Lobus (planetary Geology)
Arrokoth was discovered on 26 June 2014 by astronomer Marc Buie and the New Horizons Search Team using the Hubble Space Telescope as part of a search for a Kuiper-belt object for New Horizons to target in its first extended mission; it was chosen over two other candidates, 2014 OS393 and 2014 PN70, to become the primary target of the mission.
When Arrokoth was first observed by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2014, it was designated 1110113Y in the context of the telescope's search for Kuiper belt objects, and was nicknamed "11" for short. Its existence as a potential target of the New Horizons probe was announced by NASA in October 2014 and it was unofficially designated as "Potential Target 1", or PT1. Its official provisional designation, 2014 MU69, was assigned by the Minor Planet Center in March 2015, after sufficient orbital information had been gathered. The provisional designation indicates that Arrokoth was the 1745th minor planet to be assigned a provisional designation during the second half of June 2014. After further observations refining its orbit, it was given the permanent minor planet number 486958 on 12 March 2017.
Ultima Thule
Before the flyby on 1 January 2019, NASA invited suggestions from the public on a nickname to be used for the object. One of the choices, Ultima Thule, was selected on 13 March 2018. Thule (Ancient Greek: Θούλη, Thoúlē) is the northernmost location mentioned in ancient Greek and Roman literature and cartography, while in classical and medieval literature ultima Thule (Latin for 'farthermost Thule') acquired a metaphorical meaning of any distant place located beyond the "borders of the known world". Once it was determined that the body was a bilobate contact binary, the New Horizons team nicknamed the larger lobus "Ultima" and the smaller lobus "Thule". They are now formally named "Wenu" and "Weeyo", respectively.
In November 2019, the International Astronomical Union (IAU) announced the object's permanent official name, Arrokoth.
The name Arrokoth was chosen by the New Horizons team to represent the Powhatan people indigenous to the Tidewater region of Virginia and Maryland in the eastern United States. The Hubble Space Telescope and the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, which were prominently involved in Arrokoth's discovery, were both operated from the Tidewater region of Maryland.
With the permission of the elders of the Pamunkey Indian Tribe of the Powhatan nation, the name Arrokoth was proposed to the IAU and formally announced by the New Horizons team in a ceremony held at the NASA Headquarters in the District of Columbia on 12 November 2019. Prior to the ceremony, the name was accepted by the IAU's Minor Planet Center on 8 November, and the New Horizons team's naming citation was published in a Minor Planet Circular on 12 November.
The Powhatan language became extinct in the late 18th century and little was recorded of it. In an old word list, arrokoth is glossed as 'sky', and this was the meaning intended by the New Horizons team, but it would seem that it actually meant 'cloud'.
Arrokoth is a contact binary consisting of two lobes (lobi) attached by a narrow neck or waist, which is encircled by a bright band named Akasa Linea. The lobi were likely once two objects that later merged in a slow collision. The larger lobus, Wenu, is measured at about 21.6 km (13.4 mi) across its longest axis while the smaller lobus, Weeyo, is measured at 15.4 km (9.6 mi) across its longest axis. Wenu is lenticular in shape, being highly flattened and moderately elongated. Based on shape models of Arrokoth constructed from images taken by the New Horizons spacecraft, the dimensions of Wenu are approximately 21 km × 20 km × 9 km (13.0 mi × 12.4 mi × 5.6 mi). In contrast, Weeyo is less flattened, with dimensions of 15 km × 14 km × 10 km (9.3 mi × 8.7 mi × 6.2 mi). As a whole, Arrokoth is 36 km (22 mi) across its longest axis and is about 10 km (6.2 mi) thick, with the centers of the lobi separated from each other by 17.2 km (10.7 mi).
Given the volume equivalent lobus diameters of 15.9 km (9.9 mi) and 12.9 km (8.0 mi), the volume ratio of Wenu to the smaller Weeyo is approximately 1.9:1.0, meaning that Wenu's volume is nearly twice that of Weeyo. Overall, the volume of Arrokoth is around 3,210 km (770 cu mi), though this estimate is largely uncertain due to weak constraints on the thicknesses of the lobi.
Prior to the New Horizons flyby of Arrokoth, stellar occultations by Arrokoth had provided evidence for its bilobate shape. The first detailed image of Arrokoth confirmed its double-lobed appearance and was described as a "snowman" by Alan Stern, as the lobi appeared distinctively spherical. On 8 February 2019, one month after the New Horizons flyby, Arrokoth was found to be more flattened than initially thought, based on additional images of Arrokoth taken by New Horizons after its closest approach. The flattened lobus Wenu was described as a "pancake", while Weeyo was described as a "walnut" as it appeared less flattened. By observing how the unseen sections of Arrokoth occulted background stars, scientists were able to then outline the shapes of both lobi. The cause of Arrokoth's unexpectedly flattened shape is uncertain, with various explanations including sublimation or centrifugal forces.
