(*Step 1: Generate the function to be retrieved and the "measurement matrix"*)
dim = 200; (*Number of points in the original data (input)*)
nm = 30; (*Number of measurements done*)
hf[n_, x_] := (E^(-(x^2/2)) HermiteH[n, x])/Sqrt[n! 2^n Sqrt[\[Pi]]]; (*Hermite polynomials*)
nb = 6; (*number of nonzero coefficients*)
nzc = Sort@RandomSample[Range[40], nb] (*non zero coefficients*)
c = RandomReal[{-0.8, 0.8}, nb]; (*coeffieicents*)
g = Sum[c[[j]] hf[nzc[[j]], z], {j, 1, nb}]; (*function we would like to retrieve (sparse in the Hermite polynomial basis by construction)*)
xideal = Normal@SparseArray[nzc -> c, {dim}]; (*ideal x vector we would like to retrieve*)
df = Table[g // N, {z, -7, 7, 14/(dim - 1)}];
m = Sort@RandomSample[Range[dim], nm]; (*Points where we make the measurements (in the canonical basis)*)
Atmp = SparseArray[Table[{j, m[[j]]}, {j, 1, nm}] -> Table[1, {j, 1, nm}] , {nm, dim}]; (*measurement matrix*)
\[CapitalPhi] = Table[N@hf[n, x], {n, 1, dim}, {x, -7, 7, 14/(dim - 1)}];(*matrix of change of basis from Hermite to canonical (rows are the hermite polynomials)*)
A = Atmp.Transpose[\[CapitalPhi]];
y = A.xideal;
(*Step 2: A working (but not optimized) implementation of the Orthogonal Matching Pursuit algorithm*)
\[Epsilon]0 = 10^-10; (*error threshold*)
x = Table[0, {dim}]; (*first guess for the coefficients is that they are all zero*)
r = y; (*so the residuals are identical to the measurements*)
nS = Range[dim]; (*the complement of the support is everything*)
\[Epsilon] = Table[Norm[A[[All, j]].r/Norm[A[[All, j]] ]^2 A[[All, j]] - r]^2, {j, 1, dim}][[nS]]; (*calculate the error for all columns of A that are not already in the support*)
j = Position[\[Epsilon], Min[\[Epsilon]]][[1, 1]]; (*select the one with the biggest impact on the error*)
\[Epsilon] = \[Epsilon][[j]]; (*that one is the new error*)
nS = Drop[nS, {j}]; (*update the complement of the support*)
S = DeleteCases[Range[dim], Alternatives @@ nS]; (*and thus update the support*)
AS = A[[All, S]];
x[[S]] = Inverse[Transpose[AS].AS].Transpose[AS].y; (*find the best fit for the new estimate of x (least square fit)*)
r = y - A.x; (*update the residuals*)
tmp = x;
evo = Reap[While[\[Epsilon] > \[Epsilon]0, (*repeat until the error is small enough*)
\[Epsilon] = Table[Norm[A[[All, j]].r/Norm[A[[All, j]] ]^2 A[[All, j]] - r]^2, {j, 1, dim}][[nS]];
j = Position[\[Epsilon], Min[\[Epsilon]]][[1, 1]];
\[Epsilon] = \[Epsilon][[j]];
nS = Drop[nS, {j}];
S = DeleteCases[Range[dim], Alternatives @@ nS];
AS = A[[All, S]];
x[[S]] = Inverse[Transpose[AS].AS].Transpose[AS].y;
r = y - A.x;
];][[2, 1]];
evo = Prepend[evo, tmp];
(*Step 3: Generate the animation*)
p0 = Table[GraphicsRow[{
ListPlot[df, Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Gray}, Axes -> False, PlotRange -> {-1, 1}, Epilog -> {PointSize[0.02], Point[({m, y} // Transpose)[[1 ;; k]] ]}] ]
ListPlot[Table[0, {50}], PlotRange -> {{0, 50}, {-1, 1}}, Filling -> Axis, PlotStyle -> {Purple, PointSize[0.02]}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"Element of the basis", "Coefficient"},
LabelStyle -> {Bold, Black}]
}, ImageSize -> Large]
, {k, 1, nm}];
p1 = Table[
ListPlot[df, Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Gray}, PlotRange -> {-1, 1}], ListPlot[(1 - \[Tau])*0 + \[Tau] Transpose[\[CapitalPhi]].evo[[1]], Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Orange}]
, Axes -> False, PlotRange -> {-1, 1}, Epilog -> {PointSize[0.02], Point[{m, y} // Transpose]}
ListPlot[\[Tau] evo[[1]], PlotRange -> {{0, 50}, {-1, 1}}, Filling -> Axis, PlotStyle -> {Purple, PointSize[0.02]}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True, FrameLabel -> {"Element of the basis", "Coefficient"},
LabelStyle -> {Bold, Black}]
}, ImageSize -> Large]
, {\[Tau], 0, 1, 0.1}];
p2 = Table[Table[
ListPlot[df, Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Gray}, PlotRange -> {-1, 1}], ListPlot[(1 - \[Tau])*Transpose[\[CapitalPhi]].evo[[k - 1]] + \[Tau] Transpose[\[CapitalPhi]].evo[[k]],
Joined -> True, PlotStyle -> {Thick, Orange}]
, Axes -> False, PlotRange -> {-1, 1}, Epilog -> {PointSize[0.02], Point[{m, y} // Transpose]}
ListPlot[(1 - \[Tau]) evo[[k - 1]] + \[Tau] evo[[k]], PlotRange -> {{0, 50}, {-1, 1}}, Filling -> Axis, PlotStyle -> {Purple, PointSize[0.02]}, Axes -> False, Frame -> True,
FrameLabel -> {"Element of the basis", "Coefficient"}, LabelStyle -> {Bold, Black}]
}, ImageSize -> Large]
, {\[Tau], 0, 1, 0.1}], {k, 2, Dimensions[S][[1]] - 1}];
ListAnimate[Flatten[Join[p0, p1, p2]]]