Cropped screenshot from the trailer for the film Guess Who's Coming to Dinner (1967), featuring Spencer Tracy.
Public domain explanation
Trailers created prior to 1976 were copyrighted under the Copyright Act of 1909, which determined that in the 28th year, the owner of the copyright had to renew the copyright. If he did not, his work went into the public domain (see here).
It is possible that copyright was never properly secured for the trailer in the first place. Under the 1909 Copyright Act, which was law until 1978, copyright required 1) publishing the item with a copyright notice; 2) depositing two copies of the item with the Unites States Copyright Office (see here). Creative Clearance notes that most trailers were not registered with the Copyright Office in this way. The lack of a copyright renewal for this trailer, despite the fact that the movie and music secured it, suggests this may have been the case.
This file is in the public domain because it is a screenshot from a pre-1976 film trailer that either was not secured with full copyright protection, or did not renew its copyright.
This template must not be used to dedicate an uploader's own work to the public domain; CC0 should be used instead.
This work must carry justifications for free usability in both the United States and its country of origin.
{{Information |Description=Cropped screenshot from the trailer for the film ''Guess Who's Coming to Dinner'' (1967), featuring Spencer Tracy. ===Public domain explanation=== *Trailers created prior to 1976 were copyrighted under the Copyright Act of 1909,