File:Dame Alice Owen's Sign.jpg
[school logo]
Voluntary Aided
The Dame Alice Owen Foundation 1613
Trustees: The Worshipful Company of Brewers
Designated DfEE Language College
& Science College
[school logo]
Voluntary Aided
The Dame Alice Owen Foundation 1613
Trustees: The Worshipful Company of Brewers
Designated DfEE Language College
& Science College
(Reusing this file)
The photographic reproduction of this work is covered under United Kingdom law (Section 62 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988), which states that it is not an infringement to take photographs of buildings, or of sculptures, models for buildings, or works of artistic craftsmanship permanently located in a public place or in premises open to the public. This does not apply to two-dimensional graphic works such as posters or murals. See COM:CRT/United Kingdom#Freedom of panorama for more information.