Bayonne Mosque Shooting
Massacres, torture, expulsion:
- Abu Ghraib (2000s)
- Albanians (1912–13)
- Assam (2014)
- Ayyadieh (1191)
- Baghdad (1258)
- Big Excursion (1989)
- Bossemptélé (2014)
- Bukovica (1943)
- Beirut (1975)
- Boyo (2021)
- Cave of the Patriarchs (1994)
- Granada (1482–92)
- Gujarat (2002)
- Guangzhou (878–79)
- Harmanli (1878)
- İşkodra and Niş (1877–78)
- Japan (1937–45)
- Jerusalem (1099)
- Karantina (1976)
- Kulen Vakuf (1941)
- Kafr Qasim (1956)
- Lasithi (1897)
- Mecca (600s)
- Moriscos (1609)
- Myanmar (2015)
- Nellie (1983)
- Northern Sri Lanka (1990)
- Norway (2011)
- Paris (1961)
- Sri Lanka (2018)
- Sabra and Shatila (1982)
- Šahovići (1924)
- Sétif and Guelma (1945)
- Shadian (1975)
- Sohmor (1984)
- Spain (1500–26)
- Walisongo (2000)
Other incidents:
- Almondbury bullying incident
- Bendigo mosque protests
- Bulli Bai case / Sulli Deals
- CAA, 2019
- Cronulla 2005
- Erklärung 2018
- Flying imams incident
- Haridwar hate speeches
- Hindutva pop
- Holy Terror
- Innocence of Muslims
- Jyllands-Posten cartoons
- Kathua rape case
- Muslim Massacre (video game)
- Quran desecrations
- Serbia Strong
- Persecution of Uyghurs in China
- Xinjiang internment camps
- Swiss minaret ban
- Trojan Horse affair