt, took over and continued to give accurate directions to the ship and was subsequently awarded the Military Medal." The Royal Navy and Falklands War, David Brown, p. 318, Pen & Sword, 1987.
  79. ^ "While we in 45 Commando were all heavily engaged on our mountain, the battle for Two Sisters continued out at sea. The knock-on effect of all the delays meant that HMS Glamorgan was still being asked for fire missions when she should have been sailing away from the coast before daylight and safety from air attack. Captain Mike Barrow, knowing that 45 Commando were fighting for their lives on Two Sisters, decided that he should stay as long as he possibly could to support us." The Yompers: With 45 Commando in the Falklands War, Ian Gardiner, p. ?, Pen & Sword, 2012.
  80. ^ "Glamorgan was about seventeen miles offshore and taking a short cut across the shore-based Exocet limit line when her radar picked up a signature the same size and speed of a 155mm shell ... Glamorgan launched a Seacat missile which passed close to the missile, however, it skipped onto the flight deck and skidded into the hangar. Burning fuel from a Wessex flooded through a hole into the galley and a fireball thundered into the gas turbine room." 9 Battles To Stanley, Nick van der Bijl, p. 63, Pen & Sword, 2014.
  81. ^ Scheina 2003, p. 316
  82. ^ YouTube video discussing setting up the ITB and showing its firing, narrated in Spanish
  83. ^ The ingenious Berreta Shooting Facility in Malvinas
  84. ^ Inskip, Ian (2002). Ordeal by Exocet: HMS Glamorgan and the Falklands War, 1982. Chatham. pp. 160–185. ISBN 1-86176-197-X.
  85. ^ "HMS Glamorgan - Falklands War 35th Anniversary". Archived from the original on 24 September 2020. Retrieved 8 April 2019.
  86. ^ HMS Glamorgan: memorial for Falklands War ship
  87. ^ The Winter War: The Falklands, Patrick Joseph Bishop, John Witherow, p. 125, Quartet Books, 1982
  88. ^ "Remembering the Falklands conflict: four veterans tell their story". Scotsman.com. 2 April 2012. Retrieved 4 April 2015.
  89. ^ Malvinas: La Defensa de Puerto Argentino, Oscar Luis Jofre, Félix Roberto Aguiar, p. 223, Editorial Sudamericana, 1987.
  90. ^ "La realidad de la guerra supera toda ficción". AR-Tucumán: Lagaceta.com.ar. Retrieved 4 April 2015.
  91. ^ Argentine forces in the Falklands. By Nick Van der Bijl & Paul Hannon. Page 14. Osprey Publishing. (30 July 1992)
  92. ^ [1] Archived 10 December 2013 at the Wayback Machine
  93. ^ Nicholas van der Bijl, Nine Battles to Stanley, p. 182, Leo Cooper, 1999.
  94. ^ Malvinas: Relatos de Soldados, Martín Antonio Balza, p. 122, Círculo Militar, 1986.
  95. ^ YouTube - Ex-Marine Nick Taylor & former Argentine 2d. Lt. Marcelo Llambías-Pravaz in a televised reunion on the mountain.
  96. ^ Palace Barracks Memorial Garden
  97. ^ "All three companies then fought brisk battles on their objectives, suffering eight killed and seventeen wounded in the process." Jigsaw Puzzles: Tactical Intelligence in the Falklands Campaign, Giles Orpen-Smellie, p. ?, Amberley Publishing Limited, 2022.
  98. ^ Día a día lo que ocurrió en Malvinas y en el mundo durante el conflicto armado
  99. ^ "While we in 45 Commando were all heavily engaged on our mountain, the battle for Two Sisters continued out at sea. The knockon effect of all the delays meant that HMS Glamorgan was still being asked for fire missions, when she should have been sailing away from the coast before daylight to safety from aircraft. However, Captain Mike Barrow, knowing that 45 Commando were fighting for their lives on Two Sisters, decided that he should stay as long as he possibly could to support us." The Yompers: With 45 Commando in the Falklands War, Ian Gardiner, p. ?, Pen & Sword, 2012.
  100. ^ "Designé al subteniente Franco, con 45, jefe de la retaguardia. Y en ese grupo se produjo la heroica actuación del soldado Oscar Poltronieri, quien se quedó con una ametralladora resistiendo fuego enemigo para que pudiéramos replegarnos." La realidad de la guerra supera toda ficción
  101. ^ HMS Glamorgan's casualties Wales online
  102. ^ HMS Glamorgan: memorial for Falklands War ship


  • Max Arthur (2002). Above All, Courage: The Eyewitness History of the Falklands War (Cassell Military Paperbacks S.). Cassells Military Paperbacks. ISBN 0-304-36257-3.
  • Martin Middlebrook (2003). The Fight For The Malvinas. Pen and Sword Books / Leo Cooper Paperbacks. ISBN 0-85052-978-6.
  • Scheina, Robert L (2003). Latin America's Wars: The age of the professional soldier, 1900–2001. Brassey's. ISBN 1-57488-452-2.

Further reading

51°41′12″S 58°1′25″W / 51.68667°S 58.02361°W / -51.68667; -58.02361 (Battle of Two Sisters)