File:The Street Railway Review (1891) (14756338434).jpg
Identifier: streetrailwayrev12amer (find matches)
Title: The street railway review
Year: 1902
Authors: American Street Railway Association Street Railway Accountants' Association of America American Railway, Mechanical, and Electrical Association
Subjects: Street-railroads
Publisher: Chicago : Street Railway Review Pub. Co
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
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the grounds. The routes touched all points of interest fromthe Sunken Gardens and the Conn of Palaces to the headquartersfor hoky-poky, and patrons found these baby trains an iconvenience as well as a joyful novelty iii the manner o: transporta-tion. The outfit consisted of locomotive and tender, with a totallength oi (, 11. o inches, weighing 1,200 lbs., and cars 6 ft. long and \ftvr operating its brake for three years on the lines of theMemphis Street Railway Co., and thus demonstrating the goodqualities of the device, the American Power Brake Co., of Memphis,Term., secured a trial order from the St. Louis Transit Co., equip-ping -i\ cars. After a thorough test the St. Louis Transit Co. de-cided to adopt the brake and made a contract for the equipmentof the system, and the brake company is now placing the brakes onthe cars. The American Power Brake Co. announces its willing-ness to place brakes on trial, being confident that a service test onlyis needed to bring out its advantages.
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MINIATlRE RAILWAY AT THE CHARLESTON EXPOSITION. 24 in. wide, weighing 125 lbs. each., all a.- complete in detail and asbusiness-like in aspect as a transcontinental express. The difference,and thats in favor of the Lilliput. is that on this ideal system thereare no baggage-men to badger one, no porters that one roust tip, norany man with a megaphone voice to assail one with magazines andsamples of chewing gum. Not since the daj oi and Cinderellas pumpkin coach has a conveyance been inventedwhich, for the fun of the thing. BO completely tills the bill. The Miniature Railway Co., w; ll 101 Broadway, New York, has iwied a catalog giving full descriptions of it-types of diminutive railways and pictures showing them in operation in many of the famous park- throughout the world. IIpanys excln Jty 1- the manufacture of light steam loco motives of • and variety of di prai I I gage of track, wide or narrow. The locomotives arc well adapted fot il ives are unsuital(Tie logging r
Note About Images
Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
Title: The street railway review
Year: 1902
Authors: American Street Railway Association Street Railway Accountants' Association of America American Railway, Mechanical, and Electrical Association
Subjects: Street-railroads
Publisher: Chicago : Street Railway Review Pub. Co
Contributing Library: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
Digitizing Sponsor: Lyrasis Members and Sloan Foundation
View Book Page: Book Viewer
About This Book: Catalog Entry
View All Images: All Images From Book
Click here to view book online to see this illustration in context in a browseable online version of this book.
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the grounds. The routes touched all points of interest fromthe Sunken Gardens and the Conn of Palaces to the headquartersfor hoky-poky, and patrons found these baby trains an iconvenience as well as a joyful novelty iii the manner o: transporta-tion. The outfit consisted of locomotive and tender, with a totallength oi (, 11. o inches, weighing 1,200 lbs., and cars 6 ft. long and \ftvr operating its brake for three years on the lines of theMemphis Street Railway Co., and thus demonstrating the goodqualities of the device, the American Power Brake Co., of Memphis,Term., secured a trial order from the St. Louis Transit Co., equip-ping -i\ cars. After a thorough test the St. Louis Transit Co. de-cided to adopt the brake and made a contract for the equipmentof the system, and the brake company is now placing the brakes onthe cars. The American Power Brake Co. announces its willing-ness to place brakes on trial, being confident that a service test onlyis needed to bring out its advantages.
Text Appearing After Image:
MINIATlRE RAILWAY AT THE CHARLESTON EXPOSITION. 24 in. wide, weighing 125 lbs. each., all a.- complete in detail and asbusiness-like in aspect as a transcontinental express. The difference,and thats in favor of the Lilliput. is that on this ideal system thereare no baggage-men to badger one, no porters that one roust tip, norany man with a megaphone voice to assail one with magazines andsamples of chewing gum. Not since the daj oi and Cinderellas pumpkin coach has a conveyance been inventedwhich, for the fun of the thing. BO completely tills the bill. The Miniature Railway Co., w; ll 101 Broadway, New York, has iwied a catalog giving full descriptions of it-types of diminutive railways and pictures showing them in operation in many of the famous park- throughout the world. IIpanys excln Jty 1- the manufacture of light steam loco motives of • and variety of di prai I I gage of track, wide or narrow. The locomotives arc well adapted fot il ives are unsuital(Tie logging r
Note About Images
Please note that these images are extracted from scanned page images that may have been digitally enhanced for readability - coloration and appearance of these illustrations may not perfectly resemble the original work.
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- bookid:streetrailwayrev12amer
- bookyear:1902
- bookdecade:1900
- bookcentury:1900
- bookauthor:American_Street_Railway_Association
- bookauthor:Street_Railway_Accountants__Association_of_America
- bookauthor:American_Railway__Mechanical__and_Electrical_Association
- booksubject:Street_railroads
- bookpublisher:Chicago___Street_Railway_Review_Pub__Co
- bookcontributor:Carnegie_Library_of_Pittsburgh
- booksponsor:Lyrasis_Members_and_Sloan_Foundation
- bookleafnumber:386
- bookcollection:carnegie_lib_pittsburgh
- bookcollection:americana