Kotla Mehar Singh Wala
The background of the village belongs to Brar Jatts. Brar originated from the Bhattis of Jaisalmer. Kotla Mehar Singh Wala has a literacy rate of 80%. This Village is 500 years old (approx). the founder of this village was Mehar Singh.
There are three Schools (two government and one private) in Kotla Mehar Singh Wala. One school offers study for grades 1 to 5, while the other two schools offer study for grades 6 to 10. Most of people in Kotla Mehar Singh Wala are well educated. Some are on government service; the main occupation is agriculture.
Sports activities
Every year, a kabaddi cup is held by villagers at the local sports ground. This tournament is known world-wide. All players playing Punjabi kabaddi attend this tournament in each winter. All matches are available on YouTube.