This village is under Tihu Police Station, Nalbari (Assam). The village is 90 km away from Guwahati, 20 km away from Nalbari, and 3 km away from Tihu Railway station. Pin code 781374.
There are 21 neighbouring chubas in Makhibaha. The population of Makhibaha is approximately 15,000. Most of people in this village depend upon agriculture. A large number of them are also engaged at government sectors and few in business.
Makhibaha has fifteen primary schools, one higher secondary school including both science and arts stream, one girls high school one venture high school, one Swaraswati Sikhu Niketan, one Jatiya Bidyalaya and one government technical school, B K S Motor Driving School.
The village is surrounded by Tihu in the north, Kshetri Dharmapur and Bhojkuchi in the south, Haribhanga in the east and Jalkhana in the west.