  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

List Of Foreign-born Samurai In Japan

This is a list of foreign-born people who became samurai in Japan. During the Edo period (1603–1868), some foreigners in Japan were granted privileges associated with samurai, including fiefs or stipends and the right to carry two swords. Even earlier, during the Azuchi–Momoyama period (1568–1600), certain foreigners received similar benefits. Whether these individuals were members of the warrior class (bushi) is a subject of debate among historians.


Birthplace Original name Occupation before arrival in Japan Year of arrival in Japan Name in Japan Lord Occupation and achievements in Japan
Portuguese Mozambique?
(now  Mozambique)
unknown Servant of Jesuit missionary Alessandro Valignano 1579 Yasuke
Oda Nobunaga He was given a stipend and a house by Oda Nobunaga. He fought during the Honnō-ji incident.
Hanseong, Joseon
(now  South Korea)
Kim Yeo-cheol
(Kanji: 金如鐵)
Son of 金時省, civil officer of Joseon 1592 Wakita Naokata
Maeda Toshinaga
Maeda Toshitsune
Maeda Mitsutaka
Maeda Tsunanori
240 koku later increased to 1,000 koku. On-Koshōgashira (Head of pages). Kanazawa machi-bugyō (Commissioner of Kanazawa city). He served in the Summer Campaign of the Siege of Osaka.
Joseon unknown Son of 曽清官, commanding officer of Joseon 1598 Soga Seikan
Nakagawa Hidenari 150 koku. Page of Hidenari.
Joseon (Kanji:李聖賢) Son of Yi Bok-nam, commander of Joseon 1598 Rinoie Motohiro
Mōri Terumoto
Mōri Hidenari
100 koku. Adviser of Mori clan. He was the swordsman who received menkyo of Yagyū Shinkage-ryū.
Delft, Spanish Netherlands Jan Joosten van Lodensteijn Mate of De Liefde, Dutch ship 1600 Yayōsu
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Tokugawa Hidetada
100 koku. He was given the rank of Hatamoto and 50 servants. Under the Tokugawa Shogunate, he chartered several Red Seal Ships.
Gillingham, Kent, Kingdom of England William Adams Pilot of De Liefde, Dutch ship 1600 Miura Anjin (the pilot of Miura)
Tokugawa Ieyasu
Tokugawa Hidetada
250 koku. He was granted the rank of Hatamoto, a fief and 80-90 servants. Interpreter and shipwright of Tokugawa Shogunate. (Adams was the model for the character John Blackthorne in James Clavell's novel Shōgun (1975).)
Joseon unknown unknown unknown Yagyū Shume
Yagyū Munenori
Yagyū "Jūbei" Mitsuyoshi
Yagyū Munefuyu
Retainer of Yagyū clan. 200 koku? He married the sister of Yagyū "Hyōgonosuke" Toshitoshi.
Henan, Ming Dynasty
(now  China)
(Kanji:藍會榮) The member of the inner circle of Ming dynasty After 1624 Kawaminami Genbei (First)
Shimazu Iehisa 300 koku. He was political refugee from Ming. Tōtsūji (Chinese translator) of Satsuma domain. He was given right to wear swords.
Kingdom of Prussia Henry Schnell Soldier and arms dealer 1860s Hiramatsu Buhei
Matsudaira Katamori Served the Aizu domain as a military instructor and procurer of weapons. Given the right to wear swords, a mansion in the castle town of Wakamatsu and retainers.

See also


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