Blackstone Military Academy
"Blackstone Military Academy responded liberally to the subscriptions for the Soldiers' Library fund as well as to many other causes. Mrs. E. S. Ligon has the following to say of the work of the academy:
'Blackstone Military Academy was headquarters of the Nottoway Soldiers' Comfort League, and it was here that the members frequently met to wrap, address and send the sweaters to the Nottoway boys. On these occasions news of our boys was exchanged and letters read from those who had received the league's gifts. From the faculty and cadet corps of B. M. A. we furnished fifteen commissioned officers and twenty-seven noncommissioned officers, and at one time eighty-one percent of the total enrollment of the school faculty, cadets and alumni were in service. Three of the cadets lost their lives.' "
- ^ "Nottoway County in War Time" by Agnes Epes, referencing BMA's history in World War I