Caleta Los Hornos is a seaside town in the commune of La Higuera, in Elqui Province, in the extreme north of the Coquimbo Region, Chile. It is bordered on the west by the Pacific Ocean, on the north by the Atacama Region and lies 36 kilometres north of the city of La Serena on the Ruta 5 Norte highway.
The population of the town is dispersed along the coastline, with fishing a major source of income. The place is also a tourist destination, with visitors coming for the coastal setting and recreational fishing.
The town has with two beaches, Caleta Los Hornos and Despensa, located about 200 metres apart.
The cold waters of Humboldt Current bring dry weather and low precipitation to the land, and marine nutrients to the seas, making Caleta Los Hornos a diverse marine environment. These conditions make it suitable for shore fishing and rock fishing.
The flowering desert (Spanish: desierto florido) is a climatic phenomenon that occurs in the Chilean Atacama Desert. The phenomenon consists of the blossoming of a variety of flowers between the months of September and November in years when rainfall is unusually high. This phenomenon occurs in the surroundings of Caleta Los Hornos, along scattered points through the Atacama Desert.
The marine life makes Caleta Los Hornos a good place to buy locally caught seafood. As is common in Chile, it is possible to eat fresh seafood at the market itself.