  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

List Of Alberta General Elections

The Canadian province of Alberta holds elections to its unicameral legislative body, the Legislative Assembly of Alberta. The maximum period between general elections of the assembly is five years, but the Lieutenant Governor is able to call one at any time. However, the premier has typically asked the lieutenant governor to call the election in the fourth or fifth year after the preceding election. The number of seats has increased over time, from 25 for the first election in 1905, to the current 87.

Alberta's politics has historically been one of long-lasting governments with government changes being few and far between. The province from 1905 to 2015 was ruled by four "dynasties": the Liberal Party (1905–1921); the United Farmers of Alberta (1921–1935), the Social Credit Party (1935–1971), and the Progressive Conservative (PC) Association (1971–2015), the longest political dynasty in Canada. No minority government has ever been elected. Thus, Alberta can be said to have continuously had a dominant-party system for its entire political history, though the dominant party has changed over time.

In 2015, the NDP were elected to government for the first time in Alberta's history. The NDP had Alberta's only one term government thus far.

In 2019 the newly formed United Conservative Party formed the government.

From 1905 to 1956, Alberta elections used a combination of single-member and multi-member districts. From 1905 to 1924, each voter cast as many votes as seats to be filled in the district. From 1924 to the present, each voter has been able to cast just one vote.

From 1905 to 1924, plurality was enough to be elected.

From 1924 to 1956, each voter cast a ranked ballot, creating a hybrid of Single Transferable Voting in multi-member districts and Instant-runoff voting in single-member districts, producing proportional representation in the cities and majoritarian results elsewhere. Only Alberta and Manitoba have used a proportional representation system for any length of time in the history of Canada, although in both provinces it was applied only partially.

Since 1956, Alberta's elections have used single-member plurality, also known as First-past-the-post voting.


The table below shows the total number of seats won by each political party in each election. Full details on any election are linked via the year of the election at the start of the row, and details for the legislature that followed the election are available at the legislature number. Note that election results show differences at 1926 and 1959, when different electoral systems were adopted, as described in the "Electoral system" section.

Year Seats Winner Legislature United Conservative Party Progressive Conservative Liberal NDP Social Credit United Farmers Dominion Labor Ind. Other elected members Other parties Voter turnout
1905 25 Liberal 1st 3 22
1909 41 Liberal 2nd 2 36 2 1 Socialist
1913 56 Liberal 3rd 17 38
1917 58 Liberal 4th 19 34 5 1 Labor Representation League 2 Alberta Non-Partisan League 2 non-partisan members elected by Soldiers and Nurses voting in 2-seat district
1921 61 United Farmers 5th 15 38 4 4
1926 60 United Farmers 6th 4 7 43 5 1
1930 63 United Farmers 7th 6 11 39 4 3
1935 63 Social Credit 8th 2 5 56   81.8%
1940 57 Social Credit 9th 1 36 20 Independent Movement (19), Labour (1)
1944 60 Social Credit 10th 2 51 3 4 Navy, Army and Air Force reps. (overseas, non-partisan)(3); Veterans' and Active Force (Edmonton)(1)
1948 57 Social Credit 11th 2 2 51 2
1952 60 Social Credit 12th 2 3 1 53 1
1955 61 Social Credit 13th 3 15 2 37 3 1 Coalition
1959 65 Social Credit 14th 1 1 61 1 1 Coalition
1963 63 Social Credit 15th 2 60 1 Coalition
1967 65 Social Credit 16th 6 3 55 1
1971 75 PC 17th 49 1 25
1975 75 PC 18th 69 1 4 1   59.58%
1979 79 PC 19th 74 1 4   58.71%
1982 79 PC 20th 75 2 2   66.00%
1986 83 PC 21st 61 4 16 2 Representative 47.25%
1989 83 PC 22nd 59 8 16   53.60%
1993 83 PC 23rd 51 32   60.21%
1997 83 PC 24th 63 18 2   53.75%
2001 83 PC 25th 74 7 2   53.38%
2004 83 PC 26th 62 16 4 1 Alberta Alliance 45.12%
2008 83 PC 27th 72 9 2   40.59%
2012 87 PC 28th 61 5 4 17 Wildrose 56.96%
2015 87 NDP 29th 10 1 54 22 Wildrose (21), Alberta Party (1) 58.4%
2019 87 UCP 30th 63 24 64.0%
2023 87 UCP 31st 49 38 62.4%