File:Chinese Plate For Dimasa Of The Era Of Yongle Emperor.png
② 信符: Plate.
③ 底馬撒宣慰司: Di-ma-sa Xuanwei Si.
④ 皇帝聖旨: Imperial edict.
⑤ 合當差發: “合當” means must or should, "差發" is a commercial form in the early Ming dynasty that frontier ethnic groups or tribes exchange horses for tea with Ming officials. "合當差發" could be understood as if you have this plate then you can exchange horses for tea with a Ming official. The Ming dynasty prohibits the folk tea trade with frontier ethnics and tribes. "合當差發" is the only way they can get tea from Ming.
⑥ 不信者斬: If somebody does not comply, he should be killed.