The longest axes of the lobi are nearly aligned with the rotational axis, which is situated between them. This near-parallel alignment of the lobi suggests that they were mutually locked to each other, likely due to tidal forces, before merging. The alignment of the lobi supports the idea that the two had individually formed from the coalescence of a cloud of icy particles.
Spectra and surface
Measurements of Arrokoth's absorption spectrum by New Horizons's LEISA spectrometer show that Arrokoth's spectrum exhibits a strong red spectral slope extending from red to infrared wavelengths at 1.2–2.5 μm. Spectral measurements from LEISA revealed the presence of methanol and complex organic compounds on the surface of Arrokoth, but no evidence of water ice. One particular absorption band in Arrokoth's spectrum at 1.8 μm indicates that these organic compounds are sulfur-rich. Given the abundance of methanol on Arrokoth's surface, it is predicted that formaldehyde-based compounds resulting from irradiation should also be present, albeit in the form of complex macromolecules. Arrokoth's spectrum shares similarities with that of 2002 VE95 and the centaur 5145 Pholus, which also display strong red spectral slopes along with signs of methanol present on their surfaces.
Preliminary observations by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2016 revealed that Arrokoth has a red coloration, similar to other Kuiper belt objects and centaurs like Pholus. Arrokoth's color is redder than that of Pluto, thus it belongs to the "ultra red" population of cold classical Kuiper belt objects. The red coloration of Arrokoth is caused by the presence of a mix of complex organic compounds called tholins, which are produced from the photolysis of various simple organic and volatile compounds by cosmic rays and ultraviolet solar radiation. The presence of sulfur-rich tholins on Arrokoth's surface implies that volatiles such as methane, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide were once present on Arrokoth, but were quickly lost due to Arrokoth's small mass. However, less volatile materials such as methanol, acetylene, ethane, and hydrogen cyanide could be retained over a longer period of time, and may likely account for the reddening and production of tholins on Arrokoth. The photoionization of organic compounds and volatiles on Arrokoth was also thought to produce hydrogen gas that would interact with the solar wind, though New Horizons's SWAP and PEPSSI instruments did not detect any signature of solar wind interaction around Arrokoth.
From color and spectral measurements of Arrokoth, the surface displays subtle color variation among its surface features. Spectral images of Arrokoth show that the Akasa (neck) region and lineation features appear less red compared to the central region of the smaller lobe Weeyo. The larger lobe Wenu also displays redder regions, informally known as "thumbprints" by the New Horizons team. The thumbprint features are located near Wenu's limb. The surface albedo or reflectivity of Arrokoth varies from 5 percent to 12 percent due to various bright features on its surface. Its overall geometric albedo, the quantity of reflected light in visible spectrum, is measured at 21 percent, typical for most Kuiper belt objects. The overall Bond albedo (the quantity of reflected light of any wavelength) of Arrokoth is measured at 6.3 percent.
The surface of Arrokoth is lightly cratered and smooth in appearance. Arrokoth's surface has few small craters (from 1 km (0.62 mi) in size to the limits of photographic resolution), implying a paucity of impacts throughout its history. The occurrence of impact events in the Kuiper belt is thought to be uncommon, with a very low impact rate over the course of one billion years. Due to the slower orbital speeds of Kuiper belt objects, the speed of objects impacting Arrokoth is expected to be low, with typical impact speeds around 300 m/s (980 ft/s). At such slow impact speeds, large craters on Arrokoth are expected to be rare. With a low frequency of impact events along with the slow speeds of impacts, Arrokoth's surface would remain preserved since its formation. The preserved surface of Arrokoth could possibly give hints to its formation process, as well as signs of accreted material.
Numerous small pits on Arrokoth's surface were identified in high resolution images from the New Horizons spacecraft. The size of these pits are measured at about 700 m (2,300 ft) across. The exact cause of these pits is unknown; several explanations for these pits include impact events, the collapse of material, the sublimation of volatile materials, or the venting and escape of volatile gases from the interior of Arrokoth.
Surface features
The surfaces of each lobus of Arrokoth display regions of varying brightness along with various geological features such as troughs and hills. These geological features are thought to have originated from the clumping of smaller planetesimals that come to form the lobi of Arrokoth. The brighter regions of Arrokoth's surface, especially its bright lineation features, are thought to have resulted from the deposition of material that have rolled down from hills on Arrokoth, as surface gravity on Arrokoth is sufficient for this to occur.
