  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Kanije Eyalet

The Kanije Eyalet (Ottoman Turkish: ایالت قنیژه; Eyālet-i Ḳanije) was an administrative territorial entity of the Ottoman Empire formed in 1600 and existing until the 1699 Treaty of Karlowitz. It included parts of present-day Hungary and Croatia


The province of Kanije was established in 1600 after the town of Kanije was captured from Habsburgs. This newly conquered area was joined with territory of Zigetvar Province, which was formed in 1596 from some sanjaks of Budin Province (which had been expanded as a result of the Ottoman territorial gains during the Long War) and Bosnia Province. The Kanije Eyalet existed until the capture of Kanije by Habsburg Monarchy in 1690. It was formally ceded to Habsburg Monarchy by the Treaty of Karlowitz in 1699.

Administrative divisions

In 1600, the Kanije Eyalet comprised the: The sanjaks of Kanije Eyalet in the 17th century:
  1. Sanjak of Kanije
  2. Sanjak of Siget
  3. Sanjak of Kopan
  4. Sanjak of Valiova
  5. Sanjak of Sokolofja
Later in the 17th century, it expanded to include the: