  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

List Of University Of Waterloo People

The University of Waterloo, located in Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, is a comprehensive public university that was founded in 1957 by Drs. Gerry Hagey and Ira G. Needles. It has grown into an institution of more than 42,000 students, faculty, and staff. The school is notable for being the first accredited university in North America to create a Faculty of Mathematics, which is now the world's largest, and to have the largest cooperative education program in the world. The school is also known for having more companies formed by its faculty, students, and alumni than any other Canadian university, and as such, the university has been called the "MIT of the North".

The list includes notable faculty, alumni, staff, and former university presidents. The enrollment for 2020 was 36,057 undergraduate and 6,231 graduate students, with 1,350 faculty members and 2,596 staff. About 221,000 people have graduated from the university, and now reside in over 150 countries.

Alumni and faculty

Fields with a "—" have unknown values.


Name Degree Discipline Known for Notes
V. K. Aatre Graduate Electrical engineering Scientist and former head of the Defence Research and Development Organisation
Michael H. Albert Undergraduate Mathematics Rhodes Scholar, associate professor at University of Otago
Celeste Anderson Undergraduate Computer Science King of the Nerds winner, competitive gamer
Gordon Stewart Anderson Undergraduate Writer
Mohammad H. Ansari Graduate Physics Fundamental quantum theory research
Andy Anstett Graduate Politics Ministry of Municipal Affairs
Paul Antrobus Graduate Psychology Principal at Baptist Theological Seminary, Kakinada (India) and Psychology Professor at University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan (Canada)
Omer Arbel Undergraduate Environmental studies Designer, sculptor, creative director of Bocci
Karen Autio Undergraduate Mathematics and computer science Writer of children's fiction
Calvin Ayre Undergraduate Science and Business Bodog founder
Ricardo Baeza-Yates Graduate Computer science Director of Yahoo! Research labs
Bill Ballinger Undergraduate Political science Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Lisa Feldman Barrett Graduate Psychology Northeastern University professor
Romesh Batra Graduate Mechanical engineering Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University professor
Keith Beavers Undergraduate Kinesiology Competed in swimming at the 2004 Summer Olympics
Gordon Bell Undergraduate Computer science QNX co-creator
David Berman Undergraduate Computer science Fellow of the Society of Graphic Designers of Canada
Peter Besler Undergraduate Chemistry Investment banker
Art Binkowski Undergraduate Psychology Heavyweight boxer
Don Boudria Undergraduate Politics Canadian Member of Parliament and Cabinet Minister
Marie Bountrogianni Undergraduate Arts Member of Ontario Parliament, Minister of Intergovernmental Affairs, and dean of the G. Raymond Chang School of Continuing Education at Ryerson University
Mark Bourrie Undergraduate History Lawyer, author, and winner of the RBC Taylor Prize for literary non-fiction
Gail Bowen Graduate English Playwright and writer of mystery novels
Brad Bradford Graduate Planning Toronto City Councillor
Mike Bradley Undergraduate Athletics Canadian Football League running back
Peter Braid Undergraduate International relations Member of Parliament
Andrew Brandt Undergraduate Business Former Canadian cabinet minister
Fiona Brinkman Undergraduate Biochemistry Associate professor at Simon Fraser University
Alison Brooks Undergraduate Architecture Stirling Prize Award-winning Architect
Edward Burger Graduate Mathematics Professor at Williams College
Amanda Burk Undergraduate Fine Arts Artist, associate professor at Nipissing University
Vitalik Buterin Dropout Computer science Co-founder of Ethereum, co-founder of Bitcoin Magazine
Wayne Cao Undergraduate Computer science Member of the Legislative Assembly of Alberta
Colin Carrie Undergraduate Politics Member of Parliament
Jeromy Carriere Undergraduate Computer science Computer architect
Bardish Chagger Undergraduate Science Member of Parliament
David Cheriton Graduate Mathematics Stanford University professor and Granite Systems co-founder
Václav Chvátal Graduate Mathematics Canada Research Chair in Combinatorial Optimization and former professor at McGill and Stanford
Ian Clark Graduate Earth science Professor in the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Ottawa
George Elliott Clarke Undergraduate Entertainment Poet and playwright; Governor General's Award for poetry recipient
Rod Coutts Undergraduate Electrical Engineering Founder of Teklogix; namesake of the Rod Coutts Engineering Lecture Building at University of Waterloo
Clifford Cunningham Undergraduate Physics & Classical studies Astronomer
Julie E. Czerneda Undergraduate Literature Science fiction and fantasy author
Heather Dale Undergraduate Entertainment Celtic singer
