File:Glen Woollen Mills During Spring Flood. 1910.jpg
- 2. it is a photograph that was created prior to January 1, 1949, or
- 3. the creator died prior to January 1, 1972.
You must also include a United States public domain tag to indicate why this work is in the public domain in the United States.
Canada - All photographs (except those subject to Crown Copyright, for which see below) taken before 1 January, 1949 are in the public domain.
For works from after that time, or non-photographs, the Copyright Act states a copyright subsists for the life of the author plus 50 years following the end of the calendar year of death (section 6). If the work is anonymous or pseudonymous then the copyright lasts either 50 years following publication or 75 years after the making of the work, whichever is earlier (section 6.1), provided the authorship does not become known in that timeframe.
Works subject to Crown Copyright enter the public domain 50 years after publication, except for certain very rare exceptions (see COM:CCC).