File:Ancient And Historic Landmarks In The Lebanon Valley (1895) (14596544728).jpg
Identifier: ancienthistoricl00phil (find matches)
Title: Ancient and historic landmarks in the Lebanon Valley
Year: 1895 (1890s)
Authors: Croll, P. C. (Philip Columbus), 1852-1949
Publisher: Philadelphia : Lutheran Publication Society
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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t onetime strong enough to have a synagogue and maintainworship. While the spot of the Jewish church andgraveyard can still be identified, it is a shame that thereshould here be found such inconsiderate vandalism as tolay its unholy hands upon the walled enclosure of thissacred spot, and reduce to the common level of a field ororchard what should have been kept as holy groundand been most jealously guarded as an historic relic.The other spot of interest on Tower-hill is the springwhich has for nearly 150 years supplied this town withwater. It is located on the northern slope of this hill 114 LANDMARKS IN THE LEBANON VALLEY. just on the edge of town, is walled over into a reservoirand shaded by giant oaks and maples, through whoseout-spreading branches the spring winds still whistlesongs of *the forest primeval. An artificial parkis slowly forming about the same, witli seats and band-stand to entice, on summer nights, the villagers toits cooling retreat. This best of water supplies has
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A SCHAEFFERSTOWN WATERING TROUGH. been utilized since 1753 as a public water works, sodeeded by the founder of the town and his wife to ap-pointed trustees for the use of inhabitants of MarketSquare and street. It claims to be the first public waterworks established in the United States. Two publicfountains have poured their clear, sparkling and never- THE countys oldest TOWN. II5 failing contents into immense watering troughs for 141years to gladden man and beast. Down by this Lancaster roadway, past the furnace,race track, Jewish cemetery, baronial castle and lead-ing spring of SchaefFers, the Lancaster and Womels-dorf postman, for many a year before the close of thelast century, drove into town with his tally-ho andfreight of passengers, parcels and post, announcing hisarrival into town by the sounding of his bugle-horn.We will let an imagii:ary blast of this trumpet interruptour observations and call us from our heights into thetowm below, where we shall gather additional facts of
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: Ancient and historic landmarks in the Lebanon Valley
Year: 1895 (1890s)
Authors: Croll, P. C. (Philip Columbus), 1852-1949
Publisher: Philadelphia : Lutheran Publication Society
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: Sloan Foundation
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
View All Images: All Images From Book
Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.
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t onetime strong enough to have a synagogue and maintainworship. While the spot of the Jewish church andgraveyard can still be identified, it is a shame that thereshould here be found such inconsiderate vandalism as tolay its unholy hands upon the walled enclosure of thissacred spot, and reduce to the common level of a field ororchard what should have been kept as holy groundand been most jealously guarded as an historic relic.The other spot of interest on Tower-hill is the springwhich has for nearly 150 years supplied this town withwater. It is located on the northern slope of this hill 114 LANDMARKS IN THE LEBANON VALLEY. just on the edge of town, is walled over into a reservoirand shaded by giant oaks and maples, through whoseout-spreading branches the spring winds still whistlesongs of *the forest primeval. An artificial parkis slowly forming about the same, witli seats and band-stand to entice, on summer nights, the villagers toits cooling retreat. This best of water supplies has
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A SCHAEFFERSTOWN WATERING TROUGH. been utilized since 1753 as a public water works, sodeeded by the founder of the town and his wife to ap-pointed trustees for the use of inhabitants of MarketSquare and street. It claims to be the first public waterworks established in the United States. Two publicfountains have poured their clear, sparkling and never- THE countys oldest TOWN. II5 failing contents into immense watering troughs for 141years to gladden man and beast. Down by this Lancaster roadway, past the furnace,race track, Jewish cemetery, baronial castle and lead-ing spring of SchaefFers, the Lancaster and Womels-dorf postman, for many a year before the close of thelast century, drove into town with his tally-ho andfreight of passengers, parcels and post, announcing hisarrival into town by the sounding of his bugle-horn.We will let an imagii:ary blast of this trumpet interruptour observations and call us from our heights into thetowm below, where we shall gather additional facts of
Note About Images
Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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- bookid:ancienthistoricl00phil
- bookyear:1895
- bookdecade:1890
- bookcentury:1800
- bookauthor:Croll__P__C___Philip_Columbus___1852_1949
- bookpublisher:Philadelphia___Lutheran_Publication_Society
- bookcontributor:The_Library_of_Congress
- booksponsor:Sloan_Foundation
- bookleafnumber:121
- bookcollection:library_of_congress
- bookcollection:americana