Liane Davey Graduate Industrial/Organizational Psychology Leadership consultant, public speaker, and New York Times bestselling author
Erik Demaine Graduate Computer science Youngest professor ever at MIT
Dan Dodge Undergraduate Computer science QNX co-creator
Andrew Drummond Undergraduate Arts Frances Hodgkins Fellow
Richard Ducharme Undergraduate Civil engineering General Manager of Transportation for Edmonton
Tom Duff Undergraduate Computer science Computer scientist
Garfield Dunlop Undergraduate Politics Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
David Eby Undergraduate English Premier of British Columbia
Fred Eisenberger Undergraduate Politician
Jon Evans Undergraduate Engineering Arthur Ellis Awards winner
Anne Fleming Undergraduate English Fiction writer
Joe Fontana Undergraduate Chemistry Member of Parliament
John Friedlander Graduate Mathematics Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada and American Mathematical Society and winner of the CRM-Fields-PIMS prize
Curwin Friesen Undergraduate Economics Chief executive officer of Friesens
James Alan Gardner Graduate Mathematics Science fiction author
J. Alan George Graduate Computer science Dean of the University of Waterloo Faculty of Mathematics
Garth A. Gibson Undergraduate Computer Science Computer scientist at Carnegie Mellon University
Brad Goddard Undergraduate Theatre Actor
W. G. Godfrey Graduate Canadian history Canadian historian
Gaston Gonnet Graduate Computer science Computer scientist and entrepreneur
Gary Goodyear Undergraduate Politics Canadian Member of Parliament
Rick Green Undergraduate Entertainment Comedian and member of The Frantics
Chris Hadfield Graduate Mechanical engineering Astronaut
Fariborz Haghighat Graduate System Design Engineering Professor at the Concordia University
Ann Hansen Undergraduate Urban guerrilla
Dianne Haskett Undergraduate Arts Mayor of London, Ontario
Deen Hergott Undergraduate Chess International Master
Cyd Ho Undergraduate Politics Member of the Legislative Council of Hong Kong
Glenn Howard Undergraduate Environmental studies Three-time World Curling Champion
Kimmo Innanen Graduate Mathematics Astronomer and professor
David Johnson Graduate Mathematics Mayor of East York, Ontario
Rupi Kaur Undergraduate English Poet, illustrator, and author; best known for her debut book, Milk and Honey
Humayun Akhtar Khan Undergraduate Business mathematics Commerce Minister of Pakistan
Arounna Khounnoraj Graduate Fine arts Multi-disciplinary artist, teacher, author and co-founder of Bookhou
Don Knight Undergraduate Accounting Former member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Tony Knowles Graduate Physical chemistry President of the British Columbia Institute of Technology
Michelle Lam Graduate/undergraduate Accounting Founder and CEO of True & Co., a direct-to-consumer digital intimate apparel brand, headquartered in San Francisco, California
Steven Lee Undergraduate Science Founder of Visibly/Opternative, CEO of VisionPros
Mike Lazaridis Undergraduate Electrical engineering Research in Motion founder
William Lawrence Kocay Graduate Mathematics Professor of mathematics
Serge LeClerc Undergraduate Sociology Co-author of Untwisted
William C. Leggett Graduate Zoology Principal of Queen's University
Martha Lenio Undergraduate Mechanical Engineering Commander of the NASA human performance study Hawaiʻi Space Exploration Analog and Simulation (HI-SEAS)
Rasmus Lerdorf Undergraduate Systems Design Engineering PHP creator
David X Li Graduate Actuarial science Pioneer of Gaussian copula pricing models for collateralized debt obligations
Michael Lysko Former Canadian Football League commissioner
Rob MacIsaac Undergraduate Economics Former Mayor of Burlington, Ontario; President of Hamilton Health Sciences
Manas K. Mandal Graduate Biology Director of the Defence Institute of Psychological Research
Scott Manning Undergraduate Stunt pilot and CFL veteran
Peter Masak Undergraduate Mechanical engineering Glider pilot
Ingrid Mattson Undergraduate Islamic Society of North America president
Konris Maynard Undergraduate Winner of the Saint Kitts and Nevis National Calypso Show
E. J. McGuire Graduate Psychology Former director of the NHL Central Scouting Services
David I. McKay Undergraduate Mathematics Current President & CEO of Royal Bank of Canada
Peter McLaren Undergraduate English literature Critical pedagogy
Nenad Medić Undergraduate Professional poker player
Stella Meghie Undergraduate Film director and screenwriter
James G. Mitchell Undergraduate Computer science Computer scientist
Parker Mitchell Undergraduate Engineers Without Borders co-founder
Faron Moller Graduate Computer science Computer scientist
David Morrell Undergraduate Arts Novelist for First Blood and the creator of the character John Rambo.; the book was adapted into the 1982 film of the same name
Michele Mosca Undergraduate Computer science Co-founder of the IQC and the PITP
Heather Moyse Undergraduate Kinesiology Two-time Olympic gold medalist in bobsleigh; represented Canada's national rugby team at both the 2006 and 2010 Women's Rugby World Cup
Walt Neubrand Undergraduate Keeper of the Stanley Cup
