  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Binlang Islet

24°26′12″N 118°11′56″E / 24.43667°N 118.19889°E / 24.43667; 118.19889

Binlang Islet
Native name:
Binlang Islet
Locationwest of Lesser Kinmen/Lieyu in Lieyu Township, Kinmen County (Quemoy), Taiwan (ROC)
CountyKinmen (Quemoy)
Rural townshipLieyu
Additional information
Time zone

Binlang Islet (Chinese: 檳榔嶼; pinyin: bīn láng yǔ; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: pin-nn̂g-sū; lit. 'areca nut islet') is an islet located in Lieyu Township, Kinmen County (Quemoy), Taiwan (ROC). The islet can be seen from the shore near Lingshui Lake and from the shore near Shaxi Fort (沙溪堡) in the southwestern part of Lesser Kinmen (Lieyu) as well as from Siming District, Xiamen (Amoy), Fujian, China (PRC). The highest point on the islet is 47 m (154 ft) above sea level.


Since 2006, a swimming competition has been held annually in which the competitors swim from the shore of Lesser Kinmen to that of Xiamen Island (Amoy). In the competition, Binlang Islet serves as a mid-way resting place.

In 2012, fishermen from mainland China were arrested for crossing into the prohibited area and collecting oysters at Binlang Islet.

In December 2018, it was discovered that oyster farming in the vicinity of Binlang Islet was being used as a cover for smuggling oysters to Taiwan.

On the morning of March 16, 2020, three ships from the Coast Guard Administration and Kinmen County government removed illegal fishing nets from the waters around Binlang Islet. More than ten unnamed fishing ships from mainland China were in Kinmen County waters. The mainland China ships rammed a Taiwan (ROC) ship and their crews threw bottles and rocks at the Taiwanese ships.

See also


  1. ^ 金門縣行政區域圖 [Kinmen County] (Map) (in Chinese (Taiwan) and English). Ministry of the Interior and Kinmen County Government. September 2007. ISBN 978-986010742-5. [map]
    47 Mt. Binlangyu
    Kinmen County English Classified Index 金門縣英文分類引所
    [third column from left]
    Name(名稱) Chinese(中文) Index(索引)
    Mt. Binlangyu 檳榔嶼 A7

