File:General Biography; Or, Lives, Critical And Historical, Of The Most Eminent Persons Of All Ages, Countries, Conditions, And Professions, Arranged According To Alphabetical Order (1818) (14784572853).jpg
Identifier: generalbiographyv4pt2aiki (find matches)
Title: General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged according to alphabetical order
Year: 1818 (1810s)
Authors: Aikin, John, 1747-1822 Enfield, William, 1741-1797
Subjects: Biography
Publisher: London : Smeeton
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
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GREAVES, John, an eminent English ma-thematician and learned antiquary, was born atColmore, near Alresford, in Hampshire, in tJieyear 1602. His classical education he receivedunder the instructions of his father, who wasrector of his native place, and the most cele-brated schoolmaster in that country.- Whenhe was fifteen years of age he was sent to Ba-liol college, in die university of Oxford, wherehe applied with great assiduity to his academicstiidies, and commenced B.A. in the year 1621.Three years after this he stood candidate for afellowship of Merton college, when he was thefirst on the list of five, who were then elected ;on which occasion he discovered an uncommonproficiency in classical literature, and also inphilosophy. In the year 1628 he took his de-gree of M.A. ; and now more particularly di-rected his attention to the study of the mathe-matics and oriental learning, and contracted anintimate acquaintance with some of the mosteminent scholars in the university, among whom
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E.FFIGIE5 10HANNI5 GrAVII.A.D. lOTO. ORE ( 505 ) G R F. vcrc Mr. Henry Briggs, Savillinn professor ofgeometry, Dr. Joliu B.iinbridge, Savillian pro-fessor of astronomy, and Mr. Peter Turner, se-nior fellow of his college, and professor of geo-metry in Gresham college, London. By theirexample he was animated to prosecute his scien-tific studies with indefatigable industry. Notcontent with reading over the writings of Co-pernicus, Rcgiomontanus, Purbach, Tycho-i^rahe, Kepler, and other celebrated astrono-mers of that and the preceding age, he madehimself familiar with the ancient GreeV, Ara-bian, and Persian authors. In the year 1630,upon the resignation of Mr. Turner, he waselected professor of geometry in Gresham col-lege, ill consequence of tlie high reputationwhich he sustained in the university, and thefriendly interest which Mr. Turner took in hissuccess. By the same gentleman he was intro-duced to archbishop Laiwl, the chancellor of theuniversity of Oxford, from whom lie received
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: General biography; or, Lives, critical and historical, of the most eminent persons of all ages, countries, conditions, and professions, arranged according to alphabetical order
Year: 1818 (1810s)
Authors: Aikin, John, 1747-1822 Enfield, William, 1741-1797
Subjects: Biography
Publisher: London : Smeeton
Contributing Library: University of California Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Internet Archive
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
View All Images: All Images From Book
Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.
Text Appearing Before Image:
GREAVES, John, an eminent English ma-thematician and learned antiquary, was born atColmore, near Alresford, in Hampshire, in tJieyear 1602. His classical education he receivedunder the instructions of his father, who wasrector of his native place, and the most cele-brated schoolmaster in that country.- Whenhe was fifteen years of age he was sent to Ba-liol college, in die university of Oxford, wherehe applied with great assiduity to his academicstiidies, and commenced B.A. in the year 1621.Three years after this he stood candidate for afellowship of Merton college, when he was thefirst on the list of five, who were then elected ;on which occasion he discovered an uncommonproficiency in classical literature, and also inphilosophy. In the year 1628 he took his de-gree of M.A. ; and now more particularly di-rected his attention to the study of the mathe-matics and oriental learning, and contracted anintimate acquaintance with some of the mosteminent scholars in the university, among whom
Text Appearing After Image:
E.FFIGIE5 10HANNI5 GrAVII.A.D. lOTO. ORE ( 505 ) G R F. vcrc Mr. Henry Briggs, Savillinn professor ofgeometry, Dr. Joliu B.iinbridge, Savillian pro-fessor of astronomy, and Mr. Peter Turner, se-nior fellow of his college, and professor of geo-metry in Gresham college, London. By theirexample he was animated to prosecute his scien-tific studies with indefatigable industry. Notcontent with reading over the writings of Co-pernicus, Rcgiomontanus, Purbach, Tycho-i^rahe, Kepler, and other celebrated astrono-mers of that and the preceding age, he madehimself familiar with the ancient GreeV, Ara-bian, and Persian authors. In the year 1630,upon the resignation of Mr. Turner, he waselected professor of geometry in Gresham col-lege, ill consequence of tlie high reputationwhich he sustained in the university, and thefriendly interest which Mr. Turner took in hissuccess. By the same gentleman he was intro-duced to archbishop Laiwl, the chancellor of theuniversity of Oxford, from whom lie received
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Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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- bookyear:1818
- bookdecade:1810
- bookcentury:1800
- bookauthor:Aikin__John__1747_1822
- bookauthor:Enfield__William__1741_1797
- booksubject:Biography
- bookpublisher:London___Smeeton
- bookcontributor:University_of_California_Libraries
- booksponsor:Internet_Archive
- bookleafnumber:241
- bookcollection:cdl
- bookcollection:americana