  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia

Module:Arbcom Election Banner

This module generates banner templates for the annual Arbitration Committee elections. To make a banner template for an Arbcom election, add the links to that year's Arbcom election pages as described below, and set the four date parameters. After that, editors can add voting guides using the guiden parameters. Voting guides are displayed in a random order.


Simple usage:

{{#invoke:Arbcom election banner|main
| year   = 
| guide1 = 
| guide2 = 
| guide3 = 
| guide4 = 
| guide5 = 

Full syntax:

{{#invoke:Arbcom election banner|main
| year          = 
| name          = 
| electionpage  = 
| nomstart      = 
| nomend        = 
| votestart     = 
| voteend       = 
| beforenomlink = 
| nomlink       = 
| votepage      = 
| votelog       = 
| contact       = 
| discuss       = 
| cguide        = 
| cstatements   = 
| cquestions    = 
| cdiscuss      = 
| guide1        = 
| guide2        = 
| guide3        = 
| guide4        = 
| guide5        = 


Basic parameters

  • year - The year of the Arbcom election, in YYYY format. This defaults to the current year.
  • guide1, guide2, guide3, ... - links to voting guides. These will be displayed in random order.

Advanced parameters

These parameters are used to customize links and poll dates. If you don't need customisation, and Template:Arbitration Committee candidate/data is up to date, you should be able to leave most or all of these parameters blank. Note - in this section, the string YYYY refers to the year specified by the |year= parameter.

  • name - The name of the template. This is needed to make the navbar work properly. Defaults to ACEYYYY.
  • electionpage - The main page for the year's Arbcom elections. Defaults to [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December YYYY|YYYY Arbitration Committee Elections]].
  • nomstart - The date that nominations start. This must be in a format accepted by the #time parser function, e.g. November 11. This defaults to 00:00 on the date specified in Template:Arbitration Committee candidate/data for the election year (the "nombegin" value). If there is no value specified in that template, an error is raised.
  • nomend - The deadline for nominations, e.g. November 18. This defaults to 23:59 on the day before the date specified in Template:Arbitration Committee candidate/data for the election year (the "nomend" value). If there is no value specified in that template, an error is raised.
  • votestart - The date that voting begins, e.g. November 23. This defaults to 00:00 on the date specified in Template:Arbitration Committee candidate/data for the election year (the "begin" value). If there is no value specified in that template, an error is raised.
  • voteend - The date that voting ends, e.g. December 5. This defaults to 23:59 on the day before the date specified in Template:Arbitration Committee candidate/data for the election year (the "end" value). If there is no value specified in that template, an error is raised.
  • beforenomlink - Text to be displayed before the nomination period begins. Defaults to [[Wikipedia:Requests for comment/Arbitration Committee Elections December YYYY/Electoral Commission|Electoral Commission RFC]].
  • nomlink - Text to be displayed while nominations are underway. Defaults to [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December YYYY/Candidates|Nominate]].
  • votepage - The link to the SecurePoll voting page. Defaults to a SecurePoll link with display text "Vote" made using the poll ID from Template:Arbitration Committee candidate/data for the election year (the "poll" value). If no value is available the greyed-out text "Vote" is used.
  • votelog - The link to the voting log. Defaults to a SecurePoll voter log link with display text "Voter log" made using the vote wiki ID from Template:Arbitration Committee candidate/data for the election year (the "votewikiid" value). If no value is available the greyed-out text "Voter log" is used.
  • votelink - A link to display during the voting period. Defaults to the voting page and the voting log, and can safely be left blank.
  • contact - Link to the coordinator contact page. Defaults to [[WT:COORDYY|Contact the coordinators]], where YY is the third and fourth digits of the current year.
  • discuss - Link to the election discussion page. Defaults to [[WT:ACEYYYY|Discuss the elections]].
  • cguide - Link to the candidate guide. Defaults to [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December YYYY/Candidates/Guide|Candidate guide]].
  • cstatements - Link to the candidate statements page. Defaults to [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December YYYY/Candidates|Candidate statements]].
  • cquestions - Link to the candidate questions page. Defaults to [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December YYYY/Questions|Questions for the candidates]].
  • cdiscuss - Link to the candidate discussion page. Defaults to [[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December YYYY/Candidates/Discussion|Discuss the candidates]].