    (Note: The County/City Boundary (縣(市)界) as shown in this map includes Mt. Binlangyu within Kinmen County and the Township/City/District Boundary (鄉(鎮.市.區)界) includes Mt. Binlangyu within Lieyu Township.)
  2. ^ Binlang Yu (Approved - N) at GEOnet Names Server, United States National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
  3. ^ 教育部重編國語辭典修訂本 (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 25 August 2019. 注音 ㄅㄧㄣ ㄌㄤˊ ㄩˇ 漢語拼音 bīn láng yǔ (Note: same as Penang Island (Pinang), Malaysia)
  4. ^ 金門地區限制(禁止)水域圖 [Kinmen Area Restricted (Prohibited) Waters Map] (PDF) (Map) (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Mainland Affairs Council. n.d. Retrieved 3 August 2019. 禁止水域範圍:{...}小金門西海面、檳榔嶼、三腳礁、牛心礁、赤角礁一線以內海域
  5. ^ 金門地區離島通航航道公告圖 (PDF) (Map). Coast Guard Administration (Taiwan) (in Chinese (Taiwan)). n.d. Retrieved 25 August 2019. 檳榔嶼
  6. ^ Lin Ma-Teng 林馬騰 (July 2009). 秘島:大二膽的秘境秘史 (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 林馬騰文史工作室. p. 36. ISBN 978-957-41-6438-7. 檳榔嶼
  7. ^ Hsu Chia-Tai 許加泰 (13 July 2014). 金廈泳渡全球華人接力賽 今鳴槍下水. Kinmen Daily News (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 26 August 2019. 今年適逢建縣百年,繼「第十二屆金門海上長泳」搶灘料羅灣活動,緊接著「第六屆金廈海域泳渡-全球華人接力公開賽」,也將於今(十三)日接力登場,今日中午12時20分從金門烈嶼鄉雙口海邊鳴槍下水,180菁英泳士游向大陸福建省廈門市椰風寨救生指揮中心海灘,中途在烈嶼鄉檳榔嶼海上平台交接,全長距離是7000公尺,泳士們挑戰新紀錄。
  8. ^ Chen Pei-Chi 陳沛婍 (21 February 2019). 誰說只有閩式建築可以拍?金門10大超夯打卡景點大特搜. 新頭殼 (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 4 August 2019. 金門的行政區域有大金門、烈嶼鄉、大膽島、檳榔嶼及烏坵等,也因其特殊的戰略位置,有著台灣最前線之稱,故島上有著豐富的戰地景觀,像是碉堡、坑道、戰車、軍營等,都是大家來金門觀光時,不能錯過的景點。{...}10、沙溪堡(金門縣烈嶼鄉青岐村附近) 位於金門離島烈嶼鄉的沙溪堡位置特殊,可眺望大膽、二膽、檳榔嶼及廈門,因此在軍事上更肩負重要責任,故在早期時,是十分重要的軍事據點,而現今隨著駐軍的裁撤,經過政府特別的規劃後,沙溪堡也成為來到小金門時,必訪的觀光景點。
  9. ^ Wang Xiaoyi 王晓易, ed. (26 January 2015). 厦门周边17个无人岛大全!收起来总会用得上(组图). 网易新闻 (NetEase News) (in Simplified Chinese). Archived from the original on 30 July 2017. 台海网{...}槟榔屿{...}目前属于台湾当局控制。
  10. ^ 臺灣歷史地圖 增訂版 [Taiwan Historical Maps, Expanded and Revised Edition] (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Taipei: National Museum of Taiwan History. February 2018. pp. 39, 154, 158, 161, 168, 169, 170, 172, 173, 174, 177, 180, 183. ISBN 978-986-05-5274-4. (On pages 39 and 158, the islet is inside the maritime boundary of Kinmen (Quemoy) County (shown by a dashed line), excluding the Dadeng Islands (Tateng Islands). On pages 154 and 158, the islet is colored light green as is the rest of Kinmen County, excluding the Dadeng Islands. The islet is found in several other maps of Kinmen County (excluding the Dadeng Islands) included in the book.)
  11. ^ 景點介紹. 金門縣烈嶼鄉公所 Lieyu Township Village Administration, Kinmen County (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 5 September 2019. Retrieved 5 September 2019. 陵水湖{...}此外,還可眺望檳榔嶼、鼓浪嶼、白石砲等。{...}沙溪堡{...}由於沙溪據點位置特殊,可眺望大膽、二膽、檳榔嶼及廈門本島,
