Gujjarwal (Ludhiana West)
Gujjarwal Ludhiana' is a village located in the Ludhiana West tehsil, of Ludhiana district, Punjab.
The village is administrated by a Sarpanch who is an elected representative of village as per constitution of India and Panchayati raj (India).
Particulars | Total | Male | Female |
Total No. of Houses | 1,016 | ||
Population | 4,947 | 2,569 | 2,378 |
Villages in Ludhiana West Tehsil
Air travel connectivity
The closest airport to the village is Sahnewal Airport.
Notable people
Dr. Neelam Grewal - Member Punjab Public Service Commission, Patiala. Former Dean, Post Graduate Studies, Punjab Agricultural University, Ludhiana and former director, Central Institute for Women in Agriculture, Bhubaneswar. Amarjit Singh Grewal - Director Of Jalandhar Doordarshan Kendra. LtCol Deepinder Singh Grewal US Airforce
External links
- ^ "Gujjarwal (Ludhiana West)". Retrieved 19 July 2016.