People in this village speak Marathi and Kannad language.
Kagasht has an active Gram panchayat which known as Local Government.
It has average elevation of 499 meters from the sea level. The Kagasht Pin code is 413319 and its postal head office is Marwade. Kagasht is surrounded by Pandharpur Taluka towards North, Sangola Taluka towards west, Mohol Taluka towards North, South Solapur Taluka towards East. Mangalvedhe, Pandharpur, Sangole, Solapur are the nearby Cities to Kagasht.
As of 2011 Census, Kagasht had a population of 2,000. Kagast's zipcode is 413319. Telephone area code is 02188.
Educational institutions
Kagast has a Marathi medium school established in 1960 and has educational facilities up to 4th grade for Kagasht and nearby villages Student.
Occupations and key activities
The dominant occupation in the village is farming. The area is bestowed with rich black soil and uses advanced irrigation techniques. Cotton, wheat, groundnuts, jowar, bajra, dadar and vegetables are the main crop products of the village. Other people have opted for professions such as dairy farming or operation of restaurants, retail stores, garages, etc.
Cultural activities
Cultural activities are a core attribute of Kagast. Shiv Jayanti, Ganesh Chaturthi, Krishna Jamanshtami, Navratri, Hanuman Jayanti, Ram Navami, Makar Sankranti, Gudhi Padwa, Akshay Tritya (Aakhaji), Pola, Dasra, Holi, and Diwali are the main festivals celebrated together in Kagast.
Medical facilities
Kagast has a Sub-Primary Health Center (PHC) managed by government. Most of the people go to PHC for basic treatment of common diseases and vaccination of their children.
There is one corporate sugar factory near Kagasht, named "Fabtech Sugar Factory"
Rail connectivity
There is no railway station near to Kagasht in less than 10 km. however Solapur Railway Station is major railway station 56 km near to Kagasht
- ^ "Kagasht Info". Maharashtra Remote Sensing Applications Centre. Retrieved 3 February 2015.
- ^ "Population & Literacy Info of Kagasht". Retrieved 3 February 2015.