File:François Boucher, Diana Che Esce Dal Bagno, 1742, 01.jpg
INV 2712 (Department of Paintings of the Louvre)
- Salon of 1742, Salon Carré, 25 August 1742 - 21 September 1742
- (French)
- Joconde work ID: 000PE000201
- Louvre Museum ARK ID: 010066275
- HA! artwork ID: boucher-diana-saliendo-del-bano
- Salons ID: 31499
- Panorama de l'art ID: diane-sortant-du-bain
- Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur PID: 0001474278
- Bpk-ID: 70184232
- Utpictura18 artwork ID: 5318
- Bildindex der Kunst und Architektur ID (deprecated): 20450489