DescriptionIreland's crown of thorns and roses; or, The best of her history by the best of her writers, a series of historical narratives that read as entertainingly as a novel (1904) (14754489376).jpg |
Identifier: irelandscrownoft00ryan (find matches)
Title: Ireland's crown of thorns and roses; or, The best of her history by the best of her writers, a series of historical narratives that read as entertainingly as a novel ..
Year: 1904 (1900s)
Authors: Ryan, Frank J. comp Holden, P. F., joint comp
Publisher: (Chicago, M. A. Donohue & co.
Contributing Library: Boston College Libraries
Digitizing Sponsor: Boston College Libraries
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courts of the Irish princes and homes of theIrish nobility were filled with white slave attendants, broughtfrom abroad, some from Gaul, but most from Anglia. It wasin this way the youthful Patricius, or Patrick, was brought aslave into Ireland from Gaul. As the power of Imperial Eomebegan to pale, and outlying legions were being every yeardrawn in nearer and nearer to the city itself, the Irish sun-burst blazed over the scene, and the retreating Romans foundthe cohorts of Erinn pushing dauntlessly and vengefully ontheir track. Although the Irish chroniclers of the period themselvessay little of the deeds of the armies abroad, the continentalrecords of the time give us pretty full insight into the partthey played on the European stage in that day. Niall of theNine Hostages met his death in Gaul, on the banks of theLoire, while leading his armies in one of those campaigns. Of these foreign expeditions Ireland was destined to beindebted for her own conquest by the spirit of Christianity.
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ST. PATRICK GOING TO TARA. CHAPTER V. ST. PATRICK IN IRELAND. As we have already mentioned, in one of the militaryexcursions of King Niali the First, into Gaul, he captured andbrought to Ireland amongst other white slaves, Patricius, aKoman-Gallic youth of good family, and his sisters, Darercaand Lupita. The story of St. Patricks bondage in Ireland, ofhis miraculous escape, his entry into holy orders, his visionof Ireland—in which he thought he heard the cries of a multi-tude of people, entreating him to come to them in Erinn—hislong studies under St. Germain, and eventually his determina-tion to undertake in an especial manner the conversion of theIrish, will all be found in any Irish Church History or Life ofSt. Patrick. Having received the sanction and benediction ofthe holy pontiff, Pope Celestine, and having been consecratedbishop, St. Patrick, accompanied by a few chosen priests,reached Ireland in 432. Christianity had been preached inIreland long before St. Patricks time. I
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