Moarves De Ojeda
Basic Details
The population of Moarves of Ojeda is 31 according to the Spanish Statistics National Institute (INE) in 2012.
Altitude: 939 metres. Latitude: 42° 42′ N Longitude: 004° 24′ O
The toponym Moarves comes from the word mozarabs (the name of the town in the Middle Ages was Moharabes) referring to the first settlers of the town that were the Mozarabs.
The town belonged to the Merindad menor de Monzon (a type of former county subdivision dating from the 12th century). When the Former Regime disappeared, the town became an independent municipality. In the 1842 census, there were 18 households and 63 neighbours. Finally, the town merged into the larger municipality of Olmos de Ojeda.
Artistic heritage
The most important monument in Moarves de Ojeda is the Church of St John the Baptist, also known as St John of Moarves. It is a superb Romanesque style church.
There is another church: the Church of St Peter that keeps some beautiful Romanesque corbels.
Gallery of images
St John the Baptist Church's Romanesque Portico
Christ Pantochrator (detail)
St John the Baptist capital: The Warriors
St John the Baptist church capital: Dancers and Musicians
St John the Baptist Church capital: Daniel and the Lion
Baptismal font, St John the Baptist Church
The Virgin and the Holy Child, Romanesque sculpture, St John the Baptist Church
The inside of the St John the Baptist Church
- Celdrán, Pancracio: Diccionario de topónimos españoles y sus gentilicios. Espasa Calpe, 2002. ISBN 84-670-0146-1.
- García Guinea, Miguel Ángel: Románico en Palencia. Diputación de Palencia, 2002 (2ª edición revisada). ISBN 84-8173-091-2.