  • 21 Aug, 2019

  • By, Wikipedia


Template:WikidataCheck compares a template parameter to a Wikidata property and adds pages using the template to one of three categories: not in, same as, or different from Wikidata. It is powered by the Lua module Module:WikidataCheck.


To add only articles to the categories:

{{WikidataCheck|property=P###|value={{{value|}}}|category=Category prefix}}

To add pages in other namespaces to the categories:

{{WikidataCheck|property=P###|value={{{value|}}}|category=Category prefix|namespaces=0,14}}

To prevent adding pages to a "same as" category:

{{WikidataCheck|property=P###|value={{{value|}}}|category=Category prefix|nocatsame=1}}

To make comparison case insensitive for "different from" category:

{{WikidataCheck|property=P###|value={{{value|}}}|category=Category prefix|ignorecase=1}}


  • |property= is the P### of the property. The "P" must be uppercase.
  • |value= is the value to use from the template. This would be something like {{{id|}}} or {{{id|{{{1|}}}}}}
  • |category= is the prefix to use in front of the category names. The categories created are "[prefix] not in Wikidata", "[prefix] same as Wikidata", and "[prefix] different from Wikidata".
    • It is recommended you create these categories with {{hiddencat}} before applying this template.
  • |namespaces= is a comma separated list of the numerical namespaces to apply the template. The default is 0, which is just article space.
  • |nocatsame= if set to any value will prevent adding pages to a "same as" category. The "not in" and "different from" categories are still added, where applicable.
  • |ignorecase= if set to any value will ignore upper/lower case differences between value in template and value in Wikidata when adding pages to a "different from" category.
  • |qid= if specified will check a a different Wikidata item than the current article.
  • |onlysourced= if set to "yes" will ignore unsourced Wikidata properties, equivalent to Module:WikidataIB's |onlysourced=yes.


For {{MusicBrainz artist}}, which checks MusicBrainz artist ID (P434), the following code would be added:

{{WikidataCheck|property=P434|value={{{mbid|{{{id|{{{1|}}}}}}}}}|category=MusicBrainz artist}}

Articles using that template with an ID would be placed in one of the following categories:

See also

local p = {}

function p.wikidatacheck(frame)
	local pframe = frame:getParent()
	local config = frame.args -- the arguments passed BY the template, in the wikitext of the template itself
	local args = pframe.args -- the arguments passed TO the template, in the wikitext that transcludes the template

	local property = config.property
	local value = config.value or ""
	local catbase = config.category
	local namespaces = config.namespaces
	local nocatsame = config.nocatsame or ""
	local ignorecase = config.ignorecase or ""
	local qid = config.qid or ""
	local onlysourced = (config.onlysourced == 'yes') or false
	local ok = false -- one-way flag to check if we're in a good namespace
	local ns = mw.title.getCurrentTitle().namespace
	for v in mw.text.gsplit( namespaces, ",", true) do
		if tonumber(v) == ns then
			ok = true
	if not ok then -- not in one of the approved namespaces
		return ""
	local entity
	if qid == "" then
		entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject()
		entity = mw.wikibase.getEntityObject(qid)
	if not entity then -- no Wikidata item
		return "[[Category:" .. catbase .. " not in Wikidata]]"
	if value == "" then
		return nil -- Using Wikidata
	local claims = entity.claims or {}
	local hasProp = claims[property]
	if not hasProp then -- no claim of that property
		return "[[Category:" .. catbase .. " not in Wikidata]]" -- bad. Bot needs to add the property
	if ignorecase ~= "" then
		value = string.lower( value )
	for i, v in ipairs(hasProp) do -- Now we try to iterate over all possible values?
		propValue = (v.mainsnak.datavalue or {}).value
		if ignorecase ~= "" then
			propValue = string.lower( propValue )
		local sourced = false -- check for external refs a la Module:WikidataIB onlysourced
		if v.references then
			for j, vr in ipairs(v.references) do
				local ref = mw.wikibase.renderSnaks(vr.snaks)
				if not ref:find("Wiki") then
					sourced = true
		if propValue == value and (not onlysourced or sourced) then
			if nocatsame == "" then
				return "[[Category:" .. catbase .. " same as Wikidata]]" -- yay!
				return nil -- if nocatsame, the "same as" category is not added
	return "[[Category:" .. catbase .. " different from Wikidata]]" -- needs human review :(

return p