  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Diyarbakır Province

Diyarbakır Province (Turkish: Diyarbakır ili, Zazaki: Suke Diyarbekır Kurdish: Parêzgeha Amedê) is a province and metropolitan municipality in southeastern Turkey. Its area is 15,101 km, and its population is 1,804,880 (2022). The provincial capital is the city of Diyarbakır. The Kurdish majority province is part of Turkish Kurdistan.


It has been home to many civilisations and the surrounding area including itself is home to many Mesolithic era stone carvings and artifacts. The province has been ruled by the Akkadians, Hurrians, Mittani, Medes, Hittites, Armenians, Arameans, Neo-Babylonians, Achaemenids, Greeks, Romans, Parthians, Byzantium, Sassanids, Arabs, Seljuk Empire, Mongol Empire, Safavid dynasty, Marwanids, and Ayyubids.

Administrative history

In June 1927, the Law 1164 was passed allowing the creation of Inspectorates-General (Turkish: Umumi Müffetişlik).

The Diyarbakır province was therefore included in the First Inspectorate General (Turkish: Birinci Umumi Müffetişlik), which was created on the 1 January 1928 and also included Hakkâri, Siirt, Van, Mardin, Bitlis, Sanlıurfa, and Elaziğ.

The Inspectorate-General was governed by an Inspector General, who governed with a wide-ranging authority over civilian, juridical and military matters. The office of the Inspector General was dissolved in 1952 during the government of the Democrat Party.

During the 1930s, several place-names in the province were renamed into names which denoted a Turkish origin as part of the nationalist Turkification policy of the Kemalist government. Travel to Diyarbakır province was banned for foreign citizens until 1965.

Modern history

In the 1975 Lice earthquake a Ms 6.7 struck the town of Lice. The town was re-established about 2 km (1.2 mi) south of its original location.

From 1987 to 2002, Diyarbakır Province was part of the OHAL (state of emergency) region which was declared to counter the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) and governed by a so-called Supergovernor who got invested with additional powers than a normal Governor. In 1987 he was given the power to relocate and resettle whole villages, settlements and hamlets. In December 1990 with the Decree No. 430, the supergovernor and the provincial governors in the OHAL region received immunity against any legal prosecution in connections with actions they made due to the powers they received with the Decree No. 430.


Archaeologists headed by the vice-rector of Dicle University, professor Ahmet Tanyıldız, have claimed to discover the graves of the Seljuk Sultan of Rum Kilij Arslan I, who defeated the Crusaders. They also revealed his daughter Saide Hatun's burial in Silvan. Researchers dug 2 meters deep across a 35-square-meter area and focused their works on two gravesites in Orta Çeşme Park.


Diyarbakır province is divided into 17 districts:


Assyrian and Armenian population in Diyarbakır Province in 1915-1916
Sect Before World War I Disappeared (killed) After World War I
Armenians Gregorians (Apostolic) 60,000 58,000 (97%) 2,000
Armenian Catholics 12,500 11,500 (92%) 1,000
Assyrians Chaldean Catholics 11,120 10,010 (90%) 1,110
Syriac Catholic 5,600 3,450 (62%) 2,150
Syriac Orthodox 84,725 60,725 (72%) 24,000
Protestants 725 500 (69%) 2,150

See also