Kevin O'Leary Undergraduate Environmental studies Canadian businessman, author, politician, and television personality
Paul van Oorschot Graduate Cryptography Carleton University professor
Chamath Palihapitiya Undergraduate Electrical engineering Venture capitalist, engineer, SPAC sponsor and the founder and CEO of Social Capital
Steve Paul-Ambrose Undergraduate Science and Business Poker player
Cole Pearn Graduate Mechanical engineering NASCAR crew chief
Jean Poirier Undergraduate Environmental studies Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Yuri Quintana Graduate Engineering Chief Division of Clinical Informatics, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School
Karen Redman Undergraduate Politics Canadian Member of Parliament
William Reeves Undergraduate Entertainment Academy Award recipient for Toy Story
John Reimer Undergraduate Education Member of Parliament
Neil Robertson Graduate Mathematics Professor at the Ohio State University
Robert Rosehart Graduate Engineering President of Wilfrid Laurier University
George Roter Undergraduate Engineering Co-CEO of Engineers Without Borders (Canada)
Bimal Kumar Roy Graduate Mathematics Cryptologist
Sandra Sabatini Graduate English literature Writer
Khaled Al Sabawi Undergraduate Computer science Canadian entrepreneur; named one of the "World's Top Energy Entrepreneurs" by Global Post in 2010
Reihaneh Safavi-Naini Graduate Cryptography University of Wollongong professor
George Samis Graduate Political science Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Liz Sandals Graduate Mathematics Member of Ontario Parliament
Prem Saran Satsangi Graduate Electrical engineering Spiritual leader of Radhasoami faith, Dayalbagh, chairman (ACE), Dayalbagh Educational Institute, ex-vice-chancellor of Dayalbagh Educational Institute, dean (academics) at IIT Delhi, system scientist, physicist
Jonathan Schaeffer Graduate Researcher Professor at the University of Alberta
Beckie Scott Undergraduate English Olympic gold medalist, the first Canadian and first North American woman to win an Olympic medal in cross-country skiing; Officer of the Order of Canada and Chair of the World Anti-Doping Agency
Jonathan Seet Undergraduate Singer-songwriter; released albums Melatonin and Arousal Disasters
Hersh Shefrin Graduate Mathematics Behavioral finance
Ron Sider Undergraduate Theology Founder of Evangelicals for Social Action
Bruce Smith Undergraduate Arts Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
James K. A. Smith Undergraduate Philosophy Associate professor of philosophy at Calvin College
Steve Smith Undergraduate Entertainment Actor in The Red Green Show
Moustafa Aly Soliman Graduate Chemical Engineering Pioneered the use of sulfur compounds in thermochemical cycles for hydrogen production and the use of nano-palladium to catalyze partial oxidation of ethane to acetic acid
Kevin Strain Graduate/undergraduate Accounting President & CEO of Sun Life Financial
Thomas Strothotte Graduate Computer science Rector of the University of Rostock
John Sullivan Undergraduate Canadian Football League player
Vahid Tarokh Graduate Engineering Professor at Harvard University
Andrew Telegdi Undergraduate Politics Canadian Member of Parliament
Brad Templeton Undergraduate Software Software engineer and entrepreneur
Disguised Toast Graduate Computer Science/Mathematics Gamer, influencer
Carsten Thomassen Graduate Mathematics Professor of graph theory at the Technical University of Denmark
Susan Tighe Graduate Civil engineering Canada Research Chair in Sustainable Pavement and Infrastructure Management
Claire J. Tomlin Undergraduate Science Researcher
Douglas N. Walton Undergraduate Arts Author on argumentation, logical fallacies, and informal logic
Judy Wasylycia-Leis Undergraduate Political science Manitoba cabinet minister
Elizabeth Weir Undergraduate Political science Leader of the New Brunswick New Democratic Party
David A. Weitz Undergraduate Physics Mallinckrodt Professor of Physics & Applied Physics and professor of Systems Biology at Harvard University and director of the Harvard Materials Research Science & Engineering Center
Chris Williams Undergraduate Fine arts Animator, film director, screenwriter, and voice actor
Jeff Wincott Undergraduate Kinesiology Actor and athlete
Elizabeth Witmer Graduate Politics Member of Ontario provincial parliament
Alexander Wong Graduate/undergraduate Computer Science Scientist
Bob Wong Undergraduate Science Member of the Legislative Assembly of Ontario
Ardeth Wood Graduate Philosophy Died in a forcible drowning; the two-year search for her killer was one of the largest manhunts in Canada
Steven Woods Graduate/undergraduate Mathematics Founder of Quack.com
John Wynne Undergraduate Sports Ice hockey defenceman
Tim Wynne-Jones Undergraduate Literature Author of children's literature
Fangjin Yang Undergraduate Electrical engineering Co-founder and CEO of Imply; co-creator of Druid
Catalina Yue Undergraduate Arts Miss Universe Canada
Matei Zaharia Undergraduate Computer science Co-founder and CTO of Databricks, creator of Apache Spark, and co-creator of Apache Mesos


