File:Comparison Of Axial Skeleton Between Stegouros Elengassen And Antarctopelta Oliveroi.jpg
nov CPAP-3165 and Antarctopelta oliveroi MLP 86-X-28-1. a, c, e, Stegouros elengassen
synsacral complex in anterior, posterior and ventral views. b, d, f, g, Antarctopelta oliveroi
synsacral elements in anterior, posterior and ventral views. h, j, Stegouros elengassen 6th caudal
vertebrae in posterior and right lateral views. i, k, Antarctopelta oliveroi anterior caudal vertebrae in
posterior and right lateral views. l, n, Stegouros elengassen 17th caudal vertebrae in dorsal and
posterior views. m, o, Antarctopelta oliveroi posterior caudal vertebrae in dorsal and posterior
views. Scale bars a, c, e, h, j, l, n = 2 cm, b, d, f, g, i, k, m, o = 5 cm. cv, caudal vertebra; ds,
dorsosacral vertebrae; dsr, dorsosacral rib; nc, neural canal; np, neural peduncle; poz,
postzigapophysis; pre, prezygapophysis; rim, ventral rim; sr, sacral rib; tp, transverse process; vg,
ventral groove.