  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Kings Gap Environmental Education Center

Kings Gap Environmental Education Center is a 1,454-acre (588 ha) Pennsylvania state park in Cooke, Dickinson, and Penn Townships, Cumberland County, Pennsylvania, in the United States. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania acquired the land in 1973 from the C. H. Masland and Son Carpet Company. Kings Gap Environmental Education Center is 2.5 miles (4.0 km) from Pennsylvania Route 233 on South Mountain.


Human influence on South Mountain, 1750–1900

Ridge overlook at Kings Gap

The origin of the name "Kings Gap" is unknown, although it is believed to date to early settlers in this region. The forests of Kings Gap reflect the influence of the charcoal industry that began in the 1700s and persisted through the late 1800s. Before the discovery of coal, charcoal fueled the iron furnaces located nearby. Some furnaces were as close as Huntsdale, one mile southwest of the entrance to Kings Gap. Iron furnaces require tremendous amounts of charcoal as fuel. In 1786, an average furnace consumed the charcoal produced from one acre of forest in a single day. The forests of South Mountain were cleared on a 20–25-year cycle to satisfy the need for charcoal by nine iron furnaces in the Kings Gap area. A relatively young forest now exists as a result of these repeated cuttings.

The process of making charcoal demanded great skills and vast quantities of trees. During winter months, wood was cut and stacked. When colliers selected a site for the hearth, they stacked the wood into a conical shape by standing the sticks at the end around a central chimney. The dangerous job of firing and tending these hearths belonged to the collier and one or two helpers. These men usually managed as many as eight or nine hearths at one time. To keep the fires smoldering, fires were carefully controlled 24 hours a day for ten days to two weeks; the time needed to produce the charred wood or charcoal.

The individuals involved in colliery work resided in basic huts situated close to the set of hearths used for charcoal production. Due to the modest accommodations, the process of charcoaling was typically undertaken during the milder seasons. Once the collier deemed the wood sufficiently processed, the fires were extinguished, and the resulting charcoal was carefully accumulated. The collier would then load the charcoal onto wagons and transport it to the furnaces. However, the discovery of coal with higher combustion properties eventually rendered charcoal obsolete, leading to the decline of this industry by the conclusion of the 19th century.

The remains of these hearth sites are visible throughout Kings Gap. Flat, dry spots about 30–50 feet in diameter remain fairly free of vegetation revealing the location of a former charcoal hearth. Look for pieces of charcoal that sometimes can be found among the forest litter.

The Camerons, 1906–1951

Near the turn of the century, James McCormick Cameron, a member of the politically prominent Cameron family from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, purchased many tracts of land in this area. He erected the 32-room stone mansion as a summer home around 1908. This building now houses the training center and offices.

James McCormick Cameron's grandfather, Simon Cameron, was a United States Senator from Pennsylvania and served briefly as Secretary of War under Abraham Lincoln. Donald Cameron, father of James, was also a U.S. Senator. Both men amassed fortunes through business interests in banking, steel mills, printing and railroading, among others. James McCormick Cameron carried forward with the business tradition but shunned politics. He received his education at Harrisburg Academy, Phillips Exeter Academy and Harvard University. His hearing impairment contributed to his reserved and soft-spoken demeanor. Cameron did not marry until 1927, at the age of 62, and he had no children. He split his time between his residences in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, Donegal in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, and Kings Gap. After eventually acquiring 2,700 acres at Kings Gap, Cameron implemented stewardship practices that significantly contributed to land conservation.

Mansion: The mansion is approximately 200 feet long and is built of native quartzite quarried from a nearby ridge. The 32-room house was designed to resemble an Italian villa with its flat roof, huge windows and flagstone terrace. The use of steel-reinforced concrete for the internal structure of the building is believed to be one of the first such applications in local construction. The materials used in the construction were intended to make the mansion as fireproof as possible. Nevertheless, Mr. Cameron only lived at Kings Gap from May through October, during which fire danger is at its lowest.

Ice house: The ice house rises 15 feet above the ground level and extends downward up to 10 feet. The Camerons used it to store vegetables grown in the garden. The ice was brought from Laurel Lake near Pine Grove Furnace until 1931.

Garden: The stone-walled garden provided vegetables for the household during the Cameron residency. A wire fence has been erected in front of the stone wall to discourage deer.

Water tower: The 10,000-gallon capacity wooden tank atop the brick tower supplies water to the surrounding buildings as it did when first constructed. Originally a water-powered pump located in the pumphouse near the foot of the mountain sent water from a spring approximately two miles uphill to the water tower. A well located at the pumphouse now serves as the water source. Gravity flow still feeds all of the buildings from the tank.

