The configuration is given in Table 1 and the orbits are taken to be coplanar. Planetary positions are given for the epoch BJD 2453400.0, which lies within the quoted times of periastron passage for the three planets. The orbits are taken to be astrocentric rather than barycentric. This is because the true masses of the planets are unknown, so it is not possible to compute the actual positions of the barycentres.
Debris disc parameters taken from Lisse et al. (2008), The Astrophysical Journal 658 (1), 584–592 "On the Nature of the Dust in the Debris Disk around HD 69830"
In section 4.1 of the paper the dust disc is stated to be located at a distance of 0.93–1.16 AU from the star, which are used as the inner and outer boundaries of the annulus representing the disc.
Further details about how the orbital parameters are converted to SVG are available in the source code for the file.