File:Calendario Pasquale.jpg
"III ID AP", meaning the third day to the Ides of April, or April 11, then
"V ID AP" (April 9),
"ↅII ID AP" (April 6),
"IIII ID AP" (April 10), and
"ↅI ID AP" (April 7). These are the first Sunday after the Nones of April, and are the dates for AD 532, 551, 570, 589, and 608, respectively. The date of Easter in the lunar month (Nisan) is given after the abbreviation "LV" (for "lunar..."), and it ranges from XV (15) to XXI (21), because Easter is the first Sunday after the 14th of the lunar month. The innermost circle contains "CM" for the years when Easter is twelve lunar months after the previous Easter, and "EB" when it is thirteen months after. The very outside of the diagram has "LV" followed by a number going from "PRIMUS" to "XↅIII" (19). These are equal to the year number ("AN") plus 15, modulo 19, plus 1, and tells how many years have passed since the epact was 0. The last date in the whole table is in the innermost cycle (Cycle V) in the last sector (AN XↅIII), and is "XII K MAI", meaning the 12th day to the Kalends of May, or April 20. This is in the year AD 626. Since this pre-Gregorian system repeats every 532 years (19 time 28), this table is good for any period of 95 years starting at a multiple of 532 (AD 1064, 1596 ...).