  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Hani, Turkey

Hani (Ottoman Turkish: هانی Hani, Ottoman Turkish: پالی معدن Palimaden, Kurdish: Hênî) is a municipality and district of Diyarbakır Province, Turkey. Its area is 436 km, and its population is 32,519 (2022). It is populated by Kurds.


The locals in Hani took part in the Sheikh Said rebellion in 1925. Subsequently, the town experienced special surveillance and scrutiny from the state.


After the victory of the Democratic Regions Party (DBP) in the local elections in 2014, Hani became a hotspot for the women movement in Diyarbakır Province. A women's center was opened in presence of the Metropolitan Mayor of Diyarbakır, Gültan Kışanak. The DBP mayor was dismissed over alleged links with the Kurdistan Workers' Party in October 2016 and a trustee was imposed by the Ministry of the interior. In the local elections of March 2019 İbrahim Lale of the Justice and Development Party (AKP) was elected mayor.


There are 26 neighbourhoods in Hani District: