  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Ghuraba, Safad

Ghuraba (Arabic: غرابة) was a Palestinian Arab village in the Safad Subdistrict. It was depopulated during the 1948 War on May 28, 1948, by the Palmach's First Battalion of Operation Yiftach. It was located 22 km northeast of Safad.

In 1945 it had a population of 220 Muslims.


British mandate era

In the 1931 census of Palestine, during the British Mandate for Palestine, the village had a population of 124 Muslims, in a total of 27 houses.

By the 1945 statistics the population was 220 Muslims, with a total of 2,933 dunams of land, according to an official land and population survey. Of this, Arabs used 2,928 dunams for plantations and irrigable land, while a total of 47 dunams was non-cultivable area.

1948, aftermath

After fighting broke out nearby on 1 May, 1948, many villagers fled. By late June, the Haganah Intelligence reported that there were "concentrations of Arab refugees" in Ghuraba.

In 1951 Gonen was established on Ghurabah land.

In 1992 the village site was described: "The stones of ruined houses are strewn across the fenced-in site. Segments of a few stone walls still stand. The site and the surrounding land are used for grazing."