Mark Tilden, robotics researcher
Name Relationship Discipline Known for Notes
Gordon Agnew Professor Cryptography Professor
George Alfred Barnard Lecturer Mathematics Statistics and quality control
Walter Benz Professor Mathematics Geometer
Vijay Bhargava Professor Electrical engineering Professor at the University of British Columbia
Jonathan Borwein Researcher Mathematics Mathematics researcher
Phelim Boyle Chairman J Page R Wadsworth chairman at the University of Waterloo
Tim Bray Manager Software developer and entrepreneur
Thomas Brzustowski Professor Mechanical engineering Engineer, academic, and civil servant
Arthur Carty Professor Chemistry National Science Advisor to the Government of Canada
Ken Coates Dean History Dean of the Faculty of Arts
C. B. Collins Professor Mathematics Professor at the University of Texas at Dallas
Gordon Cormack Professor Computer science Dynamic Markov Compression co-creator
David G. Cory Professor Chemistry Canada Excellence Research Chair in Quantum Information Processing
Douglas E. Cowan Professor Religious studies Professor at the University of Waterloo
Purdy Crawford Governor Governor of the University of Waterloo
Paul H. Cress Lecturer Computer science WATFIV creator
Kenneth Davidson Professor Mathematics Fields Institute director
Jon Dellandrea Professor Literature Pro-Vice-Chancellor at the University of Oxford
Jack Edmonds Professor Mathematics Mathematician
Mohamed Elmasry Professor Engineering Writer for The Globe and Mail
John R. English Professor Politics Liberal Member of Parliament for Kitchener
Carla Fehr Professor Philosophy
Eugene Forsey Professor History Member of the Canadian Senate
Bertram Fraser-Reid Professor Chemistry 2007 Musgrave gold medal winner from the Institute of Jamaica
Keith Geddes Professor Mathematics Maple co-creator
Ian Goldberg Professor Cryptography Radialpoint chief scientist
Ian Goulden Dean Mathematics Dean of the Faculty of Mathematics
Art Green Professor Arts Professor at the University of Waterloo
Richard Gwyn Chancellor Chancellor of St. Jerome's University at the University of Waterloo
Peter L. Hammer Professor Mathematics Operations research and applied discrete mathematics
Hiroshi Haruki Professor Mathematics Mathematician
Geraldine Heaney Coach Head coach for the University of Waterloo women's hockey team
Ric Holt Professor Computer science Turing creator
Thomas Homer-Dixon Professor Environmental studies Professor at the University of Waterloo
Harold Horwood Writer Novelist and non-fiction writer
David M. Jackson Professor Mathematics Professor of combinatorics and optimization
James Jupp Professor Political science Political scientist and author
James J. Kay Associate professor Ecology Associate professor of environment and research studies
Bryce Kendrick Assistant professor Biology Assistant professor at the University of Waterloo
Murray S. Klamkin Professor Mathematics Mathematician
Tuffy Knight Coach Football coach at the University of Waterloo
Neal Koblitz Professor Cryptography Professor at the University of Washington
Maurice Kugler Professor Anthropology Social anthropology
Ziva Kunda Professor Arts Psychologist
Anita Layton Professor Applied Mathematics Researcher and professor
Anthony James Leggett Researcher Physics Physics professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana–Champaign
Melvin J. Lerner Professor Psychology Just-world phenomenon -
Robert J. LeRoy Professor Chemistry Chemist
Kenneth D. Mackenzie Professor Mathematics Author of Organizational Hologram
Lorenzo Magnani Researcher Philosophy Philosopher
Charles Malik Lecturer Philosophy Diplomat
Lee Maracle Professor Canadian culture First Nations poet and author
Fotini Markopoulou-Kalamara Professor Physics Theoretical physicist
Alfred Menezes Professor Cryptography Certicom research associate, MQV co-inventor
Wendy Mitchinson Chairman History Canada Research Chair in gender history and medicine history
John Moffat Professor Physics Professor emeritus at the University of Toronto
