Franciscan Montessori Earth School
Established in 1977, the school is in its 40th year. The school began with seventeen students in one classroom. As the school grew, additional grades were added in the Lower and Upper Elementary, and a Children's House program (ages 2 1/2-6) was added. Eventually a middle school program, St. Francis Academy, was added. This program currently serves students in the 7th and 8th grade. Until 2002 the school maintained a High School program, but this is no longer open. Since 2012, the school has been undergoing a series of upgrades and renovations to its physical facilities. The middle school is housed in a separate building constructed on the campus, Clare Hall, in 1996.
Exchange Program
FMES/SFA students who choose to take German as their foreign language have the option to be part of a German exchange program. The exchange program travels to Freiburg, Germany. German exchange students travel to Portland, Oregon.
Students also participate in an exchange sponsored by the school's Spanish Program. In recent years these students have traveled to Costa Rica.
Special Programs
The school has a comprehensive sports program under the auspices of CYO, and offer classes after school for dance, music, language, piano, chess, math, robotics, and more.
The school is a member of AMI and OMA.
Current Head Staff
- Founding Administrator: Mother Francine Cardew
- Current Head of School: Sister Therese Gutting
- Advancement Director: Michael Winning
- Advancement Associate: Melissa McGuire
- Co-Athletic Directors: Melissa McGuire and Scott Warner
- Admissions Director: Deborah Dahling
- Business Manager: Peter Einwaller
- Volunteer Coordinator: Romila Kim
- SFA Head Guide: Laurie Langevin
- Upper Elementary Head Guide: Helena Reid
- Lower Elementary Head Guide: Lorelea McAffee Einwaller
- Children's House Head Guide: Priscilla Winning