local messageBox = require('Module:Message box')
local navbarModule = require('Module:Navbar')
local horizontal = require('Module:List').horizontal

local p = {}

-- Get constants.
local lang = mw.language.getContentLanguage()
local currentUnixDate = tonumber(lang:formatDate('U'))

local function err(msg)
	return mw.ustring.format('<strong class="error">%s</strong>', msg)

local function getUnixDate(date)
	local success, unixDate = pcall(lang.formatDate, lang, 'U', date)
	if success then
		return tonumber(unixDate)

local function unixDateError(date)
	return err(tostring(date) .. ' is not a valid date.')

local function makeOmbox(oargs)
	return messageBox.main('ombox', oargs)

local function makeNavbar(name)
	return navbarModule.navbar{name, mini = '1'}

local function randomizeArray(t)
	-- Iterate through the array backwards, each time swapping the entry "i" with a random entry.
	-- Courtesy of Xinhuan at http://forums.wowace.com/showthread.php?p=279756
	for i = #t, 2, -1 do
		local r = math.random(i)
		t[i], t[r] = t[r], t[i]
	return t

local function getArgNums(args, prefix)
	-- Returns a table containing the numbers of the arguments that exist for the specified prefix. For example, if the prefix
	-- was 'data', and 'data1', 'data2', and 'data5' exist, it would return {1, 2, 5}.
	local nums = {}
	for k, v in pairs(args) do
		k = tostring(k)
		local num = mw.ustring.match(k, '^' .. prefix .. '([1-9]%d*)$')
		if num then
			table.insert(nums, tonumber(num))
	return nums

local function showBeforeDate(datePairs)
	-- Shows a value if it is before a given date.
	for i, datePair in ipairs(datePairs) do
		local date = datePair.date
		local val = datePair.val
		if not date then -- No date specified, so assume we have no more dates to process.
			return val
		local unixDate = getUnixDate(date)
		if not unixDate then return unixDateError(date) end
		if currentUnixDate < unixDate then -- The specified date is in the future.
			return val

local function countdown(date, event)
	if type(event) ~= 'string' then return err('No event name provided.') end
	-- Get the current date unix timestamp.
	local unixDate = getUnixDate(date)
	if not unixDate then return unixDateError(date) end
	unixDate = tonumber(unixDate)
	-- Subtract the timestamp from the current unix timestamp to find the time left, and output that in a readable way.
	local secondsLeft = unixDate - currentUnixDate
	if secondsLeft <= 0 then return end
	local timeLeft = lang:formatDuration(secondsLeft, {'weeks', 'days', 'hours'})
	-- Find whether we are plural or not.
	local isOrAre
	if mw.ustring.match(timeLeft, '^%d+') == '1' then
		isOrAre = 'is'
		isOrAre = 'are'
	local timeLeft = mw.ustring.gsub(timeLeft, '(%d+)', '<span class="ace-banner-timeleft">%1</span>')
	-- Make the refresh link, and join it all together.
	local refreshLink = mw.title.getCurrentTitle():fullUrl{action = 'purge'}
	refreshLink = mw.ustring.format('<span class="ace-banner-refresh plainlinks">([%s refresh])</span>', refreshLink)
	return mw.ustring.format('There %s %s until %s. %s', isOrAre, timeLeft, event, refreshLink)

local function format_guides(args, year)
	local guideNums = getArgNums(args, 'guide')
	local guides = {}
	for _, num in ipairs(guideNums) do
		table.insert(guides, args['guide' .. tostring(num)])
	local guide_text = mw.ustring.format(
		'\nThese [[:Category:Wikipedia Arbitration Committee Elections %s voter guides|guides]] '
		.. 'represent the thoughts of their authors. All individually written '
		.. 'voter guides are eligible for inclusion.\n',
	guides = randomizeArray(guides)
	guides = horizontal(guides)
	local ret = [=[
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
<div class="ace-banner-guides-title"><div>Personal voter guides</div></div>
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">%s%s</div>
	return mw.ustring.format(ret, guide_text, guides)

local function getElectionInfo(year, key)
	local frame = mw.getCurrentFrame()
	local result = frame:expandTemplate{title = 'Arbitration Committee candidate/data', args = {year, key}}
	if result ~= '' then
		return result
		return nil

local function getStartDate(year, key)
	local date = getElectionInfo(year, key)
	if not date then
		return nil
		return '00:00, ' .. lang:formatDate('d F Y', date)

local function getEndDate(year, key)
	local date = getElectionInfo(year, key)
	if not date then
		return nil
		return '23:59, ' .. lang:formatDate('d F Y', date .. ' -1 day')

local function getVotePage(year)
	local pollId = getElectionInfo(year, 'poll')
	if pollId then
		return string.format('[https://en.wikipedia.org/key/Special:SecurePoll/vote/%s Vote]', pollId)
		return '<span style="color:gray">Vote</span>'

