  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Mehringdamm (Berlin U-Bahn)

Mehringdamm is a Berlin U-Bahn station located on the U6 and the U7.


Structure of subway lines U6 and U7 at Mehringdamm.
The entrance of U-Bahn station Mehringdamm

Opened in 1924 as Belle-Alliance Straße it was built by Grenander and later renovated by Rümmler. The station's ceiling collapsed during the Battle of Berlin.

In 1946 the station was renamed Franz-Mehring-Straße, after the socialist politician.

In 1947, the station received its current name Mehringdamm. Following renovations in 1965, passengers could transfer from the U6 to the U7 on the same platform.