Colmar Tropicale
Colmar Tropicale has many activities to do in the village, and it has a unique style. The little French buildings and houses are actually clusters of hotel rooms. Outside, there is the village, and a buffet, other French food restaurants, a swimming pool, shops and other activities. There is free shuttle service to the Animal House, Adventure Park, Horse Riding Zone, Japanese Garden and the Botanical Garden.
Berjaya Corporation Berhad
Colmar Tropicale is developed by one of Malaysia's largest conglomerates Berjaya Corporations. The idea of this village came from when Malaysia's then-Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad was visiting a town called Colmar in Alsace, France and was captivated by the environment and aesthetics of the town. He later returned and convinced Vincent Tan, the founder of Berjaya Corporations to develop this town as part of Mahathir's wishlist.
Hence, the Bukit Tinggi Resort Project was started. Now known as Berjaya Hills since its opening in 2000. Till today it is still in development as per a recent interview between Vincent Tan and the New Straits Times, an estimated development value of RM 900 million is to be reached with the development of a further 3000 landed homes under Berjaya Hills. Stretching across 16,000 acres (6,500 ha) of highlands. He also said that this effort is made to spark development of a commercial centre at Berjaya Hills for more convivence for residents with the added help of the attraction of the Colmar Tropicale.
- ^ France, Connexion (2019-03-27). "There is a replica of Colmar... in Malaysia".
- ^ "How Malaysia came to have a French city in the rainforest – thanks to Mahathir". South China Morning Post. 2023-05-08.
- ^ Kaur, Sharen (2021-05-17). "Over RM900mil worth of houses coming up in Berjaya Hills". NST Online.