The term bishnoi is believed to be derived from bis (twenty) and nau (nine) and hence, it denotes the twenty nine principles of their sect.
Bishnoi is a panth who adopted the 29 principles which emphasised social ethics, environmental conservation and personal hygiene. These people’s are mostly from the Jat community.
However they also includes some members from Bania, Rajput, Khati and Gaena.
Clan structure
There are 360 gotras of Bishnois which are considered to be of equal social status and they regulate marriage alliances. These gotras include Pawar, Godara, Khichore, Dhaka, Biria etc.
Bishnoi Panth was founded by Shree Guru Jambheshwar (1451–1536), also known as Jambhoji. Some people have used the term Vishnoi, meaning followers of Vishan (Vishnu's name in local dialect), while most refer to themselves as Bishnoi. Adherents are also known as Jambeshwarpanthi because of their devotion to their Guru, Jambeshwar.
Shree Guru Jambeshwar announced a set of 29 Niyamas(Tenets). These were contained in a document called Shabadwani, written in the Nagri script, which consists of 120 shabads. Of his 29 Niyamas, ten are directed towards personal hygiene and maintaining good basic health, seven for healthy social behaviour, and four tenets to the worship of God. Eight Niyamas have been prescribed to preserve bio-diversity and encourage good animal husbandry. These include a ban on killing animals and cutting green trees, and providing protection to all life forms. The community is also directed to see that the firewood they use is devoid of small insects. Wearing blue clothes is prohibited because the dye for colouring them is obtained by cutting a large quantity of shrubs. They are called the first eco-warriors due to their pro-active approach in conserving ecological balance and protecting the environment. The word Bishnoi is derived from 'bis' and 'noi'. In the local language, 'Bis' means '20’ and 'Noi' means '9’. When both are added, the sum is 29.[1]
29 rules or principles
The 29 principles (20 Niyamas + 9 Yamas) of Bishnois are as follows:
- Observe a 30-day state of impurity after childbirth, and keep the mother and child away from household activities.
- Observe five-day segregation from households activities such as cooking food, serving water, etc. while a woman is in her menses.
- Bathe daily in the morning before sunrise.
- Obey the ideal rules of life: modesty, Kshama (patience), or Santosha (satisfactions), Shaucha (cleanliness).
- Puja (Pray) twice every day (morning and evening).
- Eulogize God, Vishnu, in the evening (Aarti)
- Performance of Yajna (Havan) is said by Guru jambhoji to symbolize Homa as the process to distance lust, anger, greed, attachment and ego from oneself to attain ultimate freedom, bliss, peace and truth. This is also said for being a better human being.
- Use filtered water, milk, and cleaned firewood or use cooking fuel after removing living organisms around it.
- Speak Satya (Pure words) in all Arjava (Sincerity.)
- Practice Kshama (Forgiveness) and Karuṇā (kindness) from the heart.
- Be merciful with sincerity.
- Achourya (Do not steal) nor harbour any intention to do it.
- Do not condemn or criticize.
- Do not lie.
- Do not indulge in disputes or conflicts.
- Vrata (fast) on Amavasya.
- Worship and recite the name of Lord Vishnu in adoration.
- Be merciful to all living beings and love them. And, love is when you do not demand, possess and expect.
- Do not cut green trees, save the environment.
- Keep away from Kama (lust), Krodha (anger), Lobha (greed), and Mohā (attachment). Use one's strength for the right cause and fight for righteousness till the last breath. This will take one to eternity.
- Cook one's own food and be self-sufficient.
- Provide shelters for abandoned animals to avoid them from being slaughtered in abattoirs.
- Do not sterilize bulls, do not abandon male calves from dairy farms. Pay for their welfare to shelter them.
- Do not use or trade opium.
- Do not smoke or use tobacco or its products.
- Do not take bhang or hemp or any addiction which can weak human mind or body.
- Do not drink alcohol/liquor because alcohol degrades health very rapidly.
- Do not eat meat, always remain vegan or ethical lacto-vegetarian.
- Do not wear blue attire of blue colour as this colour is extracted from the indigo plant.