The smaller lobus, Weeyo, bears a large depression feature named 'Sky' (previously dubbed 'Maryland' after the home state of the New Horizons team). Assuming Sky has a circular shape, its diameter is 6.7 km (4.2 mi), with a depth of 0.51 km (0.32 mi). Sky is likely an impact crater that was formed by an object 700 m (2,000 ft) across. Two notably bright streaks of similar size are present within Sky, and may be remnants of avalanches where bright material rolled into the depression. Four subparallel troughs are present near the terminator of Weeyo, along with two possible kilometer-sized impact craters on the rim of Sky. The surface of Weeyo exhibits bright mottled regions separated by broad, dark regions (dm) which may have undergone scarp retreat, in which they were eroded due to the sublimation of volatiles, exposing lag deposits of darker material irradiated by sunlight. Another bright region (rm), located at the equatorial end of Weeyo, exhibits rough terrain along with several topographic features that have been identified as possible pits, craters, or mounds. Weeyo does not display distinct units of rolling topography near Sky, likely as a result of resurfacing caused by the impact event that created the crater.
As on Weeyo, troughs and pit crater chains are also present along the terminator of the larger lobus Wenu. Wenu consists of eight distinctive units or blocks of rolling topography, each similarly sized at around 5 km (3.1 mi). The units are separated by relatively bright boundary regions. The similar sizes of the units suggests that each was once a small planetesimal, and that they coalesced to form Wenu. The planetesimals are expected to have accreted slowly by astronomical standards (at speeds of several meters per second), though they must have a very low mechanical strength in order to merge and form compact bodies at these speeds. The central unit ('mh') is encircled by a bright annular feature, Kaʼan Arcus (initially dubbed "The Road to Nowhere"). From stereographic analysis, the central unit appears to be relatively flat compared to the surrounding units. Stereographic analysis of Arrokoth has also shown that one particular unit located at Wenu's limb ('md') appears to have a higher elevation and tilt than the others.
Akasa Linea, the neck region connecting the two lobi, has a brighter and less red appearance than the surfaces of either lobus. The brightness of Akasa Linea is likely due to a composition of a more reflective material than the surfaces of the lobi. One hypothesis suggests the bright material originated in the deposition of small particles that had fallen from the lobi over time. Since Arrokoth's center of gravity lies between the lobi, small particles are likely to roll down the steep slopes toward the center between each lobus. Another proposal suggests the bright material is produced by the deposition of ammonia ice. Ammonia vapor present on the surface of Arrokoth would solidify around Akasa Linea, where gases cannot escape due to the concave shape of the neck. The brightness of Akasa is thought to be maintained by high seasonal axial tilt as Arrokoth orbits around the Sun. Over the course of its orbit, Akasa Linea is shadowed when the lobi are coplanar to the direction of the Sun, at which times the neck region receives no sunlight, cooling and trapping volatiles in the region.
In May 2020, the IAU's Working Group for Planetary System Nomenclature (WGPSN) formally established a naming theme for all features of Arrokoth, which are to be named after words for "sky" in the languages of the world, past and present. In 2021, the first few names were approved, including Sky Crater on the small lobe, later named Weeyo Lobus. In 2022, Kaʼan Arcus was approved for the circular arc on Wenu Lobus.
Name | Feature | Named after | Name approved (Date · Ref) |
Wenu Lobus | the larger lobe of Arrokoth, provisionally "Ultima" | wenu, the Mapudungun word for 'sky, above' | 11 April 2022 |
Weeyo Lobus | the smaller lobe, provisionally "Thule" | 𞤱𞤫𞥅𞤴𞤮 weeyo, the Pulaar word for 'sky' | 11 April 2022 |
Akasa Linea | the bright ring on the neck between the lobi | আকাশ akaś, the Bengali word for 'sky' | 2 September 2021 |
Kaʼan Arcus | the circular linea (the "Road to Nowhere") in the center of Wenu | kaʼan, the Mayan word for 'sky'; near homonym for 'snake' (see ouroboros) | 2 September 2021 |
Sky | the large compaction crater on Weeyo | The English word 'sky' | 2 September 2021 |
Internal structure
Topography variations at the limb of Arrokoth suggest that its interior is likely composed of mechanically strong material consisting of mostly amorphous water ice and rocky material. Trace amounts of methane and other volatile gases in the form of vapors may also be present in Arrokoth's interior, trapped in water ice. Under the assumption that Arrokoth has a low comet-like density of around 0.5 g/cm, its internal structure is expected to be porous, as volatile gases trapped in Arrokoth's interior are thought to escape from the interior to the surface. Assuming that Arrokoth may have an internal heat source caused by the radioactive decay of radionuclides, the trapped volatile gases inside Arrokoth would migrate outward and escape from the surface, similarly to the scenario of outgassing of comets. The escaped gases may subsequently freeze and deposit on Arrokoth's surface, and could possibly account for the presence of ices and tholins on its surface.