File:Sh2-64 (= Westerhout 40) From Mount Lemmon SkyCenter.jpg
Optics 32-inch Schulman Telescope (RC Optical Systems), Acquired remotely
Camera SBIG STX 16803 CCD Camera
Filters AstroDon Gen II
Dates Summer 2013
Location Mount Lemmon SkyCenter
Exposure LRGB = 7:2:2:2 hours for each of 2 frames plus two padding/fill regions
Acquisition ACP Observatory Control Software (DC-3 Dreams), Maxim DL/CCD (Cyanogen), FlatMan XL (Alnitak)
Processing CCDStack (CCDWare), Photoshop CC (Adobe), PixInsight
Credit Line and Copyright Adam Block/Mount Lemmon SkyCenter/University of Arizona