Buttar Kalan
When it comes to administration, Buttar Kalan village is administrated by a sarpanch who is elected representative of the village by the local elections. As per 2019 stats, Buttar village comes under Nihal singhwala assembly constituency & Faridkot parliamentary constituency. Moga is nearest town to Buttar village for all major economic activities. Currently due to the population size, Buttar village elect 2 sarpanchs for Dhillon patti and Bhullar patti.
Culture and People
Punjabi is the mother tongue as well as the official language of the village, predominated by the Jatt people of the Buttar village. Genetic studies conducted of this area confirm steady amounts of West Asian ancestry and detectable levels of Dravidian influences in the population. As in other parts of Punjab, skin color ranges from almost white to almost black in Buttar, however, the most common skin colors are medium brown and dark brown. Exposure to the sun accounts for the darker complexion of Jat farmworkers. As a rule, the hair color is almost always dark brown and frequently curly in texture, but traces of blondism in hair and eye color are present in small percentages. Most of the populations is sikh and hindu with very few muslim families.
Currently the village is predominated by the Sikhs with hindu and a very few muslims families established in the village. Majority of the population follow Sikh religion. Currently village have gurudawra, hindu temple and mosque for the worshipers. Baisakhi is celebrated every year in the village and Baisakhi fair is celebrated for 3 days in the month of April every year.
Buttar is in an area established during the Vedic times by Central Asian immigrants. It was home to a secondary school that attracted students from nearby villages. There are many political celebrities from this village. Buttar has steadily grown, but it had split into two parts due to the Panchayati Department, and currently it is known by Dhillon Buttar, and Bhullar Buttar. Buttar has held tournaments every year for youngsters and other people. Three-fourths of the people from this village live abroad in places such as Canada, USA, Australia, and many other countries.
Buttar currently have 2 government high schools established in the village during the British era. Both of the separate schools are boys and girls high school. Till after independence these government high schools are the only source of education for boys and girls. Very prominent people have been educated at this schools.
See also
- Buttar, the Jatt clan
- Buttar Kalan, Gurdaspur
- Buttar Sarinh
- Kokri Buttran
- ^ "Respite from rain, but drains continue to overflow". The Tribune. 24 July 2010. Retrieved 20 June 2012.
- ^ "ਬੁੱਟਰ ਕਲਾਂ 'ਚ ਨੌਜਵਾਨ ਨੇ ਫਾਹਾ ਲਿਆ". PunjabiTribune. 15 June 2011. Retrieved 20 June 2012.
- ^ "In-laws booked". The Tribune. 16 June 2002. Retrieved 20 June 2012.
- ^ Buttar Kalan (Moga, Punjab) (in Punjabi). YouTube. 2012. ehmerapunjab. Retrieved 20 June 2012.