Carriage house: The former carriage house and stable now serves as the center's maintenance building. The building contained an apartment on the second floor for the carriage drivers and stable help. An automatic carriage wash in the middle bay and a hand-operated large equipment elevator in the carriage section are evidence of the modern conveniences of the time.

Generator building: Across the road from the carriage house is a stone building that was originally constructed as the generator building. In the 1930s, a 12-volt electrical system powered by two gasoline engines was installed to generate electricity for the mansion. This system has long since been replaced by a public utility service.

Caretaker's house: This two-story brick building was occupied year-round by the caretaker of Kings Gap. The building is now a private residence and is not open to the public.

The Maslands, 1951–1973

After Mr. Cameron's death in 1949, the C. H. Masland and Son Carpet Company of Carlisle purchased the mansion and the surrounding 1,430 acres. Masland refurbished the mansion adding carpet, wallpaper and new furnishings. The building, then called the "Masland Guest House," was used as an accommodation for potential clients and as a training site for employees and sales representatives. The bedrooms were used to showcase Masland carpet. The bedroom carpet was changed frequently as product lines were dropped and new designs were added.

The Masland family also became involved in several land management projects, including the planting of the pine plantation located at the base of the mountain. Thirty thousand trees were planted in the 42-acre plot during the 1950s. In addition, the Maslands were responsible for the construction of the pond, which is now used as a site for aquatic studies.

As commercial overnight accommodations became available in the Carlisle, Pennsylvania area for business meetings it was no longer necessary or feasible to operate Kings Gap. The company made the decision to seek a buyer for the property.


Working through the Nature Conservancy, the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania acquired the mansion and 1,430 acres of land in 1973. The environmental education center opened in 1977 and the training center opened in 1980.

In 1991, the training center was renamed in honor of William C. Forrey, retiring director of the Pennsylvania Bureau of State Parks. Forrey served as Bureau Director from 1973 through 1991 and was instrumental in the acquisition and growth of Kings Gap.

Environmental education

Kings Gap Environmental Education Center is one of four environmental education centers operated by the Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. The PA DCNR also gives environmental education programs for students, teachers, and the public at Kings Gap.


Hiking and picnicking are popular activities at the park. Kings Gap has many picnic tables throughout the park to enjoy a lunch packed from home. There are three permanent orienteering courses at Kings Gap Environmental Education Center of different difficulties. The center offers programs on orienteering for beginners in the fall and spring.

Hunting is permitted on several hundred acres of Kings Gap Environmental Education Center. Hunters are expected to follow the rules and regulations of the Pennsylvania Game Commission. The common game species are gray squirrels, turkey, and white-tailed deer.

There are approximately 20 miles of trails from 19 marked and named trailheads.


Frog in pond at Kings Gap

Kings Gap Environmental Education Center has a wide variety of wild plants and animals. Turkey vultures can be seen near the summit of the mountain. Reptiles including the box turtle, five-lined skink, copperhead snakes and timber rattlesnakes can also be seen. The plant life is diverse as well. Wild blueberry, huckleberry and mountain laurel can be found in the woods with large stands of chestnut oak, white pine, larch and Douglas fir. Vernal pools appear in the springtime. These pools provide habitats and breeding area for amphibians like wood frogs, spotted salamanders, and spring peepers.

Park areas

Mansion Day Use Area

The center's offices and the Mansion Day Use Area are located on the mountaintop, four miles from the entrance of Kings Gap. The patio of the mansion provides a sweeping view of the Cumberland Valley. Turkey vultures are a common sight at this vista as they catch the air currents created by the gap.

Kings Gap is suitable habitat for a variety of reptiles, including the box turtle, the five-lined skink (one of Pennsylvania's few lizards), the northern copperhead and the timber rattlesnake. Sightings of these reptiles are not uncommon in the summer months. In the Mansion Day Use Area, copperheads and rattlesnakes are sometimes seen hunting rodents along the stone walls of the mansion patio and garden. Although these snakes are venomous and should be respected, in their natural habitats they retreat when threatened. The timber rattlesnake is classified as a candidate species in Pennsylvania, which means it could receive endangered or threatened status in the future.

Chestnut oak dominates the forest while blueberries, huckleberries and mountain laurel make up the shrub layer of the Mansion Day Use area. The Woodland Ecology Trail is a signed interpretive trail that explores this oak forest habitat.

The garden, surrounded by a low stone wall, was used by the original owners of Kings Gap to raise vegetables. Restoration of this site began in January 1992 by the Master Gardeners of Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. The goal of this project is to establish an educational garden that will inspire and teach about the benefits of plants.