Bruce Muirhead Professor Arts Historian
Robert Mundell Chairman Economics Nobel laureate in economics (1999), known for the Mundell–Fleming model. Was the Chairman of the Department of Economics at the University of Waterloo, 1972–1974
Barton Myers Professor Architecture President of Barton Myers Associates
Robert Myers Professor Physics Theoretical physicist, Royal Society of Canada Fellow
Jan Narveson Professor Arts Philosopher
Crispin Nash-Williams Professor Combinatorics Mathematician
Brian Orend Professor Arts Philosopher
Josef Paldus Professor Mathematics Professor of mathematics at the University of Waterloo
Joe Paopao Coach Offensive coordinator for the Waterloo Warriors
François Paré Chairman French literature Chair of French Studies
Raj Pathria Professor (retired) Physics Distinguished Professor Emeritus
William Richard Peltier Professor Earth sciences Physics professor at the University of Toronto
Vladimir Platonov Professor Mathematics Professor of mathematics
Victor Hugo Quintana Professor (retired) Engineering Distinguished Professor Emeritus
Ronald C. Read Professor Mathematics Professor of mathematics at the University of Waterloo
A. James Reimer Professor Theology Professor at Conrad Grebel University College at UW
Giacinto Scoles Professor Chemistry Molecular beam methods for studying weak van der Waals forces
Adel Sedra Dean Engineering Dean of the University of Waterloo Faculty of Engineering
Jeffrey Shallit Professor Computer science Professor
Gordon Slethaug Professor English Professor of English at the University of Southern Denmark
Lee Smolin Professor Physics Theoretical physicist
Paul G. Socken Professor Jewish studies Professor of Jewish Studies at the University of Waterloo
Doug Stinson Professor Mathematics Member of Centre for Applied Cryptographic Research
Donna Strickland Professor Physics Awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2018, together with Gérard Mourou, for the practical implementation of chirped pulse amplification
John Stubbs Professor History President of Trent University and Simon Fraser University
Paul Thagard Professor Arts Philosopher and cognitive scientist
Robert Tibshirani Undergraduate Mathematics Stanford professor and fellow of the Royal Society of Canada
Mark Tilden Professor Robotics researcher
Frank Tompa Professor Computer Science Database researcher
W. T. Tutte Professor Mathematics World War II code breaker and founder of the Department of Combinatorics and Optimization at the University of Waterloo
Robert Jan van Pelt Professor History Architectural historian
Scott Vanstone Professor Cryptography Certicom founder, MQV co-inventor
Sally Weaver Professor Anthropology Chair of Anthropology
Paul S. Wesson Professor Physics Professor of physics at the University of Waterloo
Lynne Woolstencroft Professor Political science Former mayor of Waterloo, Ontario
Douglas T. Wright Professor Civil engineering Civil engineer, UW President emeritus
Mark Zanna Professor Arts Social psychologist
Anne Zeller Professor Anthropology Chair of Anthropology



Dana Porter, the university's first chancellor
# Name Term References
1 Dana Porter 1960–1966
2 Ira G. Needles 1966–1975
3 Carl Arthur Pollock 1975–1978
4 Josef Kates 1979–1985
5 J. Page Wadsworth 1985–1991
6 Sylvia Ostry 1991–1997
7 Val O'Donovan 1997–2003
8 Mike Lazaridis 2003–2009
9 Prem Watsa 2009–2014
10 Tom Jenkins 2014–2018
11 Dominic Barton 2018–2024
12 Jagdeep Singh Bachher 2024–present


# Name Term Note References
1 Gerry Hagey July 1, 1957 – January 31, 1969
Howard Petch February 1, 1969 – June 30, 1970 President pro tem
2 Burt Matthews July 1, 1970 – June 30, 1981
3 Douglas T. Wright July 1, 1981 – April 14, 1993
4 James Downey April 15, 1993 – May 31, 1999
5 David Lloyd Johnston June 1, 1999 – September 30, 2010
6 Feridun Hamdullahpur October 1, 2010 – June 30, 2021
7 Vivek Goel July 1, 2021 – present Current President


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