local function getVoteLog(year)
	local voteWikiId = getElectionInfo(year, 'votewikiid')
	if voteWikiId then
		return string.format('[https://vote.wikimedia.org/key/Special:SecurePoll/list/%s Voter log]', voteWikiId)
		return '<span style="color:gray">Voter log</span>'

function p._main(args)
	-- Get data for the box, plus the box title.
	local year = args.year or lang:formatDate('Y')
	local name = args.name or 'ACE' .. year
	local navbar = makeNavbar(name)
	local electionpage = args.electionpage or mw.ustring.format(
		'[[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December %s|%s Arbitration Committee Elections]]',
		year, year
	-- Get nomination or voting link, depending on the date.
	local beforenomlink = args.beforenomlink or mw.ustring.format('[[Wikipedia:Requests for comment/Arbitration Committee Elections December %s/Electoral Commission|Electoral Commission RFC]]', year)
	local nomstart = args.nomstart or getStartDate(year, 'nombegin') or error('No nomstart date supplied')
	local nomlink = args.nomlink or mw.ustring.format('[[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December %s/Candidates|Nominate]]', year)
	local nomend = args.nomend or getEndDate(year, 'nomend') or error('No nomend date supplied')
	local votestart = args.votestart or getStartDate(year, 'begin') or error('No votestart date supplied')
	local votepage = args.votepage or getVotePage(year)
	local votelink = args.votelink or mw.ustring.format('<span class="ace-banner-votelink">%s</span>', votepage)
	local votelog = args.votelog or getVoteLog(year)
	local voteend = args.voteend or getEndDate(year, 'end') or error('No voteend date supplied')
	local voteendlink = args.voteendlink or votelog
	local scheduleText = showBeforeDate{
		{val = beforenomlink, date = nomstart},
		{val = nomlink, date = nomend},
		{val = countdown(votestart, 'voting begins'), date = votestart},
		{val = votelink, date = voteend},
		{val = voteendlink}
	-- support votelog as its own element. must be done after we have scheduleText
	if scheduleText ~= votelink then
		votelog = nil
	-- Get other links.
	local contact = args.contact or mw.ustring.format('[[Wikipedia talk:Arbitration Committee Elections December %s/Coordination|Contact the coordinators]]', year)
	local discuss = args.discuss or mw.ustring.format('[[Wikipedia talk:Arbitration Committee Elections December %s|Discuss the elections]]', year)
	local cguide = args.cguide or mw.ustring.format('[[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December %s/Candidates/Guide|Candidate guide]]', year)
	local cstatements = args.cstatements or mw.ustring.format('[[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December %s/Candidates|Candidate statements]]', year)
	local cquestions = args.cquestions or mw.ustring.format('[[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December %s/Questions|Questions for the candidates]]', year)
	local cdiscuss = args.cdiscuss or mw.ustring.format('[[Wikipedia:Arbitration Committee Elections December %s/Candidates/Discussion|Discuss the candidates]]', year)
	local guidecat = args.guidecat or mw.ustring.format('')
	local guides = format_guides(args, year)
	-- Get the text field of ombox.
	local lead_links = horizontal({
		class = 'ace-banner-lead-links',
		'<span class="ace-banner-mainpage">' .. electionpage .. '</span>',
		'[[Wikipedia:5-minute guide to ArbCom elections|Quick guide]]'

	local candidate_links = horizontal({
		class = 'ace-banner-candidates-links inline',

	return makeOmbox({
		image = args.image or '[[File:Judges cupola.svg|50px|ArbCom|link=]]',
		style = args.style or nil,
		text = mw.ustring.format(
			'<div class="ace-banner-navbar">%s</div>%s<span class="ace-banner-candidates">Candidates: </span>%s%s',
		templatestyles = 'Module:Arbcom election banner/styles.css',
		class = 'ace-banner'
function p.main(frame)
	-- If called via #invoke, use the args passed into the invoking template, or the args passed to #invoke if any exist.
	-- Otherwise assume args are being passed directly in from the debug console or from another Lua module.
	local origArgs
	if frame == mw.getCurrentFrame() then
		origArgs = frame:getParent().args
		for k, v in pairs(frame.args) do
			origArgs = frame.args
		origArgs = frame
	-- Trim whitespace and remove blank arguments.
	local args = {}
	for k, v in pairs(origArgs) do
		if type(v) == 'string' then
			v = mw.text.trim(v)
		if v ~= '' then
			args[k] = v
	return p._main(args)
return p