The garden is sectioned into three distinct educational zones. It features an herb garden, which showcases various herbs categorized by their use in coloring, cooking, and for their fragrance and medicinal properties. Additionally, the wildlife habitat garden illustrates the creation of a wildlife sanctuary using indigenous plants. This area includes a meadow, pond, woodland, and shrub border, exemplifying how one can establish a wildlife habitat in a domestic setting.

Finally, a compost demonstration garden sponsored by the Pennsylvania Bureau of Land Recycling and Waste Management provides examples of seven different composting methods.

Pine Plantation Day Use Area

In contrast to the deciduous forest that covers most of the center grounds, the Pine Plantation lets you experience the shaded environment of a coniferous forest. The plantation of white pine, Douglas fir and larch is located near the entrance of Kings Gap. The C.H. Masland and Sons Carpet Company of Carlisle, Pennsylvania, planted this forest as an experimental tree farm in the 1950s.

During the winters of 1995–97 with assistance from the Pennsylvania Bureau of Forestry, the plantation was thinned to insure its continued health. The removal of excess trees has reduced the competition for sunlight, water and nutrients, lessening the stress on the remaining trees.

The Whispering Pines Trail winds through the plantation. This paved trail includes signs that interpret the coniferous forest.

The pine plantation is home to many animals that prefer a coniferous habitat. The silence of the pine forest is often broken by the chatter of a red squirrel as it sees visitors. In the winter months, one may catch sight of a red-breasted nuthatch as it searches the bark of a nearby pine for food.

In springtime, the terrain is dotted with numerous vernal ponds. These are ephemeral bodies of water that emerge in the spring, owing to the melting of snow, seasonal rainfall, and/or increased groundwater levels.

These important wetland habitats provide a breeding area for a variety of amphibians including spotted salamanders, spring peepers and wood frogs. Each spring participants in the program, "Experiencing a Spring Night", brave the darkness looking for a very small but very noisy tree frog, the spring peeper.

Kings Gap Hollow Day Use Area

Located two miles from the entrance of Kings Gap, the Pond Day Use Area features a scenic pond and mountain stream. This area is used extensively for environmental education programming because of its diversity of habitats.

Kings Gap Hollow Run is a spring-fed stream that periodically dries up and reveals a stony bottom. However, in the spring when the water flow is at its peak, this stony bottom is home for many aquatic animals. Pick a stone out of the stream and observe the larva of the black fly as they cling to the stone and filter food from the water. Although the adult black fly is considered a pest, the presence of its larva in the stream is an indicator of good water quality.

The black fly larva and the diversity of the other aquatic life found in the stream indicate good water quality, but the stream is vulnerable. Chemical tests reveal low pH and alkalinity levels due to the geology and vegetation of the area. Low alkalinity in a stream signifies a reduced capacity to counteract acidity, such as that from acid rain or snow. This diminished buffering ability can lead to a decline in pH levels, indicating increased acidity. Excessively high acid levels in the stream can render it inhospitable to aquatic life.

The deciduous forest that brackets the stream features wetland areas categorized by sphagnum moss, cinnamon ferns, skunk cabbage and tulip trees. In late spring and early summer, hikers may chance upon the clump of grass-like leaves with a white to pale green bloom of the lily of the wildflower fly poison.

The pond supports a wealth of aquatic animals adapted to slower water. It includes frogs, salamanders, turtles, snakes and various aquatic insects. A small, floating platform anchored in the pond provides a safe haven for "basking" painted turtles and water snakes. The pond also serves as an aquatic study area for students participating in field learning experiences.

The White Oaks Trail winds through an oak forest. This paved trail includes signs that interpret the ecology of the forest.

Nearby state parks

The following state parks are within 30 miles (48 km) of Kings Gap Environmental Education Center:


  1. ^ "Kings Gap State Park". Geographic Names Information System. United States Geological Survey. August 30, 1990. Retrieved March 29, 2008.
  2. ^ "History of Kings Gap Environmental Education Center". Pennsylvania Department of Conservation & Natural Resources. Retrieved May 9, 2024.
  3. ^ "Kings Gap State Park". Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Archived from the original on October 11, 2011. Retrieved November 14, 2006.
  4. ^ "Hiking at Kings Gap Environmental Education Center".
  5. ^ "Find a Park by Region (interactive map)". Pennsylvania Department of Conservation and Natural Resources. Archived from the original on September 24, 2011. Retrieved November 18, 2011.
  6. ^ Michels, Chris (1997). "Latitude/Longitude Distance Calculation". Northern Arizona University. Archived from the original on April 11, 2008. Retrieved April 23, 2008.
  7. ^ 2007 General Highway Map Cumberland County Pennsylvania (PDF) (Map). 1:65,000. Pennsylvania Department of Transportation, Bureau of Planning and Research, Geographic Information Division. Retrieved July 27, 2007. Note: shows Kings Gap Environmental Education and Training Center