Midlakes High School
The school has around 700 students at around 110 per graduating class. It offers six Advanced Placement courses: Calculus AB, Biology, US History, World History, Language, and Literature.
The school's sports teams are the Screaming Eagles, and their colors are black, Columbia blue and white. They are in Section V.
Athletically, the Boys Volleyball and Boys Track teams coached by Kyle Salisbury and Carl Spoto respectively have won recent sectional titles. The Volleyball team has recently won sectional titles in 2006 and 2007. The basketball team won a Section V title in the '08-'09 season. The Cheerleading Team has won sectional titles in 2010 in their winter and fall seasons, and a title in the 2011 winter season. John Lombardi is the Athletic Director.
- ^ "Search for Public Schools - MIDLAKES MIDDLE/HIGH SCHOOL (362289003214)". National Center for Education Statistics. Institute of Education Sciences. Retrieved January 12, 2025.
- ^ "Athletics / Athletics". midlakes.org. Archived from the original on August 3, 2023. Retrieved August 3, 2023.
External links