  12. ^ 环岛路观光大道. 厦门市思明区人民政府 (in Simplified Chinese). 12 July 2015. Archived from the original on 20 August 2019. Retrieved 20 August 2019. 在环岛路上远望,海岸线曲折起伏,海景宜人,大担、二担、槟榔屿、小金门等岛屿一览无余,大金门也隐约可现。
  13. ^ "Route 3: Urban Development Tour(closed)". 2017 BRICS Summit. 25 August 2017. Archived from the original on 25 August 2019. Retrieved 25 August 2019. A number of outlying islets, including Lesser Kinmen, Dadan, Er'dan [sic] and Binglang, dot the seawaters off the road.
  14. ^ 金廈泳渡 全球華人接力 泳出和平 [Chinese people from all over the world swim for peace in the Kinmen-Xiamen swimming competition.]. Overseas Community Affairs Council (in Chinese (Taiwan) and English). Translated by Ting-Yi Shih. 1 October 2008. Retrieved 25 August 2019. All participants swam towards their partners at the mid point, Bing Lang Yu, and their partners continued to swim to the finish line at Ye Feng Chai.{...}游向中點站檳榔嶼交接後,再接力橫渡游向椰風寨。
  15. ^ Wu Cheng-Ting 吳正庭 (31 July 2016). 金廈泳渡 林口高中卓氏兄弟攜手奪冠 (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Liberty Times. Retrieved 25 August 2019. 金廈泳渡賽事,第一棒選手在引導船帶領下,向中點檳榔嶼前進。
  16. ^ Li Yijia 李奕佳; Lai Xuhua 赖旭华, eds. (15 July 2019). 162位"泳士"厦金海峡共搏浪 厦金海峡横渡昨鸣枪开赛. 新闻中心 厦门网 厦门第一门户网站 (in Simplified Chinese). Retrieved 25 August 2019. 昨天上午8时45分,随着一声枪响,"泳士"们奔向大海,从小金门双口村出发,游至厦门环岛路椰风寨海域完赛,活动采取两人一组接力的形式,在槟榔屿与烟屿中线附近设立接力平台,全程约7000米。
  17. ^ Tung Sen-Pao 董森堡 (8 June 2012). 陸漁工越界撈很大一網打盡. Kinmen Daily News (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 25 August 2019. 金門岸巡隊機動查緝隊昨宣佈破獲一起大陸漁工非法越界案,逮捕十名大陸漁民並繳獲三艘船筏、生蚵三噸餘,這些漁工以採收二十五斤海蚵一元人民幣、所得生蚵販賣後紅利平分,受僱至小金門檳榔嶼採蚵,大陸漁民被捕後喊冤不知越界違法、央求海巡人員輕饒。
  18. ^ Li Chin-Sheng 李金生 (21 June 2019). 大陸走私帶殼牡蠣 金門當「中途島」赴台. China Times (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 25 August 2019. 金門查緝隊在去年12月接獲情資指出,金廈海域檳榔嶼一帶,有人以養殖牡蠣做為掩護,實際自大陸走私帶殼牡蠣,利用海運接駁上岸,再裝載貨櫃「中轉」赴台牟利,犯罪集團成員包括盤點海上養殖區域的金門當地人士,以及負責台灣本島行銷通路的台籍民眾和受雇採收、裝載的大陸工人。
  19. ^ Li Kuo-Sheng 李國聖 (19 March 2020). 金門海巡護漁遭大陸快艇集體攻擊案說明. Coast Guard Administration (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Archived from the original on 3 October 2020. Retrieved 3 October 2020.
  20. ^ 巡防艇發射震撼彈驅離中國漁船 我方無人受傷. Public Television Service (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 19 March 2020. Retrieved 25 March 2020. 16日上午,海巡艇在小金門檳榔嶼海域,驅離中國非法越界捕魚的漁船,同時由「金門號」進場清除非法漁網。沒想到十幾艘大陸漁船看到生財工具被清除,居然衝撞我巡防艇,丟擲石塊、酒瓶。
  21. ^ Li Chin-Sheng 李金生 (19 March 2020). 金門海巡與大陸漁船海戰 連開11槍驅離我方水域. 中時電子報 (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 24 March 2020. 金門海巡隊與縣水產試驗所3艘船艇,16日在小金門檳榔嶼海域執行清除非法漁網任務時,遭 10餘越界作業的大陸漁船用酒瓶、石塊圍攻,
  22. ^ Jason Pan (22 March 2020). "Shots fired as Chinese boats ram coast guard ship". Taipei Times. Retrieved 27 March 2020.
  23. ^ Chang Shun-Hsiang 張順祥, ed. (4 April 2020). 快艇越界挑釁 國防院:中國升高衝突徵兆. Radio Taiwan International (in Chinese (Taiwan)). Retrieved 14 April 2020. 中國快艇3月16日闖入台灣海域,衝撞海巡署多功能艇。{...}海巡署與金門水試所船隻在小金門檳榔嶼海域驅離中國漁船,過程中10多艘無船名的中國快艇闖入台灣海域,除投擲石塊、酒瓶外,也衝撞海巡署多功能艇,當下海巡署擊發11枚震撼彈、沙包彈才將中國快艇驅離。