According to the 2011 Census, Chhaula has a population of 468. The village has a literacy rate of 79.80%, higher than the average literacy rate of Punjab.
Most villagers belong to a Schedule Caste (SC), comprising 36.97% of the total.
The village has a co-ed primary school (Pri Chhaula School) which provide a mid-day meal as per the Indian Midday Meal Scheme and it was founded in 1971.
Nakodar Railway Station is the nearest railway station which is 17 kilometres (11 mi) away from the village and Ludhiana Jn is 44 kilometres (27 mi) away.
The nearest airport is located 62 kilometres (39 mi) away in Ludhiana. Sri Guru Ram Dass Jee International Airport is 134 kilometres (83 mi) away, however, another international airport is located in Chandigarh.
- ^ "Chhaula Population Census 2011".