  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia


Kamicë-Flakë (Serbian: Каменица) is a settlement in the former Qendër municipality, Shkodër County, northern Albania. At the 2015 local government reform it became part of the municipality Malësi e Madhe. It has a population of 957. For administrative purposes, it was grouped under the tribal region of Kastrati in the Ottoman period. Its area consists of two previously distinct settlements Kamica (alternatively known in its older form, Kamenicë) and Flaka.


The location Kamenica appears uninhabited in the Venetian cadastre of the city of Shkodra in 1416–7. It was a location of 300 acres (1.2 km) that is described as partly arable, partly forest, partly used as grazing ground. The rights of economic activity in this location belonged to the Tuzi tribe (fis). In the Ottoman defter of 1485 of the sanjak of Scutari the location isn't mentioned as either grazing ground or as part of a settlement.

In a work of Jovan Cvijić it was recorded that in Kamenicë (Serbian: Каменица/Kamenica) of the Kastrati region the majority of the population were Orthodox Serbs at the beginning of the 20th century. Today, the village is still inhabited by a Serb–Montenegrin community.

During the early 2010s linguists Klaus Steinke and Xhelal Ylli seeking to corroborate villages cited in past literature as being Slavic speaking carried out fieldwork in settlements of the area. Kamicë in the Shkodër area is one of a number of villages with a Slavophone population that speak a Montenegrin dialect. The village of Kamicë is almost deserted, with five or six minority Orthodox Montenegrin families left, alongside the few Albanian families.


  1. ^ "Location of Kamicë-Flakë". Retrieved 30 August 2010.
  2. ^ "Law nr. 115/2014" (PDF) (in Albanian). pp. 6374–6375. Retrieved 25 February 2022.
  3. ^ "Komuna Qendër, Rrethi Malësi e Madhe" (PDF) (in Albanian). Archived from the original (PDF) on 27 July 2011. Retrieved 30 August 2010.
  4. ^ Sir John Linton Myres; Harold St. John Loyd Winterbotham; F. Longland (1945). Albania. Naval Intelligence Division. p. 157. Retrieved 9 May 2013. Flake, Kamice (Kamenice)
  5. ^ Zamputi, Injac (1977). Regjistri i kadastrēs dhe i koncesioneve pēr rrethin e Shkodrës 1416-1417. Academy of Sciences of Albania. p. 54. Retrieved 29 January 2020.
  6. ^ Pulaha, Selami (1974). Defter i Sanxhakut të Shkodrës 1485. Academy of Sciences of Albania. Retrieved 28 January 2020.
  7. ^ Jovan Cvijić (1987). Sabrana dela: pt. 1. Govori i c̆lanci. Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti. p. 130. ISBN 9788639100445. Retrieved 9 May 2013. У најновије време сам сазнао од мог ученика Ј. Мајића да у арбанашком племену Кастрати, у селу Каменици, превлаћују православни Срби.
  8. ^ Vojislav Stanovčić (2005). Položaj i identitet srpske manjine u jugoistočnoj i centralnoj Evropi: zbornik radova sa naučnog skupa održanog 26-29. novembra 2003. godine. Srpska Akad. Nauka i Umetnosti. ISBN 9788670253889. Уосталом, српскоцрногорског живља и сада има у северној Албанији, код Скадра, у насељима: Бродица, Бардош, Грижа, Врака, Коплик, Пука, Вафа, Камени- ца, Омара, Велики Барич, Мали Барич, Грил, Раш, Стари Штој, Нови Штој, Добрач, Голем, Мушан, Бушат итд. Такође, живе и у окрузима Лежа, Драч, Тирана, Елбасан, Либражд...
  9. ^ "Дуготрајна асимилација". Jedinstvo. У Албанији, по проценама Удружења српскоцрногорске заједнице „Морача-Розафа", живи око 30.000 припадника српске националности. Сконцентрисани су углавном у градовима Скадар и Коплик, пре свега у селима комуне Груемира: Врака, Омара, Грил, Велики Борич, Мали Борич, Каменица, Стари Штој, Нови Штој, Добрач, Голем, Мушан, Бушат итд.
  10. ^ Steinke, Klaus; Ylli, Xhelal (2013). Die slavischen Minderheiten in Albanien (SMA). 4. Teil: Vraka - Borakaj. Munich: Verlag Otto Sagner. ISBN 9783866883635. p. 9. "Am östlichen Ufer des Shkodrasees gibt es heute auf dem Gebiet von Vraka vier Dörfer, in denen ein Teil der Bewohner eine montenegrinische Mundart spricht. Es handelt sich dabei um die Ortschaften Boriçi i Madh (Borić Veli), Boriçi i Vogël (Borić Mali/Borić Stari/Borić Vezirov), Gril (Grilj) und Omaraj (Omara), die verwaltungstechnisch Teil der Gemeinde Gruemira in der Region Malësia e Madhe sind. Ferner zählen zu dieser Gruppe noch die Dörfer Shtoji i Ri und Shtoji i Vjetër in der Gemeinde Rrethinat und weiter nordwestlich von Koplik das Dorf Kamica (Kamenica), das zur Gemeinde Qendër in der Region Malësia e Madhe gehört. Desgleichen wohnen vereinzelt in der Stadt sowie im Kreis Shkodra weitere Sprecher der montenegrinischen Mundart. Nach ihrer Konfession unterscheidet man zwei Gruppen, d.h. orthodoxe mid muslimische Slavophone. Die erste, kleinere Gruppe wohnt in Boriçi i Vogël, Gril, Omaraj und Kamica, die zweite, größere Gruppe in Boriçi i Madh und in Shtoj."
  11. ^ Steinke & Ylli 2013, p. 117. "Kamica - Kamenica. Das Dorf ist fast verlassen, und heute wohnen dort nur noch fünf bis sechs orthodoxe Familien der Minderheit und einige hinzugekommene albanische Familien."