Halang, Ukhrul
Total population
According to 2012 census, Halang has 688 households with the total of 2,878 people of which 1,431 are male and 1,447 are female. Of the total population, 466 were in the age group of 0–6 years. The average sex ratio of Halang village is 1011 female to 1000 male which is higher than the state average of 985. The literacy rate of the village stands at 88.10%. Male literacy rate stands at 90.50% while female literacy rate was 85.69%.
People and occupation
The village is home to people of Tangkhul Naga tribe. Majority of the inhabitants are Christians. Agriculture is the primary occupation of the inhabitants. The village is well known in the district for its scenic beauty. The village was recently in the news because of widespread pine tree disease that also hit the vast reserved tree plantation area of the village.
- ^ "Halang Population". Our hero. Retrieved 10 September 2015.
- ^ "Mysterious pine tree".