Bihuroazu Kamanaa Mosque
The mosque was built by Bihuroazu Fashan akalo and was called the Bihuroazu Fashana kalo Mosque. The word Bihuroazu comes from the Persian language, meaning "prosperous".
The mosque is of historical interest due to its proximity to the mausoleum that is also the resting place of Thakurufaanu and his younger brother, Al-Ghaazee Hassan Rannabandeyri Kilefaanu.
On 20 April 2017, prayers were banned outside the mosque, following the sighting of the grave of Dhanthaelu Ali, located outside of the mosque. Prior to the ban, a large number of people prayed outside of the mosque. Prayers were not prohibited inside the mosque.
Planned destruction
During the regime of Abdulla Yameen, it was proposed that the Bihuroazu Mosque be demolished to make way for a 12-storey multipurpose building. Provision for the works was made in the 2018 Maldives Government budget. The opposition criticized the proposed destruction. On Channel 13, the Minister stated that the opposition's claims were false and were made to mislead the people. A media official at the Ministry of Islamic Affairs said that the Bihuroazu Mosque was closed for cleaning. The offical also stated that prayers were banned outside of the mosque due to the proximity of the sighted grave.
See also
- ^ "އާސަރީ މިސްކިތް" [List of historical mosques] (PDF). Ministry of Islamic Affairs (in Divehi). p. 12. Retrieved October 14, 2024.
- ^ Ahmed, Azumoon (April 20, 2017). "ގަބުރު ފެނިފައިވާތީ ބިހުރޯޒު މިސްކިތުގެ ގޯތިތެރޭ ނަމާދު ކުރުން މަނާކޮށްފި". Raajje TV (in Divehi). Retrieved October 14, 2024.
- ^ Yameen, Mohamed (November 16, 2017). "މާލޭގެ ދެ މިސްކިތެއް ތަޅާލައި 12 ބުރީގެ އިމާރާތެއް ހަދަނީ". Mihaaru (in Divehi). Retrieved October 14, 2024.
- ^ Shifleen, Aminath (November 27, 2017). "ބިހުރޯޒު މިސްކިތުގައި 12 ބުރީގެ އިމާރާތެއް އަޅަން ނިންމާފައެއް ނެތް: އިސްލާމިކް މިނިސްޓަރު". Mihaaru (in Divehi). Retrieved October 14, 2024.
- ^ Yameen, Mohamed (November 28, 2017). "12 ބުރީގެ އިމާރާތް ހަދަނީ ބިހުރޯޒު ކަމަނާ މިސްކިތާ ޖެހިގެން ހުރި ގުދަނުގައި". Mihaaru (in Divehi). Retrieved October 14, 2024.