Christian Hill
Christian Hill is a village in Saint Paul, Antigua and Barbuda. It had a population of 171 people in 2011.
According to the Antigua and Barbuda Statistics Division, the village had a total area of 1.9 square kilometres in 2011.
There were 171 people living in Christian Hill as of the 2011 census. The village was 84.47% African, 11.80% white, 1.24% East Indian, 1.24% mixed black/white, and 1.24% other mixed. The population was born in different countries, including 74.53% in Antigua and Barbuda, 9.94% in the United Kingdom, 3.11% in "other European countries", and 3.11% in Saint Lucia. The population had diverse religious affiliations, including 22.98% Methodist, 19.88% Anglican, 14.29% Adventist, and 13.66% Pentecostalist.